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  1. Black Sunder

    Updated Idris Stats

    From Reddit here Manufacturer Aegis Dynamics Variants 2 (M/P) Cargon Capacity 100 SCU Cargo Storage Cargo Rooms Landing Gear Skids Take Off Method VTOL Max Crew 37 Role Frigate Length 237m Width 134m Height 50m...
  2. Black Sunder

    TEST Rhapsody

    Here is the last one I did: Safety TEST On with the show! Is this the [CONCERN] life? Is this just [CERTIFIED]? Caught in an inertia slide No escape from verse-ality Open your eyes Look up to the stars and see I'm just a drunk boy, I need no...
  3. Black Sunder

    Captain Richard and CIG Q&A Question Collection Thread

    I approached Captain 'Blackbeard' Richard this week about possibly setting up a QA with CIG on his stream and having him ask them some Industry related questions. He agreed to try to get someone from CIG on to answer questions. Keep in mind this is not a sure thing because CIG has their own...
  4. Black Sunder

    TEST Squadron roused to action by crazy old man

    As you can see, we are very effective at what we do. Take that Nazi scum! And then the old man just says weird stuff. Must have been drunk.
  5. Black Sunder

    Recently got back into Pokemon

    Its been a long time since I played Pokemon. I was watching Team Four Star play Leaf Green and it kindled my desire to play again. Asked a friend if he knew of a place to download an emulator and ROM for Gen 1 Pokemon Red. Been playing it and its just as fun as I...
  6. Black Sunder

    Starfarer Hype! - Walkthrough Video

    Watch in moderation.
  7. Black Sunder

    Vanduul Blade Light Fighter - Concept Sale Friday Yep. Concept Sale Friday. Theorycrafting.....GO! edit - it may actually be the small mining ship because the last RtV says that concepts had come in for it.
  8. Black Sunder

    [CERTIFIED] Ship Giveaway - Freelancer DUR, Aurora LN, P-52 Merlin! - All Done

    [CERTIFIED] Ship Giveaway - Freelancer DUR, Aurora LN, P-52 Merlin! Immediately upon reading that some other organization is giving certificates to their members for......sober reasons......I decided I had to step up my game. I am have undergone grueling seconds WEEKS of fun TORTURE to become...
  9. Black Sunder

    Just a Reminder for the Taurus Giveaway

    Just to remind everyone the Taurus giveaway on the RSI forum is in its final week so go enter by telling your worst date story or making fun of people with bad dates. That thread can be found here...
  10. Black Sunder

    [CONCERN] for State Of The Squadron #15

    Usually for these I write something really clever and funny. This will be strictly 100% information only with only a hint of [CONCERN]. I'm a terrible liar too REALLY GOOD AT TELLING THE TRUTH . Now to get this thread on the interwebs! In Days of Old and eras long passed, TEST squadron members...
  11. Black Sunder

    You have a Magical Ship Voucher, what do you get?

    Lets say CIG gave everyone a Magical Ship Voucher. With it you can get any one ship that has ever been on sale including the limited Vanduul Ships for free. This can even include the Idris-M or Idris-P. What ship do you get and why? For sake of the Magical Voucher any ship you get will...
  12. Black Sunder

    Khartu-Al (Xi'an Scout) - Single Seat Ship

    As confirmed in today's 10 For the Developers the Xi'an Scout will be a single seater craft. :( I was looking forward to putting a keg in the 2nd seat with a hose running down to me. What do you all think, those that have it?
  13. Black Sunder

    Good Ship info in Todays RtV Ship Highlights: He’s been doing real work too. Two ship kickoffs. The Drake ‘Monarch’, that changed to the Corsair, and changed to the Buccaneer, which should be the final name. Lots of arguments about it, name’s too...
  14. Black Sunder

    Safety TEST

    I haven't done something like this in a long time and had some time and inspiration today. Hope you enjoy: We can TEST if we want to We can leave your org behind 'Cause your org don't TEST and if they don't TEST Well, they're no org of mine Say, we can drink when we want to A bar they will...
  15. Black Sunder

    If you wanted to know what Metagaming in Eve Online was like....

    This may will give a good indication. This was 2013 and things have moved on ever since but it gives a view into what Eve had going for it and still does today. And for reference that is The Mittani talking and he was the leader of Goonswarm(a big 'evil' alliance) at the time, may still be, I...
  16. Black Sunder

    A TEST Idea

    See how I put TEST in the title? Clever right? After some deliberation between Black Sunder, Black Sunder and Black Sunder(who are awesome btw) I(we) came up with an idea. A TEST idea as it were. What if we were able to pool some questions from the people on the forum here and get Montoya...
  17. Black Sunder

    Jan Giveway Winding Down

    If you still want a shot at getting a Freelancer DUR make sure you enter the thread on the RSI forum. Read the rules carefully. The Freelancer DUR is being donated by that super spai @Black Sunder...
  18. Black Sunder

    Xi'An Khartu-Al up for sale

    From RtV: X-Files starts again this weekend! In celebration, they’re bringing the Xi’An Scout back on sale briefly! That’ll start today. The Xi’An Scout is available in store right now. CCU’s for the Scout will come online shortly. It’s not going into the game, it’s still a concept sale, it’ll...
  19. Black Sunder

    The Great Asteroid Menace or Black Sunder is bored tonight: SOTS #14 [CONCERN]

    General Information on The Great Asteroid Menace Members of TEST Squadron I come before you today to speak of a grave threat to our drunken ways. It is not the lack of SOTS #14, though that is a cause of great [CONCERN] to us all. I speak of the Great Asteroid Menace. For those of you who have...
  20. Black Sunder

    Go Bad News Baron!

    From this week's Reverse the Verse transcript:
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