Search results

  1. Black Sunder

    [CONCERN] New TEST Meme needed

    We must have Confused Montoya. Either created by his own hand or one of our Photoshop pros( @Gauna pls!) We must continue to be the most dank org in the game.
  2. Black Sunder

    2.5 Printable Keybinding Chart

    Found on Reddit here:
  3. Black Sunder

    The TEST Squadron Mission Guides Initiative

    The TEST Squadron Mission Guides Initiative Starting with SC Alpha 2.6 I will be launching an initiative to create a mission walkthrough to go on the TEST Wiki for every currently available mission in the game. This is not just for TEST, though we will be the first and primary beneficiaries of...
  4. Black Sunder

    The Rock Report #5

    Normally I wouldn't double post this here and the Industry Division thread but it is a bit of a milestone imo being the 5th one I've done. If you haven't been following the thread here is a glimpse into what goes on in there and what is coming next for the Industry Division. Here is the 5th Rock...
  5. Black Sunder

    TEST Squadron Industry Division Q&A #1!

    Hello and welcome to the first of hopefully many question and answer threads dedicated to answering anything and everything about the Industry Division of TEST Squadron aka Rock Raiders. Montoya may even drop by and answer some things that are larger than the Division if he wants. Ask him for...
  6. Black Sunder

    July 28th Industry Division Q&A

    On July 28th we're having the first TEST Squadron Rock Raiders Industry Division Q&A here on the forum. To that end on July 28th I will make a thread and people are welcome to post their questions as it pleases them. It is going to kick off at 12:00 noon CST and run for 6 hours. This will give...
  7. Black Sunder

    My new TESTing Rig

    Yes its true, I have just ordered the necessary parts to build a new computer. That means I can actually play Star Citizen in the near future and be horrible at it. I did not make this list, a friend did but I had alot of input into it and I trust his judgement. Tear it apart do whatever but I'm...
  8. Black Sunder

    Rock Raiders Industry Division Survey

    We've put together a small survey asking people that are interested in the Industry Division where their interests lie at this point in time. Takes 30 seconds at the most but we're just using it see what people will want to do and do the most.
  9. Black Sunder

    2 Years with TEST and Looking Forward

    Its true, according to the forum I've been here 2 years now. At least for the Korean time zone but not US yet so this is a few hours early. Been here on the forum 2 years now. I wanted to write a big list of things I've done while in TEST but I'm lazy and don't want to write it all out. It would...
  10. Black Sunder

    TEST Squadron Rock Raiders Steel Summit - June 18th at 2:00 CST - Thank you everyone that attended!

    The TEST Squadron Rock Raiders Steel Summit - June 18th at 2:00 Central Standard Time On June 18th we will be having the first Rock Raiders Steel Summit on Discord. What is the Summit? Gutsy question! You are a shark. The Steel Summit aims to bring together people in TEST that are interested in...
  11. Black Sunder

    Super Duper Ultra Mega Hyper Spastic [CONCERN] Thread!

    Behold my most brilliant art piece to date! It accurately captures my [CONCERN]! Super Duper Ultra Mega Hyper Spastic [CONCERN] Levels Achieved! I'm going into....THE DANGER ZONE Help! BEER MAN! I need my thread [CERTIFIED]! ASAP! Show your [CONCERN] by posting Corgi pictures! SECRET...
  12. Black Sunder

    Keep on Crashin' in the TEST World

    There's colors on the street Montoya, Black and Yellow Orgs shufflin' their fleets Orgs sleepin' at their comps But there's a TESTin' sign on the jump ahead There's a lot of orgs sayin' They'd be better off dead Don't feel like Goons, but I am to them So I try to forget it, drink anyway I can...
  13. Black Sunder

    We own a hockey team?

    Found proof that we apparently do. Watch them crash trying to get out of their hangar:
  14. Black Sunder

    TEST Squadron Revival(TSR) - TEST Squadron Rising

    I see a TEST Squadron rising. I see Auroras on the way. I see Montoya and Seung. I see bad times today. Don't go undock tonight, Well they're bound to take your life, There's a TEST Squadron on the rise. I hear Auroras flying. I know the end is coming soon. I fear glasses over flowing. I hear...
  15. Black Sunder

    We wanna be the very best

    We wanna be the very best, Like no org ever was. To crash them is our real TEST, To drink them is our cause. We will travel across the stars, Searching far and wide. Each alcohol to understand The power that's inside TEST Squadron, (gotta crash them all) its you and me I know its our destiny...
  16. Black Sunder

    Get your ARRRRR on - Drake Buccaneer late May

    It was revealed today in RtV that the Drake Buccaneer will be sold in late May. I'm personally not getting it but I'm interested to see how they take the Cutlass into account when designing it and its capabilities. How will it look? What can it do? Who will buy one? Find out all this and...
  17. Black Sunder

    1 Week Snap Giveaway - Aurora LN

    A certain thread of mine having to do with mining, salvaging and other things will reach 10K views either tonight or tomorrow sometime. To celebrate I said that if it reached 10K views before the weekend was over, and it looks like it'll be before the weekend even starts, that I would put an...
  18. Black Sunder

    Ship Talk Commentary #5 - The MISC Prospector

    Ship Talk Commentary #5 - The MISC Prospector Welcome back to Ship Talk Commentary. This is where I take a newly released concept ship and focus on it. There will not be any direct stat for stat comparisons to other ships in these STCs. They need to fly or crash on their own with what they are...
  19. Black Sunder

    SOTS # 16: The [CONCERN] Strikes Back

    Opening Bar Crawl: It is a dark time for TEST. Although SOTS 15 was released, [CONCERN]ed TESTies have become bored and now await further Montoya Video Content. Evading the dreaded [CONCERN] fleet, a group of freedom streamers led by Montoya has established new distractions in General...
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