Although 3.0 has been pushed to September for a live release I thought it might be nice to do something we can all enjoy before 3.0 testing really gets underway. It's called it the Ship Expo, but what it will be is a chance for people to look at, walk around in, and fly ships they themselves may...
This is your future after Gamescom sale, 3.0 Sale, and the Star Citizen Anniversary Sale later this year. This is your future. Accept it now as you have in the past but wanted to forget after so many months. Its just the circle of Money. Embrace it.
Enjoy. There are some nice tidbits in here. People with a Cyclone will get an URSA Rover as a loaner :)
This was created back when we still had the mumble server to talk on and was a group effort among myself and other people I forget because....memory.
And more from way way way back:
Ben has said that one of the next concept sales(maybe gamescom?) will be a 'game changing' concept. What are your thoughts on it? Any info been thrown out about it? I admit I don't read spectrum so I miss anything from that.
My prediction is that it is some sort of construction ship that can...
According to the calendar that's how long I've been on the forum here. I could write a huge long post but I don't feel like it nor do I have anything in mind. so I'll just say Hi!
1 Meter tall
Just under 2K pieces.
USD 119.99 / EURO 119.99 / GBP 109.99.
Epic win.
Stinger Fan Club on Spectrum
Render by @RiceMaiden!
Sunder wants this above all fighters. Then he can go mine to pay for maintenance costs.
p.s. @Printimus will say its a stupid ship. He's wrong.
Which one would it be of the ones we know? Maybe you really hate Crusader Industries for.....reasons! Maybe Anvil isn't hardcore enough for you and they need to be more like Aegis. What do you pick?
I say Shubin Interstellar. Why? Because it would be great fun to mine their miners. Also Shubin...
Check it out. They are taking subscriber questions for a 10FTC. With the recent look at the Prospector being I presume IN GAME and MINING....well......there you go. We may actually see something basic for 3.0 at the very least.
Get hyped.
Confirmed today on the Community Happy Hour. No word on price yet though. The original description made it out to be a fighter of some sort. I'm hoping its been re-purposed as a small salvager. There is precedent for this. The Terrapin was originally supposed to be a small miner/salvager and now...
Looks like we may get the ship to play with sooner than 3.1. Much sooner. May not be able to do any Mining, but there always the chance they may sneak something basic into 3.0.
Get Hyped! This was also shown at the beginning of AtV:
Ship Giveaway - Celebrating 2 years of Rock Raiders!
On this day 2 years ago I was bored at work and made the first thread for Rock Raiders. A lot of effort has been put in since then and as of last year it is the official Industry Division of TEST Squadron. To celebrate that I’m giving away...
From the January Studio Report(Foundry 42 UK - Art):
We may be flying these sooner rather than later. May not have mechanics to them but we could fly them. If the Reclaimer is this far along(Remember Gamescom they said 3.2) we may see the Orion for SC 3.1(They had say 4.0). Lets hope!
What is that ONE ship you want NOW for whatever reason but don't have. Maybe you want a Javelin? What about a Xi'an capital ship or something more in the Banu style. Or maybe you're Montoya and need a Bengal Carrier to spread propaganda JOY to the verse. What ship is it? Post a pic of it too so...