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  1. Black Sunder

    I have seen the light

    Gentlefolk of the illustrious TEST Squadron, I have sinned but now I see the light. For years I shunned Aurora in favor of larger more capable ships but from time to time bought an Aurora, only to melt it later for credit. In total before today I had flown an Aurora maybe once and it was in...
  2. Black Sunder

    Feeling Stylish? Post yours too.

    Here is my current one. And the armor loadout to replicate it:
  3. Black Sunder

    Saving headaches in 3.0

    Seems ships are still very floaty when they are supposed to have 'landed' and ships tip up for no seemingly no reason once on the ground. Maybe all our ships have big butts and we cannot lie? I've found it best to not even try landing on the ground all the way and make contact unless its at a...
  4. Black Sunder

    Default Keybindings not working?

    Is it just something on my end? Playing around in a super hornet just freeflight.After landing I get back in and press 5 because the keybindings say it is the flight ready quick start. Doesn't work. Next I'm trying to press C for space brake. No it shoots chaffe. Is it something I'm doing...
  5. Black Sunder

    Merry Christmas!

    I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, or a Happy Holidays, and if that doesn't work then a Happy TESTivus(the BESTivus). Have an excellent next few days. Eat plenty and have a good time.
  6. Black Sunder

    Things I would rather have in SC than a Tank

    #1: Beer #2: Trerminators(And Titans) #3: An SC Future Bucket Wheel Excavator. WITH LASERS #4: More small and medium sized profession ships. #5: Mining of asteroid fields
  7. Black Sunder

    The secret ingrediant that makes TEST work

    Aside from good leaderships, general laid-back atmosphere and kind people it is:
  8. Black Sunder

    To those that used to play Eve Online

    How would you compare the wait for 3.0 to the wait training high level skills? Are we all just 'used' to it by now? ps. I'm really bored tonight so this post is done out of boredom more than anything.
  9. Black Sunder

    Chris Roberts interview with MyRadar Summary shamelessly stolen from Reddit: For multicrew ship stations, they've got basic implementations of helm and weapons on the Idris (needed for the Gamescom demo) but they haven't done stations...
  10. Black Sunder

    Happy (Early) TESTgiving!

    I'm wishing everyone here a Happy (Early) TESTgiving this year. Go drink on thisThursday, be happy and thank you all for being such an awesome org to be a part of.
  11. Black Sunder

    Anniversary Sale Mega Thread - Its Done - Hammer & Hawk Available until Dec 11th

    It has begun. November 24th – Anvil Aerospace November 25th – Aegis Dynamics November 26th – Ground Vehicles and Alien Ships November 27th – Origin Jumpworks November 28th – Consolidated Outland...
  12. Black Sunder

    Are we blind? Deploy the wallets!

    From the newsletter today: "Finally, our Anniversary Special will kick off on November 24th and run through December 4th. We will be sharing details in next week’s newsletter. "
  13. Black Sunder

    When Montoya gives missions

  14. Black Sunder

    The next frontier of TESTploration

    Source: It is obvious. We need to fit as many people into a ship as possible for SCIENCE!
  15. Black Sunder

    Hurricane Irma Thread - Florida, Georgia, Alabama - Be Safe TESTies

    Irma is being tracked to impact the US East Coast. Some models are predicting it only clips the Coast, others have it running right into it starting at the Carolinas and going inland north from there. And now its tracked to go to Florida and hit it. Its a developing situation and its changing...
  16. Black Sunder

    3.0 Waiting/Prediction Megathread

    As you all know from the last AtV CIG added more criticals to fix, meaning we can't capture this pokemon yet. What is your prediction for a Live release? What week? And what game(s) are you using to pass the time? I'm predicting a CitizenCon Live Release. I'm immersing myself into World of...
  17. Black Sunder

    New Lego Star Wars UCS Millennium Falcon

    Look before its taken down. >7500 pieces is confirmed. Price tag is expected to be about 800 USD but this has not been confirmed yet. Its the one on the left and the old one on the right.Confirmed to be sold on Oct 1 with the possibility of VIPs getting the opportunity to order it the middle of...
  18. Black Sunder

    Pic of Myre having fun at Gamescom

    Shamelessly taken from Reddit:
  19. Black Sunder

    Next week in a nutshell

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