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  1. Black Sunder

    Own Javelin? Read this from this week's 10FTC

    RSI forum actually did something right(I died a bit inside admitting this) but here are the bullets from the question regarding the Javelin: From this thread: Also the Starfarer will be in...
  2. Black Sunder

    Funny RSI threads from General Chat Forum

    I think I may secretly be a masochist because I sometimes browse around the RSI forum General Chat section and read some of the thread titles there. I may also like to chew on glass because I then read the threads themselves for a page or so. Here is a smattering of what I read tonight and my...
  3. Black Sunder

    With 2015 Behind Us and 2016 Ahead - Reflections

    What a crazy year its been. Honestly it has been crazy for us. This time last year we had roughly 4800 people in the Squadron. Most of those were affiliates and we were the 4th largest organization in the game. Slowly we moved up from 4th to now 2nd and still going strong. As I'm typing this we...
  4. Black Sunder

    Star Citizen - Personal Shuttles

    I was talking to @Agent 021 about this on discord and had a dilemma. The question came up what we would be most likely to use as a quick back and forth ship that held no value to us but can perform the task of getting us from A to B fast. In Eve Online there were literally shuttles that you...
  5. Black Sunder

    Merry TESTivus to everyone!

    TESTivus - A Star Citizen Holiday for all of us History: The idea of TESTivus was formed from the show Seinfeld. It is a way to bring TEST together to celebrate the game and holiday season. After doing some research and much plagiarizing by Black Sunder, TESTivus was born. TESTivus' guiding...
  6. Black Sunder

    [CONCERN] Christmas Holiday SOTS #13?

    It has come to my attention and [CONCERN] that nearly 4 weeks have passed since the last SOTS which was #12. it is Further [CONCERN]ing that if Montoya does not do a SOTS before Christmas to wish us all a good holiday then it proves he is an evil dictator ruling us with an Aurora Fist™ and we'll...
  7. Black Sunder

    What is your TEST Pirate Alt Name?

    The scenario is this: You decided one day to make a new account and character for the Black Flag lolz. You want to go full on outlaw on this guy(no goodwill from or to anyone) because you heard its really fun. You have to make a name that will stroke fear into the hearts of your enemies. What is...
  8. Black Sunder

    Ship Talk Returns! - Ship Talk #12 - Heavy Industry

    Ship Talk #12 - Heavy Industry Risen from the depths of the abyss Ship Talk returns for its 12th main installment! With the advent of the Anvil Crucible I can finally do a Talk I wanted to do since the very first one. This is Ship Talk #12 - Heavy Industry. If you've never read any of these...
  9. Black Sunder

    Anniversary Sale - Shameful Purchases Thread(Altar of Roberts)

    Very soon today and for 11 days hereafter there will the largest sale CIG has ever done. We know of one ship being sold as a concept sale, the Crucible, but there could be 1-2 more concept ships in addition to this that we've never seen before. We know there will be 'theme days' for the sale of...
  10. Black Sunder

    Industry The Mining Guide(what we know so far)

    The Mining Guide(what we know so far) (This Guide is simply a collection of knowledge and developer quotes and is a work in progress. As new information becomes available this post will also be updated. It is important to note the date the developer quotes. They can stretch back as far as 2013...
  11. Black Sunder

    Found TEST Squadron Lego sets!

    Lego has finally blessed us with a few sets! Check it out! Montoya is the one that is black and yellow. Obviously. Ok seriously they are from the new run of Mixels and can be found here:
  12. Black Sunder

    Rock Raiders Survey Exploration Branch Leader Named

    As of 11:32 am this morning Adiran has consented to become the Rock Raider's Survey Exploration Branch Leader. Please join me in raising your glass to him as he takes on no duties whatsoever right now and will just sit there like the cool dude he is. In all seriousness he had expressed interest...
  13. Black Sunder

    Aegis Sabre Fighter - Who is getting it? So who is getting one? 170 bucks. I'm considering it.....
  14. Black Sunder

    Week after Week - TEST Recruits the most I've been following this for a while. Ever since the ADI thing when automatic invites whatever got shut down TEST has consistently week to week had the most people join. No one else comes close. Go back...
  15. Black Sunder

    /r/starcitizen shills for TEST! - Joke Thread

    With all the negative things going on lately with our favorite game it is time we step back and have a good laugh now and then. I present the /r/starcitizen TESTVenger Conspiracy. As you may have all seen on the star citizen subreddit there was a new banner image posted in the past couple...
  16. Black Sunder

    New Ship to be sold at Citizen Con - Never seen before

    From RTV: Hoping it is the Crucible!
  17. Black Sunder

    Endeavoring to Spend - Endeavor is up!

    Want to spend a bunch of money? Want to get the science ship of your dreams? Go here and purchase the knife to stab your wallet and cut your credit cards up! Seriously this looks really cool with...
  18. Black Sunder

    Challenge Accepted Chris

    From the new 10FTC: Challenge Accepted. I call upon the greater TEST Squadron to accept this challenge Chris Roberts has thrown down with the same zeal as you all drink your alcohol.
  19. Black Sunder

    Rock Raiders Is Now Official!

    Rock Raiders Is Now Official! "We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats. They destroy our explorers and we fall back. They disable entire TEST Fleets and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here, this far, no farther. And I.......I will mine them for what...
  20. Black Sunder

    Endeavor Pricing - Base Endeavor (Standard Labs Attached) - $425 - Base Hope (Hospital Layout) - $450 - Base Endeavor (No Pods) - $350 More in the thread.
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