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  1. AwesomeDude

    Rainbow six anyone?

    Game is a lot of fun and i'm happy Ubisoft is continuing to add content for another year. Anyone else play? if so whats your favorite operator?
  2. AwesomeDude

    Sharing needles, a logo suggestion.

    It came to my attention that (at least to my knowledge) there is no logo for Test Squadron's medical division/subdivision. So I decided to throw an idea out there. I thought of doing a modified Rod of Asclepius (The proper medicine staff logo with one snake. The two snake one you see in a lot of...
  3. AwesomeDude

    Propagandist Collaboration/Spotlight

    Heya Gang! I've been tasked in the past, and currently, with producing "propaganda" for testie times. You may be familiar with some of my work of photo-shopping images together into propaganda. I have also done some of our discord emotes such as this of our great leader: Anyway I am nowhere...
  4. AwesomeDude

    Stalinator asked me to do this...

    ...I don't know why. Actually congrats though.
  5. AwesomeDude

    Planetside 2 Update

    So if anyone has ever been interested in playing Planetside 2 now is the time to try it out or come back to the game. There has been a big update adding in a base construction system. It is pretty cool and has been fun to play over the last few days. So i recommend downloading and trying out the...
  6. AwesomeDude

    In Preparation for 9000

  7. AwesomeDude

    Woes of a propagandist

  8. AwesomeDude

    Propaganda Photoshopings! (Volume 2)

    Hey, you there, yes you there, look at these things i made. After you are done looking at them gimme one of those fancy like thingies. I got a pretty good Like/Post ratio going and if you could boost that it would be great. Anyway... First on my list of things i have put together from various...
  9. AwesomeDude

    CIG hates Test confirmed

  10. AwesomeDude

    So what of these "Desk Mats"

    Hmmmmmm interesting... Ah yes, also ignore the background spoilers. Anyway i just got my desk mat and it is pretty awesome!!!! If any of you were on the fence about buying one you should!!! I believe there are a few extra left in case people want to grab them. and there is of course the...
  11. AwesomeDude

    Yellow Jackets Propaganda Game Strong

    What do you guys think?
  12. AwesomeDude

    I need help with a propaganda thing

    So im working on a propaganda piece for ministry of truth. Im in the process of Test-ifing Admiral Bishop and i wanted to replace the head. If anyone has some good face pictures of montoya that would fit please post it in a replay, if i cant get one i can slap my own ugly mug on there but i...
  13. AwesomeDude

    Tactical Infantry Icons

    Was bored, had PaintDotNet open, so i decided to photoshop some useful things. I came up an idea (while bored at football practice) for some door breaching strategy's for star marine. I thought about sharing this idea with the test forums, then i realized my ideas for these tactics i thought of...
  14. AwesomeDude

    Propaganda Photoshopings!

    So i was bored, and i had PaintDotNet open, so i decided to Photoshop some things i had seen around the internet into Test Squadron Propaganda! (Most if not all is Planetside 2 related, just btw). First i altered a Terran republic Coffee-Drinking solder into a Coffee-DrinkingTest Squadron...
  15. AwesomeDude

    An Outlaw Dancing for 10 minutes

    So that dancing guy they did... i looped it, not perfect but i like listening to it. If someone could to a ten hour loop that would be awesome.
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