Any idea if/when we will be able to get a Polaris corvette?


Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2017
RSI Handle
Well fighters can still soften up your shields to make you an easier target for their bigger allies. But what you really need to watch out for are bombers. Stuff like Gladiators and Retaliators will screw you over. Though the Tali is big enough that you should be able to take it down alone.
I'm not quite sure about the missiles a corvette will have, but won't it be also able to target bombers with it? Also don't forget the Polaris has a hanger with room for a fighter for support over bombers.

EDIT: I checked the specs again, the Polaris has anti-fighter missiles

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Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2017
RSI Handle
I plan to carry the Eclipse in mine. Double bomber duty!
I think the loadout will have to be changed depending on what the "mission" will be, but yeah having an Eclipse on board will be a good idea if you're going against enemy capital ships.

That being said, I have been thinking more and more about how to man capital ships. The ship will probably have it's core crew (for the polaris I'm guessing around 6~8 people?) and then the rest will be taken from a roster depending on what you're doing (especially the pilot and his fighter for e.g.)


Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2017
RSI Handle

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
you may have it backwards

not sure if it can defend itself against torpedo ships
I think that's right, unless we find something like pyros or distortion cannons that swat an area can knock down torpedoes.

In general, Corvettes are designed to bully smaller ships and get their asses kicked against real "ships of the line" which are frigates and larger. The last thing you want with a 'Vette is to get into a shooting match with big guns or torpedoes. In a vette, if you see that you run away. While you could launch your own torps against a Void Bomber or Idris, it should be "launch and run". Which is BTW, some of the genius of leaving the spinal mounts off the Polaris--it is not tempted to fight real cap ships.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Actually, patrol boats (PT boats) were designed to be a cheap threat to bigger ships and really didn’t do much at all to smaller ships (as there weren’t any really). PT boats routinely went up against destroyers. They were fast and able to move and maneuver much more quickly than the ships they harassed and targeted. That is what kept them alive


Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm not quite sure why people think I said I was planning on going 1 ship army vs bigger ships xD. All I said was a Polaris can be a support in large fleets, or do small raids/patrols. Never did I imagine a corvette with 14 max crew could take on a 80 crew Idris, with all their extra guns and bigger shields and stuff... you know

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I'm not quite sure why people think I said I was planning on going 1 ship army vs bigger ships xD. All I said was a Polaris can be a support in large fleets, or do small raids/patrols. Never did I imagine a corvette with 14 max crew could take on a 80 crew Idris, with all their extra guns and bigger shields and stuff... you know
There's no way to know yet, but one thing about the Polaris as a topedo platform is the torps will supposedly have much greater range than the big spinal mounts, so in theory, especially with a spotter and while "hiding" in something like an asteroid field, a Polaris could work over an Idris pretty badly. It will be fun to find out in the future. What we know is the Corvette can't take a hit from a bigger ship. That will just kill it.

The Idris was designed like the US Iowa class battleship in that it can take a huge pounding because of its advanced damage control systems. It would likely take many barrages of multiple S10 torps to kill it. You certainly won't be able to sneak up on it and kill it all at once they way you might a Void Bomber.


Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2017
RSI Handle
There's no way to know yet, but one thing about the Polaris as a topedo platform is the torps will supposedly have much greater range than the big spinal mounts, so in theory, especially with a spotter and while "hiding" in something like an asteroid field, a Polaris could work over an Idris pretty badly. It will be fun to find out in the future. What we know is the Corvette can't take a hit from a bigger ship. That will just kill it.

The Idris was designed like the US Iowa class battleship in that it can take a huge pounding because of its advanced damage control systems. It would likely take many barrages of multiple S10 torps to kill it. You certainly won't be able to sneak up on it and kill it all at once they way you might a Void Bomber.
What about a group of corvettes? and how many do you think will need to band up to take down an Idris? (all in theory ofc)


Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
Well fighters can still soften up your shields to make you an easier target for their bigger allies. But what you really need to watch out for are bombers. Stuff like Gladiators and Retaliators will screw you over. Though the Tali is big enough that you should be able to take it down alone.
I see your point but also you can bring too your own fighters.

Why not, instead of a Hammerhead, a second Polaris? :slight_smile:

And of course, pre combat intel...
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Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
From what I understand, Polaris is a torpedo boat, meant to dish hate on bigger ships, but, be weaker to medium-small ships. Hammer head would be good to help protect the Polaris. It's ok. I will keep you safe
It fills the role of WWII "Torpedo Boat Destroyer" (aka Destroyer) as near as I can tell. It can engage Retaliators before they get in range of the taskforce. It only has a pair of tubes, so solo won't be as effective against point defense as Talis are but can engage as part of a strike and do significant damage if it connects.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
That is so redundant. Why a ship almost impervious to fighters would need to be defended against fighters?
You sound like an interwar Admiral. If ships are impervious to fighters, we wouldn't even have fighters. We certainly wouldn't have Carriers.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
TL;DR: I think I found my one true love when it comes to ships, can't wait to captain one. Any idea when that'll happen? (since this is a UEES ship, not sure if we can buy it or not)

After multiple "attempts" at dogfights, I think I've got no future as a fighter, I've always preferred bigger ships anyways. And since I am guessing the bigger the ship the higher the price, I've been looking at something to match my interests and I think the UEES Polaris is exactly what I'm looking for.

A corvette class ship, with room for one fighter/light bomber/support ship (probably for scouting), a healthy sized missile/torpedo stock, and several manned turrets. Basically it can be a support ship for a fleet, or carry out small raids on it's own. And that the curves on that beauty... *zones out*

Anyway, What are the odds we can have a ship like that among our personal collection? if there is a ship I'm willing to put money on, it's this one.
You aren't happy with your dog fighting skills, but still want to be combat focused?

There are other jobs in Star Citizen. :)

You could get a Freelancer, Cutlass, or even Avenger Titan, Constellation or Hull series and Haul cargo.

You could get a 315p, a Freelancer DUR, Aquilla or Carrack and explore.

An Industry ship and mine, refine fuel, or scrap.

Now if your goal is a multi-crew ship, with a bit of versatility that can support the org and shoot up Cap ships, and fly it now, there is my favorite ship, the Retaliator. Though since the modules aren't in game and there are no legitimate targets for Size 9 torps, it isn't much more than flyable hangar art right now. :)


Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2017
RSI Handle
You aren't happy with your dog fighting skills, but still want to be combat focused?

There are other jobs in Star Citizen. :slight_smile:

You could get a Freelancer, Cutlass, or even Avenger Titan, Constellation or Hull series and Haul cargo.

You could get a 315p, a Freelancer DUR, Aquilla or Carrack and explore.

An Industry ship and mine, refine fuel, or scrap.

Now if your goal is a multi-crew ship, with a bit of versatility that can support the org and shoot up Cap ships, and fly it now, there is my favorite ship, the Retaliator. Though since the modules aren't in game and there are no legitimate targets for Size 9 torps, it isn't much more than flyable hangar art right now. :slight_smile:
Pretty sure Polaris and above won't engage in dog fights, that's what the fighters/interceptors are for :beers:

As for other jobs, hauling/trading isn't something that excites me, and I got a 315p for exploration, though sooner or later, things will boil down to good old war, so I'd like to have a ship capable of joining the fight when needed.

As for Retaliator and other multi-crew ship, it's not about just having a ship to fly with other mates in (though it's fun I'm sure) I was looking for something more... how should I say, something bigger, and bombers/heavy bombers are not the role I'm looking for.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
It will be VERY difficult to make a living with a Polaris. The 315 is a good starter ship, but you will need something to pay the bills.

From what understand about the game as it will be (at this point in time), your career will start small and then get big.

From a military stand point, you will need to be able to show skill as someone who can clear out small groups of bandits, and then move on to bigger successes. This means a ship progression that would look more like this:
315/325/Gladius/Hornet->Super Hornet/Sabre/Bucc->Vanguard/Freelancer->Connie Andromeda/Retaliator/Redeemer->Hammerhead->Polaris->Idris->Javelin.

Now, you might not need every ship in that lineup. You might be able to go from a 315 to a SH and then up to a Retaliator/Redeemer and then from there to a Polaris, but you won't get the big paying missions right off the bat. Now, you can probably skip the 315 and Gladius and maybe just go directly to either the SH/Saber/Bucc or the Vanguard, but that's probably as far as you can go and still make money initially. You might be able to make money privately as an escort with something like a Hammerhead or a Polaris, but that will require people to be using Hull D and Hull E ships, which also won't be profitable right away. Now, some might start being used within a week or two of launch, but they will be much fewer and further between and will require the same ability to profit from trading as currently exists (which is probably over rewarding and will be tuned down to string out the timeframe.)

My suggestion is to have a plan to make money while building your reputation. Otherwise, be prepared to be buying a lot of UEC off of CIG for real money while you build your rep to the point you can support yourself in game.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Pretty sure Polaris and above won't engage in dog fights, that's what the fighters/interceptors are for :beers:

As for other jobs, hauling/trading isn't something that excites me, and I got a 315p for exploration, though sooner or later, things will boil down to good old war, so I'd like to have a ship capable of joining the fight when needed.

As for Retaliator and other multi-crew ship, it's not about just having a ship to fly with other mates in (though it's fun I'm sure) I was looking for something more... how should I say, something bigger, and bombers/heavy bombers are not the role I'm looking for.
Oh, and a Polaris is nothing more than a bigger Retaliator. You might be wanting an Idris or Javelin. Those ships will have the same issues with making money as the Polaris...but will probably have an even tougher time making money.
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