Any idea if/when we will be able to get a Polaris corvette?


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
My suggestion is to have a plan to make money while building your reputation. Otherwise, be prepared to be buying a lot of UEC off of CIG for real money while you build your rep to the point you can support yourself in game.

Listen my fellow drunken testies for Thalstan speaks the truth. Make sure when you go for that beautiful capital ship you leave yourself several smaller ships to allow for Rep farming and UEC to pay off the deductible when you crash your Capital ship. 3.0 is showing us a glimpse into this future with missions and repair costs. While I would love to be able to take out my Orion on day 1 of release to funnel ore into SteveTanks building ways, I'm not sure I can afford to run at a deficit like most countries.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Listen my fellow drunken testies for Thalstan speaks the truth. Make sure when you go for that beautiful capital ship you leave yourself several smaller ships to allow for Rep farming and UEC to pay off the deductible when you crash your Capital ship. 3.0 is showing us a glimpse into this future with missions and repair costs. While I would love to be able to take out my Orion on day 1 of release to funnel ore into SteveTanks building ways, I'm not sure I can afford to run at a deficit like most countries.
I don't even expect my Tali to leave port on day one, unless it is to shuttle it away from the crowd to a less crowded home port. That is why I have an Avenger Titan, and will have stasis pods for it when that addition is allowed as opposed to the current either/or. :)
I have a Vanguard Sentinel/Warden but that is for escorting my other half and Org Support flights. :)

The Tali should become my go to ship, but I definitely have to be able to pay for it.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
even those people with 20-30k UEC at the start will probably be flying something like a Cutlass, Aurora, or Freelancer day 1. Even a Connie might be a little too expensive until you've padded your wallet a bit.

Making money and building rep will be the keys to success during the live game. No matter what, you will need money, and your reputation will be needed to get the jobs you want.

Think about it. If Medial supplies are 40/unit, then even buying 8,000 UEC of them (more than what we started with this time around) is only 2 SCU. An Aurora CL can carry 6 SCU, which is 24,000 SCU. Even if I had 30,000 SCU to start, I would not be spending that much on my first cargo.


Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2017
RSI Handle
even those people with 20-30k UEC at the start will probably be flying something like a Cutlass, Aurora, or Freelancer day 1. Even a Connie might be a little too expensive until you've padded your wallet a bit.

Making money and building rep will be the keys to success during the live game. No matter what, you will need money, and your reputation will be needed to get the jobs you want.

Think about it. If Medial supplies are 40/unit, then even buying 8,000 UEC of them (more than what we started with this time around) is only 2 SCU. An Aurora CL can carry 6 SCU, which is 24,000 SCU. Even if I had 30,000 SCU to start, I would not be spending that much on my first cargo.
I realize that the start will most probably will be with small ships, which I am all for, but I don't think just doing trade runs is the only way to start (I hope not). I would prefer to have options, you know, some missions for exploration/combat/delivery, trade will be a bitch at first, since I expect a lot of people will rush that hoping to cash in early on, so I prefer a stable albeit slower way of making money.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
even those people with 20-30k UEC at the start will probably be flying something like a Cutlass, Aurora, or Freelancer day 1. Even a Connie might be a little too expensive until you've padded your wallet a bit.

Making money and building rep will be the keys to success during the live game. No matter what, you will need money, and your reputation will be needed to get the jobs you want.

Think about it. If Medial supplies are 40/unit, then even buying 8,000 UEC of them (more than what we started with this time around) is only 2 SCU. An Aurora CL can carry 6 SCU, which is 24,000 SCU. Even if I had 30,000 SCU to start, I would not be spending that much on my first cargo.
That is exactly why I have my Titan. Versatile ship, low cost can be used to retrieve cargo or, with a stasis pod or six, people. :)

"We are a single body, with no allegiance to anyone but ourselves. We offer one, simple service to all of our clients - we will cross contested jurisdictions for you, find who or what you’re looking for, and bring it back to you in the condition requested. Simple. Elegant. No one knows who hires us, but everyone knows they can trust us to get the job done, and we can guarantee that because our agents are guided by one principle, one code. What is that code?"
"The Warrant is all."


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I realize that the start will most probably will be with small ships, which I am all for, but I don't think just doing trade runs is the only way to start (I hope not). I would prefer to have options, you know, some missions for exploration/combat/delivery, trade will be a bitch at first, since I expect a lot of people will rush that hoping to cash in early on, so I prefer a stable albeit slower way of making money.
Trade runs will not be the only way but it might be the easiest to power level by getting UEC and using that to fill up your hauler and turn a quicker profit, or hooking up with the Orion miners and start doing ore hauling. I'm still not sure how profitable exploration will be at the start and months after release it might be hard to make a living at it. Combat and missions will be the easiest for CIG to control and balance to their idea of how fast people should acquire wealth and so i figure it will tend to be the slowest ramp up compared to mining and trading.


Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2017
RSI Handle
Trade runs will not be the only way but it might be the easiest to power level by getting UEC and using that to fill up your hauler and turn a quicker profit, or hooking up with the Orion miners and start doing ore hauling. I'm still not sure how profitable exploration will be at the start and months after release it might be hard to make a living at it. Combat and missions will be the easiest for CIG to control and balance to their idea of how fast people should acquire wealth and so i figure it will tend to be the slowest ramp up compared to mining and trading.
True that, sadly I don't (nor intend to) own a fleet of ships from a broad range of jobs, I'll do the best with what I have (probably invest into 2~3 more ships max) and after the game comes out I'll see how/what ships I should be getting. :)

thanks for the info though guys, you're a real help.:banana::beers:


Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
It will be VERY difficult to make a living with a Polaris. The 315 is a good starter ship, but you will need something to pay the bills.

From what understand about the game as it will be (at this point in time), your career will start small and then get big.

From a military stand point, you will need to be able to show skill as someone who can clear out small groups of bandits, and then move on to bigger successes. This means a ship progression that would look more like this:
315/325/Gladius/Hornet->Super Hornet/Sabre/Bucc->Vanguard/Freelancer->Connie Andromeda/Retaliator/Redeemer->Hammerhead->Polaris->Idris->Javelin.

Now, you might not need every ship in that lineup. You might be able to go from a 315 to a SH and then up to a Retaliator/Redeemer and then from there to a Polaris, but you won't get the big paying missions right off the bat. Now, you can probably skip the 315 and Gladius and maybe just go directly to either the SH/Saber/Bucc or the Vanguard, but that's probably as far as you can go and still make money initially. You might be able to make money privately as an escort with something like a Hammerhead or a Polaris, but that will require people to be using Hull D and Hull E ships, which also won't be profitable right away. Now, some might start being used within a week or two of launch, but they will be much fewer and further between and will require the same ability to profit from trading as currently exists (which is probably over rewarding and will be tuned down to string out the timeframe.)

My suggestion is to have a plan to make money while building your reputation. Otherwise, be prepared to be buying a lot of UEC off of CIG for real money while you build your rep to the point you can support yourself in game.
There are two routes for big money:
* Vanduul fighting (rep based as you said, I suppose)
* unsafe space control

For the later you do not need rep, just a nice org ;-)


Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
Oh, and a Polaris is nothing more than a bigger Retaliator. You might be wanting an Idris or Javelin. Those ships will have the same issues with making money as the Polaris...but will probably have an even tougher time making money.
Hmmm I thing CIG suggested there will be no problems with money at the start to use a Polaris.

I see your point, but I really doubt CIG will force you to leave it in the hangar until you have enough reputation months later. Probably you already start with a good military/UEE reputation. They said that PU happens after Squadron 42th and supposedly Squadron 42 is already a good military career where you got your star citizenship.

Probably you will start with the reputations needed for the ships you are starting with. Take into account that CIG have already done/schedule things to please big expenders as allow one player to control a fleet of ships of up to 4 wingmans and around 20 NPCs, NPC accounts, etc.

Anyway I will try to ask about that using my concierge privileges.

Polaris is not a Tali on steroids, it is much more:
* deep space advanced base, with restocking, repairs and a pool table
* spawn place
* a fleet supporter
* a security keeper ship just because of fear
* a good pair of eyes
* a ship powerful enough to harass you if you do not have something bigger


Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2017
RSI Handle
Hmmm I thing CIG suggested there will be no problems with money at the start to use a Polaris.

I see your point, but I really doubt CIG will force you to leave it in the hangar until you have enough reputation months later. Probably you already start with a good military/UEE reputation. They said that PU happens after Squadron 42th and supposedly Squadron 42 is already a good military career where you got your star citizenship.

Probably you will start with the reputations needed for the ships you are starting with. Take into account that CIG have already done/schedule things to please big expenders as allow one player to control a fleet of ships of up to 4 wingmans and around 20 NPCs, NPC accounts, etc.

Anyway I will try to ask about that using my concierge privileges.

Polaris is not a Tali on steroids, it is much more:
* deep space advanced base, with restocking, repairs and a pool table
* spawn place
* a fleet supporter
* a security keeper ship just because of fear
* a good pair of eyes
* a ship powerful enough to harass you if you do not have something bigger

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
God damnit, now y'all have me thinking about Polaris and Tali's, hahaha.

Shit. Shit shit shit shit.

I hate you all. I don't, I love you, but I'm weak, and y'all are emailing me think other ship thoughts now.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Polaris is not a Tali on steroids, it is much more:
* deep space advanced base, with restocking, repairs and a pool table
* spawn place
* a fleet supporter
* a security keeper ship just because of fear
* a good pair of eyes
* a ship powerful enough to harass you if you do not have something bigger
And don't forget it can carry more troops than the Prowler or Tally troop transport, as well as a fair bit of cargo/weapons cashe, small vehicles, etc.


Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2017
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
The dream ship for it would be the Terrapin if they would allow the swivel chair to be replaced with mods like a med bed or jump seats.
They've already stated that they are not gonna do that. :(


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
They've already stated that they are not gonna do that. :(
Yet the dream lives on with the hope that enough money is thrown at them they will reconsider after all its still fitting with in the flavor text of the initial concept. After all they did remove the struts form the 600 just recently.
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