That's great (also have sodastream) the best thing is you can control the carbonation and I like mine extra fizzy! Got hooked on seltzer water while doing homestay in Germany XDI'm a carbo-holic and bought a SodaStream. I use the sugar-free Mio / Dasani Drops or whatever. Not that that shit is any better for you, but at least you can control what you put in it.
Not to sound like a dick, but I wouldn't recommend that routine to anybody. It's a mess. You're running some random bro-split with an absurd amount of volume for no real reason. You may feel tired but you could be making much more progress on an already developed routine. You're just working your body to death by trying to fit every possible exercise you found on into one day. You don't need 50 variations of a curl. 21's are not a real exercise. Ignore any broscience that says they're're just fatiguing yourself.For y'all looking to get fit and have a bench/can get a bench and have a pair of dumbells, here you go, hits every muscle group in the body.
Note: I personally find weightlifting/training to be very relaxing. I just need to clean my weight room again :D If anyone does end up using this, lemme know, I wanna see how well it works for yah, it works very well for me.
Hey..if it works for you, go for it. I just wouldn't try to throw a complete newbie onto something like that.@Egriz
I've made faster progress off of this than anything I've ever done, including things exceptionally similar to what you posted (You essentially posted my old 6-day). May be a mess, but it works, least for me. Plus, like I said, I enjoy it, it's relaxing, so that's the big part. A note to also add that this is high volume, medium-low weight. The entire goal is volume, probably should have mentioned that.
Eh, that's why I said "If anyone tries." I should have phrased things better I guess in my initial. Your's would easily be better for folks starting out (And probably take a lot less time too :D )Hey..if it works for you, go for it. I just wouldn't try to throw a complete newbie onto something like that.
and @Hero9012
If you want to easily switch from soda, just try carbonated water (you may hate it at first but you may grow to like it better!)
You have way less gut than me. I might have to give your workout a go.Get ready to get inspired guys.
Work out:
Upper body days: french fries and mayonnaise
Leg days: sitting up and down in my comfortable leather ikea chair.
Cardio (5 to 7 times a week): walking to the fridge, getting grosseries from the car (its an apartment, a lot of stairs), walking to the car.
The result speaks for itself. (i can provide a full program upon request for a small price of a burger or a milkshake)
I could probably add a goodGet ready to get inspired guys.
Work out:
Upper body days: french fries and mayonnaise
Leg days: sitting up and down in my comfortable leather ikea chair.
Cardio (5 to 7 times a week): walking to the fridge, getting grosseries from the car (its an apartment, a lot of stairs), walking to the car.
The result speaks for itself. (i can provide a full program upon request for a small price of a burger or a milkshake)
I like this one, but have had to modify it to fit my personal needs:Get ready to get inspired guys.
Work out:
Upper body days: french fries and mayonnaise
Leg days: sitting up and down in my comfortable leather ikea chair
Cardio (5 to 7 times a week): walking to the fridge, getting grosseries from the car (its an apartment, a lot of stairs), walking to the car.
The result speaks for itself. (i can provide a full program upon request for a small price of a burger or a milkshake)
The mere thought of 100 burpees makes my knees ache, to say nothing of the rest of me. I think by the time I reached 30, I'd maybe get a centimeter off the ground.I like to do stuff and things. I run. A lot. And sprints. I'm a big fan of high intensity workouts. 100 Burpees for time. Today was 100 tire flips, 150 Kettle Bell swings, 200 Medicine ball slams, for time. Stuff like that.
Haha, that's how I feel every goddamned time I do it. Yet, I keep doing it . . .The mere thought of 100 burpees makes my knees ache, to say nothing of the rest of me. I think by the time I reached 30, I'd maybe get a centimeter off the ground.