Christmas sale indecision.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
"Carrack: I want something to work towards in game. The DURp is apparently the largest ship that can use small jump holes, this making it slightly more versatile then Carrack. Also, I can solo a DURp. I just love the Freelancer. I'm looking for something mid sized that I can use with TESTies when the need arises. Something versatile, fun, etc. I love the look of the Carrack. Love everything about it. Just not sold on spending the extra 65 bucks(I have 285 in credits and upgrade potential) at this point, especially with Christmas just around the corner."

I understand, just don't see the point in 2 explorer type ships, Dur and Aquila virtually fill the same roles, maybe an Andromeda? Or swap Dur for a Misc and get Aquila? I personally am gonna CCU my Sentinel for a Reclaimer if sale comes up.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
Did you consider an Endeavor?
I know for a fact you've been drooling over MISC ships (which are spaceship porn, to say the least) and it doesn't overlap with your DURp / Sabre.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I understand, just don't see the point in 2 explorer type ships, Dur and Aquila virtually fill the same roles, maybe an Andromeda? Or swap Dur for a Misc and get Aquila? I personally am gonna CCU my Sentinel for a Reclaimer if sale comes up.
Exactly. I don't need 2 ships that fit the same role. What I do want is a mid sized, versatile ship. Something that feels like home base. Comfortable. I could upgrade the DURp, but damn, do I love my Freelancer.
That Reclaimer is a nice looking platform. I almost went for her at one point, but as cool as it is, I want to have something to work towards in game.
Did you consider an Endeavor?
No. I haven't actually. I think it may be too much ship for me, haha. I'll check it out.
I know for a fact you've been drooling over MISC ships (which are spaceship porn, to say the least) and it doesn't overlap with your DURp / Sabre.
I have been quite the whiny little raptor with my indecision, haha. But there are just so many neat ships, gaaaaa. And yes, misc ships are space porn. So pretty.

To tell ya the truth, after last night's research (I'm putting way too much thought and time into this. That is NOT the TEST way) I'm leaning towards Redeemer or Starfarer. Redeemer is supposedly going to have modules, and it looks bad ass. Starfarer is a pig, but I love the interior.

I can upgrade to Starfarer during the sale, have a upgrade to Redeemer bought and waiting to use, as well as Redeemer to BMM upgrade sitting in my hanger. Gives me options to try out.


Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
The general theme seems to be look at the roles that you want to do and pick ships based on those roles which I agree with. If you are not looking to part with too much dosh then one of the Reliant variants might be worth a look. It's a good looking ship! You could even go for the explorer variant and ccu your Freelancer to the Max variant to increase the roles you have covered.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
"Exactly. I don't need 2 ships that fit the same role. What I do want is a mid sized, versatile ship. Something that feels like home base. Comfortable. I could upgrade the DURp, but damn, do I love my Freelancer.
That Reclaimer is a nice looking platform. I almost went for her at one point, but as cool as it is, I want to have something to work towards in game."

I agree the lancer is looking great atm and I will keep my Dur for exploring, if I were you and you truly want a multipurpose ship I would look at the Andromeda, Caterpillar, Cutlass, Starfarer all of those I believe will be multipurpose to a point depending on your price range there are bigger options but I think Cutlass would be cheapest route and to me Andromeda just spews multipurpose and should be easy to mod as they have stated its prolly one of the most versatile ships out there along with caterpillar.

I know how you feel when it comes to making decisions I have melted, CCU'd like a crazy man since I got into this game and it shows no signs of stopping lol.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
The general theme seems to be look at the roles that you want to do and pick ships based on those roles which I agree with. If you are not looking to part with too much dosh then one of the Reliant variants might be worth a look. It's a good looking ship! You could even go for the explorer variant and ccu your Freelancer to the Max variant to increase the roles you have covered.
Explorer: Freelancer DURp √
Escort/Fighter: Sabre √
Smuggler/home base/multirole: Connie/Starfarer/BMM/Redeemer (because modules, and because why not)

Those Reliants are neat, however, I'm looking to downsize the fleet and have a few ships I use more rather then lots of ships I use less.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
"Exactly. I don't need 2 ships that fit the same role. What I do want is a mid sized, versatile ship. Something that feels like home base. Comfortable. I could upgrade the DURp, but damn, do I love my Freelancer.
That Reclaimer is a nice looking platform. I almost went for her at one point, but as cool as it is, I want to have something to work towards in game."

I agree the lancer is looking great atm and I will keep my Dur for exploring, if I were you and you truly want a multipurpose ship I would look at the Andromeda, Caterpillar, Cutlass, Starfarer all of those I believe will be multipurpose to a point depending on your price range there are bigger options but I think Cutlass would be cheapest route and to me Andromeda just spews multipurpose and should be easy to mod as they have stated its prolly one of the most versatile ships out there along with caterpillar.

I know how you feel when it comes to making decisions I have melted, CCU'd like a crazy man since I got into this game and it shows no signs of stopping lol.
Yeah man, the indecision is hilarious. On the plus side, I'm doing fuck ton's of research. :). I used to have a Cutlass blue. Melted her. Lol. That's where my in store credits come from. Andromeda, even Taurus would be great, and easy enough to CCU later if I so choose. I have this stupid hiccup though, where I seem to think I want a ship that's not common. Not always on sale. Special addition if you will. Hence Starfarer etc. Ha. Idiot I am.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
Those Reliants are neat, however, I'm looking to downsize the fleet and have a few ships I use more rather then lots of ships I use less.
This. My current limit is 3 ships and the roles I want them to fulfill are the following: the "Home Base" (the one I'll fly most often - needs to be efficient with a crew of 1 and also versatile enough to please the indecisive pilot ), "The Specialist" (either science or mini-industry) and "The Backup" (something to fly while I wait to collect insurance on my other ships). Also, I want to keep away from the big ships, both for financial reasons and also to leave me something to do in game. Also, I have no friends.

So far, my lineup is this:
1. "Home Base" - Freelancer - currently base model, but I'm thinking about upgrading to one of the variants.
2. "The Specialist" - Still auditioning. I might go with a Reliant Sen for SCIENCE! or a Hull B for hauling.
3. "The Backup" - Aurora MR

My OCD couldn't handle any more ships. And neither could my wallet.
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Lol, my wallet won't either...well maybe one upgrade. I do really REALLY want that Carrack. Haha.
I do have a couple extra ships. Like an extra P72 LTI and and Aurora MR for the package. And because Aurora. But my mainstays are my Freelancer DURp and my Sabre. I'd be interested to know what ships will be able to dock smaller ships. The Endeavor has a docking bay for a Cutlass. The Connie's can dock the snubs. What about the BMM, the Carrack?


Dec 6, 2015
RSI Handle
Ive been thinking about getting a Sabre, i allready have the Constellation Andromeda and i feel that i need a single seat fighter to just hop in to in order to do some Pew Pew. Having a fast and agile fighter that packs somewhat of a punch would be good imo, i think Boom N Zoom tactics will play a larger role in the dogfighting in the future then people think, but im unsure if i should wait a year to see if some new fighter should surface as an alternative.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
My heart wants to buy a Sabre as well ... but my head is saying that it might not be worth the price tag. Seems like it's going to have a limited role on a battlefield (quick precision attack and get the heck outta there). Certainly an important role when it comes to battle strategy but if this infact is its role ... that's a very limited one given the price of admission.


Space Marshal
Mar 14, 2015
RSI Handle
Hrm, this thread has made me re-evaluate my hangar...
LTI Redeemer
LTI Vanguard
LTI Sabre
Pkg Avenger

Since I'm going to want package'd npcs (which will hopefully be cheaper rates if not free upkeep costs) i may melt my vanguard for...

Pkg 315p
4 $45 packages

To allow for 5 npc crew runnin around on the BMM or providing escort... Hrm, thoughts? Note, I'll be solo quite often methinks and the NPCs can supposedly be taken over by friends when they are on


Space Marshal
Feb 20, 2015
RSI Handle
Does anyone remember how much the BMM is/was? I'm very much considering melting my tali and 325 for it if it shows up. I feel that I'm more of a support role type person anyways, and the bomber looks kinda, out of place with the rest of my "wishlist," even though it is nice to fly in 2.0. I also figure the tali will be easier to get in game than the BMM, and that the BMM is more of a money maker.
Opinions on my plan on possibly trading Tali+325 for the BMM?
Secret edit: Or possibly the tali+325 and snag an Orion if it's up. I think that was 250ish as well.
Last edited:

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Does anyone remember how much the BMM is/was? I'm very much considering melting my tali and 325 for it if it shows up. I feel that I'm more of a support role type person anyways, and the bomber looks kinda, out of place with the rest of my "wishlist," even though it is nice to fly in 2.0. I also figure the tali will be easier to get in game than the BMM, and that the BMM is more of a money maker.
Opinions on my plan on possibly trading Tali+325 for the BMM?
Secret edit: Or possibly the tali+325 and snag an Orion if it's up. I think that was 250ish as well.
Banu MM is 250 as a standalone.


Space Marshal
Mar 14, 2015
RSI Handle
Does anyone remember how much the BMM is/was? ...and that the BMM is more of a money maker.
Opinions on my plan on possibly trading Tali+325 for the BMM?
Is/was $250. As for trading TO a BMM i suggest waiting, especially since those two ships are usable now. But other than that i would think the BMM would indeed be more difficult to get in universe
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