CIG issues warnings, twitter becomes a bit butthurty.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Breaking news, CIG has issued some warnings and suspensions for behavior which constituted a breach of the Harassment/Griefing terms and conditions we all agreed to when we pledged.- PvPers now having conversations what constitutes harassment.



Unfolding DRAMA we'll see how this goes. Perhaps Pyro should have come in 3.12 and this could have been restricted to the Lawless systems?



Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
well considering that as soon as I logged in todaty in the chat thre was a discussion beteween two player on "how fun" is to EMP Prospectors while they leave orbit and watch them falling and crash into a planet I can see why GIC is puling this trigger...


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Mmm there is a kill per day limit now??? Isn't Star Citizen supposed to be an online game with actual players that can fight each others?

Or did I got this wrong and I'm playing Polly pocket online?
What are the "rules" and the limit about player fighting each others? What is the entire point of the crime stat system in that case?

I can read the ToS and I really can't see how, besides pure harassment, a killing spree can be a banable offense...

This needs some clarification from CIG and fast...


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Mmm there is a kill per day limit now??? Isn't Star Citizen supposed to be an online game with actual players that can fight each others?

Or did I got this wrong and I'm playing Polly pocket online?
What are the "rules" and the limit about player fighting each others? What is the entire point of the crime stat system in that case?

This needs some clarification from CIG and fast...
I think CIG wil base this on some telemetry they got.

For example "Player X" has killed 10 player in 20 minute, all of them ware at New Babbage an theyr ship got destroyed within 5' of spawn... this will be put a flag on "Player X" as a griefier an issue him a warning.... if "Player X" will do smilare "gameplay" for another session it will be ban...

Or, as a metioned above: from telemetry result that lot's of players while in a Prospector got destroyed for crash just after being hit with a EMP attack by "Player Y"... now "Player Y" receive a warning flag.

The only concern on this system is if they take into account org membership: if TEST organize some CTF does those killing count on the "worning quota"?


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Without even reading further I know exactly how this plays out.

Immediately there PVP crowd goes "OMG now I cant even shoot people?!?!" and take the argument to the extreme that CIG does not want PVP at all, because clearly that is logical.

There is a difference between PVP'ing as the game intended and griefing because you simply want another person to log off and leave the game.

Not long ago there was a case of individuals using the API or other methods to find what server somebody was on, track them down and just keep killing them over and over. The victim would log off, try another server and keep getting killed by the same people over and over. Is that PVP as intended?

In the case of a streamer like Captain Richard, he has a long friends list of people he adds. People will regularly log into his server and stream snipe him because its funny. Technically that is not against the rules, its fair game, but obviously its an annoyance when you are trying to stream content.

Capt Richard will log off, go to a fresh server and invite 10-20 friends. Then again somebody joins his server, finds him, blows him up. He will then leave the server, start a fresh server, rinse and repeat.

Is this within the rules? Yes, there is no rule against engaging other ships or players in areas where its permissible.

But is this within the spirit of the game, or is one party simply being a dick?

One single person deciding that they want to ruin his evening's stream by constantly attacking him is an annoyance. Now what if this happens for two days in a row? Three? How about five days in row?

At which point is it no longer PVP as intended and just another player being an asshole?

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
This will be a whole lot less of an issue once the proper law enforcement responses are up and running. Won't be able to sit outside Olisar ganking people for very long if a pair of Hammerheads and an Idris stop in to shove a fleshy banana up your tailpile.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Let me also register my CONCERN.

Honestly, without *any* context whatsoever, I have no idea what to think, as I have no idea what the heck happened.

My suspicion is that CIG sends these out *all the time*, and on rare instances, butt-hurt players who may or may not know how they got the missive then post things on Twitter and say things like, "WTF CIG, how did I get this? Is CIG anti-PVP?"


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
Nah fuck em, there are too many players who just log in and kill everything in sight regardless of what the other players are doing.

There are too many people jerking each other off ruining peoples streams just to be arseholes.

Now, dont get me wrong, I dont have a lot of time for streamers as a whole, there are couple I like, a couple need to take a running jump, and the rest I can take or leave, but all of them should be able to legitimately play the game without being targeted just for being a name on twitch.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Its in pre alpha and all the mechanics to deal with griefing have yet to be implemented or fleshed out. In the meantime if CIG sees it as a problem then so be it. Way more people don't PvP than do, so why should the majority give a shit about a select few try hards? The PvPers are going to get vocal and cry about it, as some of you obviously are, you bunch of babies ;) . Too bad, so sad, fyte me.


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
@NaffNaffBobFace Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Much appreciated!

My Opinion!
They stopped working on Star know trading, etc etc and have been making 'EVE 2.0' for the last year.
(Just look at the Reputation system.....see anything about doing Corvalex Delivery missions. [which many people love] --- No! Only pew pew missions...)
Don't believe me? try doing some cargo runs......Even the Pickup & Deliver Missions now suck (and don't work most of the time).

What did HELL did they & you all expect when the Streamers and Youtubers demanded more Shoot-em-Up pew pew like all the other games on the market?
This is what happens when you are more concerned with making money from 'entertaining' your audience then helping to make a DREAM come true.
---- This is rapidly becoming just another damn PINBALL CLONE. (EVE 2.0)
Try Arena Commander to entertain your audience. That is what it is for. Anybody playing Star Marine...No but you are now demanding ToW...........
Let's waste more Time & Money on ToW.......That is what they told us the last Star Marine Map was for.............Remember?
Been there, done that - BORED! Need more pew pew! (But on our terms!)

CIG now tells us that we will have several more 'Special Events' this year.
Lots of Time & Money spent on them and they will ALL be 'Shoot-em-Ups.
When are you going to get fed up with this and demand they go back to making Star Citizen?
What? No profit in Streaming anything except pew pew?......I rest my case.

Personally, if CIG does not stop making more fighting and does not start working on Trade, Salvage, Exploration and other careers for the other 80% of players,
then I will stop testing, helping and pledging to pay their salaries.......
I will give CIG until the end of Summer.........CItCon in August.
No more words - let us see Star Citizen and not this crappy Pinball Clone.

-------- "But Cosmic they are working on these things. Wait until the end of the year."
Heard that last year and the year before........

And I LOVE Star Citizen. I have been helping to test almost daily since the beginning.....Hell I even spent 100s of hour when we only had the hangar modules.
This is very, very. sad that Chris Robert's and our DREAM is turning into just another 'same as' game that people will only play for 2 weeks.
(Anyone still playing CyberPunk? Hell No!)
(Hell, anyone except the Streamers playing Star Citizen? Other than the pew pew players)

btw --- What is the next system?
Oh, yeah PYRO with nothing but criminals and fighting!

Note of interest ----
I can not remember the last time I saw a post on the Issue Council (or other feedback threads) by any of the 'popular' Streamers.
Just my thoughts.

Now, I will get all the Hate because not everyone is entitled to Freedom of Opinion in the 21st Century.
Whew, I just had to have my say. Been holding quiet for way to long.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I stopped contributing to the game financially a long time ago - like i said here at the time "I've done my bit now now it's time for SC to do their bit and make the damn game".

The uncontrolled feature creep I commented on a while back is literally worse than ever. Totally out of control. The PU will never launch at this rate.

I am a cargo fan and I don't run cargo at all now as half the time you cant buy it or sell it or get a 30k it's not worth it. Box missions are a crap way of making money. Mining's been nerfed and integrated in with the already totally broken cargo system.

I usually just do bounties ECN alerts, cleaning out bunkers etc. Yes as you say, all fighting.


Grand Admiral
Oct 23, 2018
RSI Handle
Personally, if CIG does not stop making more fighting and does not start working on Trade, Salvage, Exploration and other careers for the other 80% of players,
then I will stop testing, helping and pledging to pay their salaries

I too have been disappointed at the PU's focus on combat and mining, I like a little combat here and there, but mostly I want to trade, explore, and fly really fast into stuff. I think the biggest issue is SQ42, that's been the primary goal for the last few years, and since that is single player and 90% pew pew. That is what we end up getting in the PU, the continuous focus on mining is starting to make my eye twitch though...

Thankfully we are seeing some headway into other things, medical play is getting started, salvage is finally on the roadmap (again, hopefully to stay this time.) A lot of this was/is blocked by the new iCashe but we will see, and hopefully they are wrapping up on SQ 42 this year and we can get even more progress on the PU. Supposedly we are getting some updates to trading and delivery missions in 3.13, but keeping my expectations low for this.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Conflict is still a main driver of SC and always has been. DoaSM tells us we need to take care or death will come to us. Vanduul or criminal organizations will attack us and try to rob us. We can take shorter routes through criminal systems, or longer routes through safer systems when doing trade routes.

We salvage wrecked ships..that got that way because of conflict, we all carry weapons because of the potential for conflict, heck, even small racing ships carry heavy weapons that would slow them down in RL (weapons systems take up size and add weight). This tells us that we have to worry about personal protection and potential conflict at all times.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2015
RSI Handle
Okay no worries. Who's In to kick-start "the Care Bears" online? Need 300m USD, it will be with lots of rainbows and lazors. 😝
I'm in!
How does one subscribe to this???
Is there like a Care Bear Grizzly subscriber level??
And what are the perks?

You can't put something like this out there and then just leave us hanging.
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