@NaffNaffBobFace Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Much appreciated!
My Opinion!
They stopped working on Star Citizen...you know trading, etc etc and have been making 'EVE 2.0' for the last year.
(Just look at the Reputation system.....see anything about doing Corvalex Delivery missions. [which many people love] --- No! Only pew pew missions...)
Don't believe me? try doing some cargo runs......Even the Pickup & Deliver Missions now suck (and don't work most of the time).
What did HELL did they & you all expect when the Streamers and Youtubers demanded more Shoot-em-Up pew pew like all the other games on the market?
This is what happens when you are more concerned with making money from 'entertaining' your audience then helping to make a DREAM come true.
---- This is rapidly becoming just another damn PINBALL CLONE. (EVE 2.0)
Try Arena Commander to entertain your audience. That is what it is for. Anybody playing Star Marine...No but you are now demanding ToW...........
Let's waste more Time & Money on ToW.......That is what they told us the last Star Marine Map was for.............Remember?
Been there, done that - BORED! Need more pew pew! (But on our terms!)
CIG now tells us that we will have several more 'Special Events' this year.
Lots of Time & Money spent on them and they will ALL be 'Shoot-em-Ups.
When are you going to get fed up with this and demand they g
o back to making Star Citizen?
What? No profit in Streaming anything except pew pew?......I rest my case.
Personally, if CIG does not stop making more fighting and does not start working on Trade, Salvage, Exploration and other careers for the other 80% of players,
then I will stop testing, helping and
pledging to pay their salaries.......
I will give CIG until the end of Summer.........CItCon in August.
No more words - let us see Star Citizen and not this crappy Pinball Clone.
-------- "But Cosmic they are working on these things. Wait until the end of the year."
Heard that last year and the year before........
And I LOVE Star Citizen. I have been helping to test almost daily since the beginning.....Hell I even spent 100s of hour when we only had the hangar modules.
This is very, very. sad that Chris Robert's and our DREAM is turning into just another 'same as' game that people will only play for 2 weeks.
(Anyone still playing CyberPunk? Hell No!)
(Hell, anyone except the Streamers playing Star Citizen? Other than the pew pew players)
btw --- What is the next system?
Oh, yeah PYRO with nothing but criminals and fighting!
Note of interest ----
I can not remember the last time I saw a post on the Issue Council (or other feedback threads) by any of the 'popular' Streamers.
Just my thoughts.
Now, I will get all the Hate because not everyone is entitled to Freedom of Opinion in the 21st Century.
Whew, I just had to have my say. Been holding quiet for way to long.