Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
That sounds wretched. The only real issue with our local hospital is the building is so old there are only enough power points to really service the medical equipment so although you have free WiFi it's having enough power long enough to enjoy it. Otherwise it's the TV sets on the arms hanging over the bed which you have to pay £10 a day to use and all switch off at 9pm sharp.
That sounds terrible. Not that I am a fan at all of staying in the hospital before or after the the build process is complete. Luckily I had my iPad and headphones and while the WiFi was slow it was enough for Netflix. Now the chair i sat/slept in for two days was not so pleasant. And i couldn't wait to get home to get caught back up on sleep... or so I thought was a possibility the first go around.
So while I have never slept in a hosbital bed I cannot imagine being in the room for more then a day with out going insane. Unless I can bring my own computer. Then bring it on.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Yeah, way too soon.
Well, as I have said several times, it is a virus and the outcome for one, does not equal the outcome for another.

Bottom line, our President (Americans) has been there and done that. He ponied up to experimental therapies, that many people are not willing to undergo.

That said, every news channel peddles fear, Woodrow Wilson is turning in his grave.

Look, you can hide and let the economies crumble or you can accept it for what it is and live. This example shows, catch it early, get it treated and "carry on" as the Britt's say. Anyway, my point is, ok its bad, but not bad enough to hide indefinitely for a year or more. Your job won't be there. My company recently had layoffs because business is down, and I work in network security...

People live between 70 to 90 years... that's it, you ain't going to change that. Dogs live from 10 to 13 years, you're not going to change that either.

There are somethings in life that happen period... nothing changes that, too. Somethings that can be changed like man made genocides, famines (other countries sending food), things we can help with.

Viruses do that... they attack ALL animals not just humans and we need to understand mother nature holds the cards, not us.

EDIT - Also, until you accept you are not in control of the universe, you will never understand that shit happens.
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
He ponied up to experimental therapies, that many people are not willing to undergo.
I bet every single covid patient is willing, but simply not able.

He didnt pony up anything. They gave him experimental and very hard to obtain lab made synthetic monoclonal antibodies which go for $5000/vial. He got a free helicopter ride, an entire team of the top doctors in the country surrounded by the latest high tech equipment. I would expect nothing less in order to save a president, but saying that everybody else has nothing to worry about... there are 200,000 families out there that would disagree.

Im relieved he is feeling better, but I am concerned that like Herman Cain who also felt better after the initial diagnosis, later succumbed to the virus 30 days later.

I have full faith in the medical staff at the White House giving him the top care possible, but for a 74yr old man, the stress of a campaign on top of getting the virus here is probably not the best situation to be in.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
I bet every single covid patient is willing, but simply not able.
Shit happens. Sorry but control is an illusion... every book I have read says that. If my mother came down with covid... here is what I'd do:
1. Research it
2. Know my options from a healthcare perspective.
3. Accept the outcome (good or bad).

What I would not do:
1. NOT expect the government to save me.
2. NOT accept the status quo - or narrative.
3. NOT listen to journalists who think they know what is best. I would have hard questions for my doctor based on my own research and reading Test Squadron threads :). Really, my own research to prepare me for the outcome.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle

Virus is not mutating... could it be from a lab? Some think so at MIT.

It wasn’t long before she came across an article about the remarkable stability of the virus, whose genome had barely changed from the earliest human cases, despite trillions of replications.

That left a third possibility: The missing phase had happened in a lab, where the virus had been trained on human cells. Chan knew this was the third rail of potential explanations. At the time, conspiracy theorists were spinning bioweapon fantasies, and Chan was loath to give them any ammunition. But she also didn’t want to play politics by withholding her findings. Chan is in her early thirties, still at the start of her career, and an absolute idealist about the purity of the scientific process. Facts were facts.

The ability to make a lethal virus from mail-order DNA was first demonstrated 20 years ago. It’s enough of a bioterrorism concern that companies carefully monitor who is ordering which genes. But it’s also an important way to respond to a sudden outbreak, since synthetic virus recipes give researchers powerful ways to study treatments, vaccines, and how mutations could make it more dangerous.

So... back to my initial thesis... this disease is untraceable and should scare the living crap out of anyone. Let your imagination go on this and you won't like where it leads you. Zero tolerance for people hiding or releasing these bugs on the world.

EDIT - Would you investigate a crime without going to the crime scene? If so, just accept China had nothing to do with it.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Bottom line, our President (Americans) is there and is currently doing that.
Fixed that for you. He's not better yet although he may feel it. He's still infected. He's still contagious. He's still shedding viral spores. It's nothing to be ashamed of, but it's nothing to be overconfident about either.

How many people have you seen go for a dump and walk out the stall thirty seconds with their strides round their ankles and a log hanging half way out their ass? For the want of sitting still for a few minutes, that's a lot of shit your getting all over the place.

I am pleased to hear Donald is feeling better, I am very relieved to see he is not in a chemically induced coma with a tube forced down his mouth into his trachea where oxygen is pumped to his failing lungs as his immune system and the virus literally eat them away to noting. I just hope beyond home his premature actions don't cause that to happen to anyone else.

But I don't want to be critical of this man. In him I see his burning desire to return to his post - to his credit - but I also see a man who is under intense public expectation. I believe he is committed to being the president of the people of the United States of America, I believe he is devoted to his duty and I believe he does not feel he can be away from that desk for any amount of time, but because of this combined with the expectation the position carries, I see him hearing all the well wishes for a speedy recovery as not hearing words of support and to take time to recover but being demands to get back to work. I believe, in short, his position in America is putting pressure on him to return before he has fully medically recovered. Even the UK's Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson allowed imself to self isolate at the official Prime Ministers country estate after being laid low before returning to Parliament.

America, your president is a humble cheerleeder who wants to serve, who wants to lead. He wants to perform the duties you put him there to do. But give him a break, take the pressure off, allow him to recuperate. Don't drive a man to his demise, either physically with his health or at the polls if his viral shedding takes out his highest and closest staff just when he needs them there. Give 'po man a break, because he won't give it to himself with the weight of Americas expectations on his shoulders forcing himself back into the hot seat puts him in a precarious position.

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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Tuesday 6th of October:

- World: 35,559,026 confirmed cases and 1,045,390 confirmed deaths.

- US: President Trump draws criticism for leaving hospital while still carrying the virus and making a public address without a mask, in which he stated "Maybe I'm immune, I don't know". Physicians around the world respond that as he is currently infected with the virus, no, he is not yet immune.

- UK: COVID hospitalizations jump a quarter to 478 up from 386 the previous day. There are now 2,800 people currently sick in hospitals with the virus, in the first wave it peaked at 17,000.

- US: New York closes hundreds of schools in hot-spot areas.

- UK: Nearly 18% of UK secondary schools have sent pupils home to self isolate in the last 7 days. According to the BESA there are 4,188 secondary schools in the UK, meaning if my sums are correct 753 schools in the UK have had serious enough COVID concerns to send pupils home.

- Europe: Following America buying worlds supply of Remdesivir, Europes stocks have run low with some countries announcing they have run out entirely.

- Australia: Government announces tax cuts and public spending drives in bid to revive economy.

- US: Trump administration turn down an offer from the CDC to contact-trace the attendees of the Super Spreader Rose Garden event as another two staffers at the White House test positive.

- Iran: Sees a new record high of daily cases for second day in a row.

- Finland: Sees a new record high of daily cases.

- Malaysia: Sees a new record high of daily cases.

- Poland: Marks a new record high of daily fatalities at 58.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Personal Observation:

In the UK, a series of cities have seen case spikes and local lockdowns with the latest to consider action being Nottingham in the Midlands. It started in Aberdeen with that pub in July causing a local lockdown, then more recently a lot of Glasgow has been locked down with other northern places including Manchester and has crawled steadily south.

My observation is: In Spring, scientists study how the season advances across the country. They can even say how quickly the season is advancing along the ground based on where springlike events like flowers blooming occur. Here's a link to one study I found which suggested an average of about 2mph:

It goes South North, with the south of the UK being closer to the equator and the Gulf Stream which provides the lower half of the country with a favorable climate.

So imagine that in reverse. Autumn will encroach from the north and make its way south. If there is a heat related connection to COVID, even if it is a human behavior one where people are more likely to remain indoors where the contagion hangs around longer and gets a better chance of putting a larger viral load in a person, what might be currently considered an issue caused by northerners actions may not be so at all. This week Nottingham sees a spike. Next week or two, maybe Peterborough? Next week or two after that, perhaps Cambridge. Next week or two after that... London?

Hope I'm wrong but there is a lot of arse being talked about "Pandemic fatigue" right now. The silly bastards not following the rules now were no less not following them in August when we were all told to bugger off out down the pubs and resturants and eat out to help out, and victim blaming is the easy way out - cut that nonsense out and start theory-crafting what might actually be causing these spikes.
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Sorting states by top 10 highest count of new cases:

View attachment 18919

Dammit NC, what you still doing up there?
I hate total cases. It isn't actually all the way up there. What is more important is the infection rate per million, and that puts NC more in the middle of the pack of US States. Still not a great place to be.

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Agree Vavrik, I was not posting that because its an important metric, just curious to see the rankings.

When it comes to important stats, one thing we concluded early on is that the only real important stat is the reported deaths.

If you go and test 100,000 health college students, you get very different end results than if you are mostly testing 100,000 people walking in the ER complaining of fever.

At the moment, the big concerns are states like WI which have a big % increases in new cases. How many of those translate into deaths? We are going to see in about 4wks.

Another big concern is NY is getting another uptick:



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Wednesday 7th of October:

- World: 35,906,341 confirmed cases and 1,051,446 confirmed deaths.

- US: Facebook and Twitter both forced to block posts by the president after he again broke misinformation rules regarding the severity of COVID-19.

- UK: Supply chain problems hit UK Test systems as key private contractor Roche moves their warehouse to a new automated facility which then failed to keep pace with demand causing a "very significant" drop in capacity.

- World: 6000 scientists from around the globe sign the "Great Barrington Declaration", a movement which began in the US which calls for those with "Minimal risk of death" to be exempt from all COVID restrictions to allow world economy to recover while allowing the least likely to die to be exposed to the virus and foster a natural immunity. Critics point out the long term effects of infection are still being discovered, ranging from no effects through to chronic fatigue months after recovery, permanent lung damage and even brain damage, as well as evidence which suggests any immunity gained may be as short term as only four months.

- US: Two more of the presidents inner circle test positive for COVID, an aide and a military official, taking the total of staffers effected to at least 27.

- Scotland: New restrictions bought in, Bars and restaurants to close across central Scotland, outside of the central area restrictions mean they have to close by 6pm and are only allowed to serve alcohol outdoors, as data suggests new infections are coming from these social settings and situations.

- US: Trump pulls the plug on any further stimulus of the American economy until after the election. Advises he will sign a major stimulus package as soon as he wins the election.

- World: Reports indicate during First Wave the planets billionaires wealth grew by 27%.

- France: 40% of Intensive care hospital beds in Paris are taken up with COVID patients. If it hits 60% a state of emergency would be declared.

- Germany: Berlin introduces a curfew on bars between 11pm and 6am.

- Czech Republic: Sees record high new cases.
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Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
- World: 6000 scientists from around the globe sign the "Great Barrington Declaration", a movement which began in the US which calls for those with "Minimal risk of death" to be exempt from all COVID restrictions to allow world economy to recover while allowing the least likely to die to be exposed to the virus and foster a natural immunity. Critics point out the long term effects of infection are still being discovered, ranging from no effects through to chronic fatigue months after recovery, permanent lung damage and even brain damage, as well as evidence which suggests any immunity gained may be as short term as only four months.

As good as this may appear i think its also rather dangerous because this is surely going off the basis that you/they know who is vulnerable. Underlying conditions put you at risk, but what if you don't know about these underlying conditions?
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
As good as this may appear i think its also rather dangerous because this is surely going off the basis that you/they know who is vulnerable. Underlying conditions put you at risk, but what if you don't know about these underlying conditions?
You can't have it both ways... support scientists when they support your belief, and not support scientists when they don't. You support science or you don't. Science is always up for debate... that is why we call it a hypothesis - correct until it is not. To politicize science is wrong and scientists should follow the science like politicians follow the money.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
You can't have it both ways... support scientists when they support your belief, and not support scientists when they don't.
This is not about believing science or not, the science behind this has taken this into account with the statement "Minimal risk of death". Not "No risk death", meaning that if 1000 people do this, 1 will die, and that is the minimal risk part of it.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
This is not about believing science or not, the science behind this has taken this into account with the statement "Minimal risk of death". Not "No risk death", meaning that if 1000 people do this, 1 will die, and that is the minimal risk part of it.
I am not arguing that, I am arguing 6000 scientists put their name on a document - "Great Barrington Declaration". That is a big deal. If you believe the science, then their voices matter. If you choose to listen to CNN or MSNBC as your sources, you can believe otherwise. That is what I am talking about with polarization and politicization of science. If the rational for science becomes polarized or political, then we are all doomed. Data will become skewed, people will not participate in studies, and then there will be huge ethical questions raised.


Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
I believe the science, I just don't think it's a good step to tell vulnerable people that nothing much more will be done for them, I understand that death is inevitable and that COVID will take more, this looks like a compromise with politicians from scientists that suggests they stop lockdowns, only shield vulnerable and society will move on.
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
That is a big deal. If you believe the science, then their voices matter. If you choose to listen to CNN or MSNBC as your sources, you can believe otherwise.
Liberal media is anti-science?

WTF man? Ive been away from the states for 10 months and they flipped the script! 😄
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