Supplements... and we have learned that our home sauna can be used to elevate body temperature to kill viruses.
If you have any immune boosting advice we would like to hear what you have to say.
I just want to say, regularity is important to maintain, but shortage of butt wipe can be an impediment to that. For butt wipe, you can use paper towel, or any uncoated paper including newsprint. If you're not allergic to leaves and grass, those can be used too. The only degradation is comfort. Oh yea, women usually cringe but I assure you people did OK with natural materials for a few hundred thousand years before toilet paper. Ball it up while your business is completed to make it softer.
Such things go into the trash after use or buried in the lawn, not the toilet unless you want to host a plumber for a while, and seemingly pay for his kids college education. What a weird thing for people to be hoarding.
You can probably also cut down on the junk (processed) food your family consumes, and concentrate on protein and fats, nuts, fruit and berries. Unsalted Nuts, fresh fruits and berries is what our bodies were created to consume.