Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
No, I imagine not, but they have to make new content or die due to more publishing companies bringing online their own streaming service. Of course if they continue to be like CBS/Paramount then they really have nothing to worry about.
Oh absolutely. That's why yours truly is still working lol.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today, 22nd of April:

- World: 144,189,570 confirmed cases and 3,064,038 confirmed deaths.

- India: Sees world record high new daily cases at over 300k, and record high new daily deaths at over 2000.

- UK: 55 more cases of India variant detected as last flights between UK and India occur before 4am travel ban deadline.

- Tunisia: Situation critical as the country runs out of intensive care beds.

- EU: Commission asks member states to support their bid to start legal action against AstraZeneca in regard to the company failing to deliver the contracted number of doses in the first few months of the vaccine being available.

- Vaccines: Pfizer indicates vaccine doses which were seized by authorities in Mexico and Poland were counterfeit fakes.

- Vaccines: UK data indicates number of people detected to have had low-platelet blood clots after taking Oxford/AZ vaccine has risen to 168.

- Wales: Attendees to a party where many caught COVID then lied to contact-tracers saying there had been so such event and not including all contacts who had been made at the event. "Not only did their decision to hold a party put others at risk, but they made matters worse by then misleading contact tracers."

- Isle Of Man: New outbreak detected as 7 of the islands 10 current active cases found to be in the same cluster.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Friday 23rd of April:

- World: 144,979,282 confirmed cases and 3,076,484 confirmed deaths.

- India: Breaks world record for record high daily cases for second day in a row, with 315,000.

- India: Reports indicate widespread oxygen shortage in Delhi, reports are emerging of the sick dying while waiting in line to be treated. Suggestions have been raised that this crisis has been caused by a complacency after a relatively mild first wave, and events like festivals and political rallies going ahead despite the danger.

- EU: Expected to sign a deal with Pfizer for 1.8 billion doses of vaccine to cover the next few years.

- EU: Medical regulator once again states risk of clotting from Oxford/AZ vaccine is tiny compared to the benefit, indicating that the risk was 1 in 100,000.

- UK: Researchers detect two cases of of Human to Cat transmission of COVID-19 it is identified the pets contracted the illness after their owners did.

- UK: Government borrowing hits highest level since World War 2.

- Australia: Authorities indicate three new cases of blood clotting likely linked to the Oxford/AZ vaccine.

- Brazil: Health Ministry indicates 1.5 million people have not returned for their second vaccine dose putting the program at risk. Data from Chile indicates the main vaccine given to 80% of recipients by Sinovac is just 16% effective after one dose getting the majority of its effectiveness from the second.

- Canada: Prime Minister Trudeau received first dose of Oxford/AZ vaccine saying “I’m very excited” as the syringe was applied.

- Nepal: COVID cases discovered at an Everest base camp.

- Cypress: To begin a 2 week partial lockdown on Monday.

- Japan: Places new restrictions as Olympic appears on the horizon.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Man India is effed. They’re gonna make Brazil’s cases look like a mild flu season by the time they’re done.

Months of government denial (they were still having full on political rallies), population apathy (social gatherings and mass religious festivals were still held), lacklustre/unequal medical access and second highest population in the World (1.39 billion people)....I mean what could go wrong?


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Man India is effed. They’re gonna make Brazil’s cases look like a mild flu season by the time they’re done.

Months of government denial (they were still having full on political rallies), population apathy (social gatherings and mass religious festivals were still held), lacklustre/unequal medical access and second highest population in the World (1.39 billion people)....I mean what could go wrong?
Its honestly not surprising. India has a massive population living in high density with huge amounts living in poor conditions. After all while we had the swine flu it was nothing more then a inconvenience it has been killing a lot in India over the past decade.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Its honestly not surprising. India has a massive population living in high density with huge amounts living in poor conditions. After all while we had the swine flu it was nothing more then a inconvenience it has been killing a lot in India over the past decade.
Yeah that’s what makes this supposed Indian variant so frightening.

India wasn’t hit as hard in the first couple of waves. Far Right Hindu Nationalist politicians and media there attributed that to Indians being of superior stock. They were smug and did little to respond to the pandemic. I mean there’s some truth to that I suppose. Random Westerner spends two days in Mumbai, eats the food and gets absolutely wrecked....meanwhile locals eat and problem.

Now imagine a COVID variant that strikes down people who through their upbringing naturally have better constitutions than your average westerner.

Yeah I’m worried.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Yeah that’s what makes this supposed Indian variant so frightening.

India wasn’t hit as hard in the first couple of waves. Far Right Hindu Nationalist politicians and media there attributed that to Indians being of superior stock. They were smug and did little to respond to the pandemic. I mean there’s some truth to that I suppose. Random Westerner spends two days in Mumbai, eats the food and gets absolutely wrecked....meanwhile locals eat and problem.

Now imagine a COVID variant that strikes down people who through their upbringing naturally have better constitutions than your average westerner.

Yeah I’m worried.
The secret is all the spice. Your curry needs to burst into flames as you eat it.

But you are right there are a number of variants that are worrying and expected.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
The secret is all the spice. Your curry needs to burst into flames as you eat it.
You joke but my South Asian friends all say that.

"Curry keeps our immune system up!"

Probably some truth to that. Curry's the bomb and tumeric has all sorts of positive properties.

BRB. Getting some curry and biryani from the takeout.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Damnit you guys are making me hungry.
Vegetable Pakora, Chicken Spinach Saag, and Lamb Biryani for dinner.

Tipped the restaurant a bit extra cause they really needed it. The place seemed quieter than usual, not sure if this has anything to do with what’s happening in India. No indoor dining at restaurants due to COVID restrictions, take out only. Support your local restaurants if you can folks!


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Vegetable Pakora, Chicken Spinach Saag, and Lamb Biryani for dinner.

Tipped the restaurant a bit extra cause they really needed it. The place seemed quieter than usual, not sure if this has anything to do with what’s happening in India. No indoor dining at restaurants due to COVID restrictions, take out only. Support your local restaurants if you can folks!
Like most businesses here in Texas, most restaurants are open again, but requiring masks to enter. You can take your mask off while seated. You can also pick up food from most restaurants now even upscale places. Also companies like DoorDash have been busy, and that is not showing too many signs of slowing down.

State vaccination programs are so far staying ahead of things in general, but there are signs there is pressure trying to push cases up.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Also companies like DoorDash have been busy, and that is not showing too many signs of slowing down.
Companies like DoorDash and Ubereats actually charge an arm and a leg to the restaurants. I had a chat with the restaurant owner and he says they barely make anything when they go through the delivery app companies. You're talking about up to 35% in commissions levied on the restaurants. There's also some controversy about some of the stuff delivery companies do. Ongoing issues with services that list eateries on their apps without permission — a practice made illegal by a new California law

My local government actually passed a law capping delivery fees until the pandemic is over.

Anyway...I understand not everyone can drive to pick up their food directly from the restaurant. That being said, I strongly urge anyone who CAN to call the restaurant directly, order from them, and pick up yourself. People need to understand that what you think is helping your favorite restaurant may also be the same thing that drives them out of business.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Saturday 24rd of April:

- World: 145,864,611 confirmed cases and 3,090,571 confirmed deaths.

- World: Sees record high new daily cases at 893,000.

- India: Hits another word record high new cases at 346,786.

- India: Oxygen and medican shortage still prevalent, confirmed death rate continues to climb today, 2,624.

- US: Passes 32 million confirmed cases.

- US: Lifts pause on J&J vaccine rollout, a warning on rare clotting side effect will be placed on label.

- Spain: Majorca, and a man is arrested for infecting 22 other people. After developing symptoms he took a PCR test but while waiting for results still went to work. When advised to go home, he reportedly pulled down his mask, coughed at them and said "I'm going to infect you all with coronavirus."

- Thailand: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Germany: Brings in a 10pm to 5am curfew and other measures, the countries leader acknowledging the measures were tough, saying: “No country that managed to break the third wave of the pandemic and then loosen restrictions again did so without tough measures such as nighttime curfews,”

- Israel: Sees no daily deaths for the first time in 10 months.

- Switzerland: Detects first case of Indian variant.

- Australia: Parts of the west of the country go in to 3 day lockdown after a hotspot in a quarantine hotel spilled out causing community transmission.

- UK: Over 50% of the population have had first vaccine dose.

- UK: Two arrested at Anti-Lockdown protest in London.
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Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
- Spain: Majorca, and a man is arrested for infecting 22 other people. After developing symptoms he took a PCR test but while waiting for results still went to work. When advised to go home, he reportedly pulled down his mask, coughed at them and said "I'm going to infect you all with coronavirus."
And the award for "people who should be lined up against the wall" goes to...


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
And the award for "people who should be lined up against the wall" goes to...
These are the people who make examples of themselves - literally. Whatever the punishment they end up getting, everyone in Spain is going to know about it.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Sunday 25th of April:

- World: 146,677,253 confirmed cases and 3,103,115 confirmed deaths.

- World: Various countries including the US, UK, France and Pakistan send urgent aid to India as crisis continues to deepen, EU plans to send soon too.

- India: Sees another world record high daily new cases at 349,691, making it 4 days in a row so far.

- India: Mass funerals have started taking place with fields full of funeral pyres, as Crematoriums cannot keep up with demand as the number of victims keeps rising.

- Iraq: Baghdad, and an oxygen tank at a COVID hospital explodes, setting fire to the building resulting in the deaths of at least 83 with 110 wounded.

- Thialand: Sees record high new daily deaths for second day in a row.

- Italy: Announces five year plan for a mostly EU funded €222 billion COVID relief fund for businesses and parts of the population, like women, who have been hardest hit by the fallout from the pandemic.

- Greece: Detects first case of the Indian variant.

- Spain: Following yesterdays arrest of man who intentionally infected his colleagues, Judge charges him with intentionally causing injury, and was released awaiting trial: "[after his previously reported actions, which included visiting a gym after work]...his PCR test came back positive. His colleagues were then tested, with five returning positive results. They in turn infected family members, including three infants, police said. At the gym the man visited, three people tested positive and also infected family members." Total of infected was 22 from one man.
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