It's kinda expected from the Tories isn't it? For a moment I thought Boris Johnson would change his views about the NHS since they...well you know saved his life.If the below article is correct it's disappointing and looks to be an own-goal for UK infrastructure - I just can't understand why the current incumbent don't think to spend the UK's money growing the UK's assets which it will then have ready to draw on when other crisis or even additional waves of the current crisis occur... The Corona Crisis in particular highlighted the countries best able to deal with this are ones which have a larger publicly owned asset base (cannot find the article now, sadly).
UK government 'using pandemic to transfer NHS duties to private sector'
Critics claim Matt Hancock has accelerated dismantling of state
If it's an argument of cost I still don't see how that works. Pay for materials and someones hourly wage to do something, and you pay for the task to be done. Pay a third party contractor to do it and you pay for materials, someones hourly wage and the third party companies 30%/40%/50% margin to do the job... And then when something happens you have to pay them again rather than using the pre-existing asset.
Just can't make sense of it?
I'm a firm believer that health care should be a public affair because health is a public matter. Viruses and other diseases don't care whether you're rich or poor.