Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Numbers for today Monday 20th April:

124,743 total confirmed with 4,676 new, and 16,509 total deaths with 449 new.


The daily briefing cast optimism on the lower number of cases and deaths saying that it looks like it's flattening out:


(The above chart taken from charts: The UK's coronavirus outbreak&2020-04-20T16:47:29.595Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:270d0084-42bc-4a0a-923c-5d02fe14cf5e&pinned_post_asset_id=5e9dd0dba156bc0663d6056e&pinned_post_type=share)

There was a previous caveat about numbers over the weekend not being totally accurate however they say the drop was large enough to offset that... They'll have access to better numbers than I have... They must have. I just can't fathom how in the midst of a world health crisis they can't keep an accurate eye on the numbers because Cynthia doesn't work weekends and no one can tick the boxes in their place. Great news, if it's accurate.

In other related news the UK has sent an RAF plane out to pick up some PPE as the expected 84 tonnes delivery was dragging its heels. Still not expected to be back in the country today as originally stated:

Todays NaffNaffNumbers status outlook was bought to you by the following comedy scene:



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
UK numbers for Tuesday 21st April:

Total confirmed 129,044 with 4,301 new, total deaths 17,337 with 823 new.


It has been now noted that not only is it the weekends that have reports that may be delayed, it's also the weekdays which may have spikes caused by reports arriving in some cases weeks late but they now think the peak may have been two weeks ago:

"The daily figures released by government represent when deaths are recorded, not when they happened.
On Monday the figure announced was less than 500, but on Tuesday it jumped to over 800.
But some of those deaths relate to fatalities that happened weeks ago. NHS England has started compiling deaths by date they happened."

In other words, in a world that demands data as evidence to make confidence decisions, shit be all over the place. Nice to see a possible explanation on the weird-ass nature of the figures.

Todays status of "bin bags" is bought to you by a news article from the 9th of April where Health Staff had to wear bin bags (to no effect) as they'd run out of PPE.

Todays outlook is bought to you 12 days later by "vapourware" as the promised 84 tonnes of PPE has still to materialize:



Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
As at 3:00pm on 21 April 2020, there have been 6,645 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia. There have been 26 new cases since 3:00pm yesterday.

Of the 6,645 confirmed cases in Australia, 71 have died and 4,291 have been reported as recovered from COVID-19.



Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
As at 3:00pm on 22 April 2020, there have been 6,649 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia. There have been 4 new cases since 3:00pm yesterday.

Fucking 4.

Of the 6,649 confirmed cases in Australia, 74 have died and 4,761 have been reported as recovered from COVID-19. More than 452,000 tests have been conducted across Australia.



Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Following up on what is going on with the search for treatments, a large and seemingly well-run study of hydroxychloroquine found no treatment benefit, and actually seemed to have worse outcomes for the patients. This adds to a growing body of research that shows similar results (i.e., no benefit, potentially worse outcomes for this drug).



Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
So, holding the view that the possibility of the lockdown being more damaging to human life than the virus itself is really frowned upon. I get it. I really do. However I don't understand the refusal of some to consider the possibility that the unknown that lies ahead of us could be even more devastating. If we let everything just stay shut down and put our trust in the government to get us through this without a secondary loss of life due to the unknowns of economic turmoil, I'm not sure thats the only reasonable thing to consider. We know that if we go back to work, there will be exponential growth of the virus again, which will kill a lot of people and overload the healthcare systems in most areas. Thats not disputed. We however do not know what the future holds for us if we stay on lockdown until we meet the conditions to avoid the massive loss of life and other effects of the mass infection.

We want to stick with the science right? How do you do that if the data you have isn't solid. How do you know even with more accurate data that your choices will be the best choices considering we have never experienced this in modern times. We know people need to eat. We know people need money to eat. We know people need money to have health insurance. We know people need shelter. Jobs provide money. Businesses are closing down and laying off millions. No jobs = no money and $1200 dollars for a month is shit. So the argument comes in here to debate whether the situation of millions not being able to afford food or shelter will lead to dire circumstances for all, or if the virus is the bigger danger. We literally don't know. We can make educated guesses, but we seriously don't know. If you all do know, its why im putting this out there to hear what you have to say. I'm not saying my view is correct, just that it needs to be considered. I've already analyzed the idea of staying in lockdown and I agree with a lot of people that its a good decision, but ive always been taught to consider even the most outrageous alternatives to problem solving because no one knows everything. It's crucial to not get tunnel vision, no matter how wrong the alternatives first appear.

The ability to procure enough face masks for healthcare workers is too difficult to handle for the government and their initial reaction is to give everyone a one time check of $1200 dollars and play politics with how they will help us in all aspects of life. Yeah, were gonna be fine. I uh, yeah, I uh.... *hesitates more* have faith in Emperor Trump and Queen Pelosi for us here in the states.

What am I missing? And please don't be condescending or sanctimonious, I've had enough of that without getting any real answers. Im genuinely trying to consider both sides of this argument, not just advocating for one as it seems people may think from previous conversations.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
What am I missing?
I see a potential economic issue for countries like the US, UK and others that have not kept a lid on it: no one is going to come to these countries and no one is going to allow people from these countries in to theirs until the contagion is controlled and that isn't going to happen if lockdown is lifted and movement is reinstated. If you ran a country would you have allowed your citizens to visit chernobyl in the years after the disaster? With a bio-hazard on the prowl that's how it may end up being viewed for these countries. You'd be daft to go on holiday to the part of Africa when there was the Ebola epidemic there. Same thing.

The economic impact of not having tried to control and eradicate this pathogen in the populous will not be counted in weeks. It won't be counted in months. It will be counted in years and may even be counted in decades. The part of the world that is not infected will not want to deal with the part of the world that is and the part of the world that is will have a continuing health crisis to deal with.

Take a short-term hit by shutting down and paying for everyone to remain isolated for three months so the virus burns itself out, or let it run wild and become a third world country no one wants to set foot on the soil of as it is an infection risk and won't accept visitors from that country as it is an infection risk.

Pay a lot now for a little while, or pay a LOT more for a very, very long while.

That's the way I see it, assumptions yes but if I ran a country I'd be placing a lot of restrictions on where I allowed my citizens to go. Places like Singapore and Australia who have been able to work magic on keeping it contained will likely have a travel ban or strict two week quarantine for anyone going to/coming back from the UK/US for a good few years. Even if there is travel but with quarantine afterwards, the practical upshot is the same as being able to make the trip will become unpractical. Even countries that had massive infection like China and have got rid of it will not be tolerant of letting it back into their boarders. You may retain the local economy in the short term but as global trade with you contracts it'll be a domino effect down into the local economy and you'll loose just as many if not more jobs and for even longer.

I am very critical of the initial lackadaisical way the UK has approached this but the one good thing they did was the Worker Retention Scheme which allowed companies to retain staff and paid them enough to make sure they could pay their bills and didn't need to keep going out and about to make that happen and to just sit tight. A costly move, yes, but a good one which removed a lot of reasons to ignore the advice that is going to get the Pandemic gone.
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
@NaffNaffBobFace Thank you for the thought out response, I really do appreciate it. I felt like I was going crazy with people just laughing the idea off every time it was brought up. Your response is pretty insightful.

If you ran a country would you have allowed your citizens to visit chernobyl in the years after the disaster?
No, but I don't think this is the same thing. This virus isn't going away and isn't going to stay isolated for long if somehow it is contained, I feel really confident about that considering how infectious it is.

The part of the world that is not infected will not want to deal with the part of the world that is
I just don't see there being a part of the world that isn't infected, again, going back to my confidence that this virus isn't going away considering everything we know about it at the moment. This started with a few people in Wuhan. Now its all over the world. It seems so impossible for it to suddenly just die out when a few people infected the world so fast. I assume the only reason we are seeing a decline in numbers is due to the social distancing, which is what we want, but we have yet to see the outcome of attempting to get things back to normal in countries you say have all but eradicated the virus. We had optimism about it dying out this month due to the heat ala SARS. That doesn't seem to be the case. High heat and humidity help from what I understand, but not like it would with say something like SARS.

The economic impact of not having tried to control and eradicate this pathogen in the populous will not be counted in weeks. It won't be counted in months. It will be counted in years and may even be counted in decades
Of course. Alternatively, how about the effects of attempting to control the virus until it either doesnt exist or its so well contained we dont have to worry about it much? How long will it take? What happens if things dont work out how you have them on paper? You can't predict how people will always act. I can already tell people are tired of being in quarantine only after a few weeks. Now Imagine years. Can we accurately predict the attitude of the populous? Doubt, but right now its pretty apparent its having a harsh effect on people. My best bud just had his kid taken away because hes making way less money and cant afford his rent and his girl just up and left. Dude was talking about doing some pretty bad stuff. If its hitting that close to home for me, I can only imagine the affects its having on people who lost everything.

Take a short-term hit by shutting down and paying for everyone to remain isolated for three months
Ha. Pay people for 3 months. Here in the US if they attempt that ill be impressed. If they can do it in a way people arent waiting 6 months for assistance, ill be even more impressed. Lots of assistance will come too little too late. I can't even get my check because the IRS says I need my security pin to prevent fraud, which they arent able to help me with because no one answers the phone for hours.

so the virus burns itself out
I have very very low confidence this is possible. I hope I'm wrong.

if I ran a country I'd be placing a lot of restrictions on where I allowed my citizens to go.
This is what will cause social unrest here in the US. The ideal of freedom, being free of the very definition of authoritarianism even during a horrible crisis is something people here hold closely to their heart. The government isn't a god, it isn't our parents, its just self serving politicians making decisions on our behalf. While the need for restriction of social liberty is apparent, it doesnt mean you have the authority, or should have the authority to restrict those liberties.

Even countries that had massive infection like China and have got rid of it
Very much doubt. I find it really difficult to believe the virus is nonexistent in china with no possibility of anyone still infecting others in the future. Not with how contagious and resilient this virus is.

You may retain the local economy in the short term but as global trade with you contracts it'll be a domino effect
Which will likely lead to war as China and it's allies vie for supremacy and challenge the US's position. This is laid out in our national defense strategy, has been for a couple years now and this was before the virus. I can only imagine whats going on in the national military command center at the pentagon with all of this happening. I believe global trade will contract regardless, so it might be inevitable.

I am very critical of the way the UK has approached this but the one good thing they did was the Worker Retention Scheme which allowed companies to retain staff and paid them enough to make sure they could pay their bills and didn't need to keep going out and about to make that happen and to just sit tight. A costly move, yes, but a good one.
I have no faith that our government will be able to provide anything like that, considering so many people have already been laid off. I might not get all the UK news, but I don't read articles like I am here in local news about insanely long lines at foodbanks, lack of volunteers and them running out of food. On paper there are a lot of good ideas, right up until you attempt to implement them and it goes to shit. Not everyone is receiving the $1200 dollars they are supposed to get. The moratorium on evictions is only in place for a month or two. People are about to be getting kicked out of their homes. No food. No shelter. No healthcare. No assistance. These problems already existed for many, but now its is exponentially worse on a scale we have never seen. Big unknown but you can feel in your gut what the outcome of this will be with those variables in play.

I may have missed some things but you do make very good points. I just seem to have a lot of what ifs that can go with them.
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
If I had time I'd write a longer response...part of the reason we are experiencing this current "lockdown with no end in sight" is because a) the disease got out of hand here in the US coupled with b) we really, do NOT know much about the disease, and so far our attempts to find out more have been pretty pathetic.

If we had a working antibody test (we may have one) PLUS we did a decent community survey (the first is going on in California right now) we could get a good population estimate of how many people were exposed to the virus...Since we KNOW how many were hospitalized and how many died, if we knew how many were exposed, we would already know (in round numbers) rates of how many were hospitalized and rates how many died, so we would better understand the risk of opening up the country.

If an antibody test came back and told us 50% or more of the population were exposed, with our current hospitalized rates and death rates then that would be one thing....but if the antibody test told us that only 10% or less were exposed, with the same known hospitalized and some known deaths, then there would be a huge risk in re-opening the country.

The "playbook" for an epidemic/pandemic is well known....act as soon as possible to isolate those exposed, and then lock them down so it doesn't spread. We didn't do that, now we are in something of a quagmire.

If you want to read a good book, "The Plague" by Albert Camus describes what we are going through ... eerily so. Might not be the best book to read right now, ha ha. Definitely do NOT read "The Myth of Sissyphus."


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
I see a potential economic issue for countries like the US, UK and others that have not kept a lid on it: no one is going to come to these countries and no one is going to allow people from these countries in to theirs until the contagion is controlled and that isn't going to happen if lockdown is lifted and movement is reinstated. If you ran a country would you have allowed your citizens to visit chernobyl in the years after the disaster? With a bio-hazard on the prowl that's how it may end up being viewed for these countries. You'd be daft to go on holiday to the part of Africa when there was the Ebola epidemic there. Same thing.
Spot on.

We had 4 recorded cases yesterday so we’re in the process of assessing how we return to a newer new normal. All foreign arrivals are going to have to continue to be quarantined, but by the same measure we’re not going to be visiting anywhere else either.

I had a much longer response written here but instead will leave it to the individual to consider how effective different social systems have been in responding to an actual threat.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I have no faith that our government will be able to provide anything like that, considering so many people have already been laid off. I might not get all the UK news, but I don't read articles like I am here in local news about insanely long lines at foodbanks, lack of volunteers and them running out of food. On paper there are a lot of good ideas, right up until you attempt to implement them and it goes to shit. Not everyone is receiving the $1200 dollars they are supposed to get. The moratorium on evictions is only in place for a month or two. People are about to be getting kicked out of their homes. No food. No shelter. No healthcare. No assistance. These problems already existed for many, but now its is exponentially worse on a scale we have never seen. Big unknown but you can feel in your gut what the outcome of this will be with those variables in play.
I'll hazard the risk of going deep into politics but here we go.

This pandemic has revealed to the World which countries have working social safety nets and which don't. Most of Europe and Canada have them, the US doesn't. Those ideas that you listed have been successfully executed in my country and due to that, things don't look as grim. None of my colleagues are screaming that they're broke and starving. It's because our system is working. I've had many a heated discussion with my partner's rural Oregonian family about this very topic. Her mom is broke, doesn't have healthcare yet still subscribes to Libertarian style politics even when she's staring at the abyss. She's been conditioned to believe in 'pulling herself up by her bootstraps' and that government handouts are for the lazy and undeserving. Due to a steady diet of Right Wing Media, she's grown distrustful of ALL levels of Government.

People like her elected a Federal Government that spent a lot of time screaming that Government is broken. People like her believed them and voted for them. Once elected, these Governments then go about dismantling the very institutions they were campaigning against. When a particular institution fails because it has been dismantled and defunded, those in Government scream, "See? Big Government doesn't work". Said institution is then broken up, divided up, and then privatized. People who voted for them then nod approvingly without realizing that was against their personal interests. It's a weird feedback loop that leaves people distrustful of Government. Meanwhile the very people who subscribe strongly to this type of politics are more likely to be the ones openly flaunting lock down restrictions and calling for the overthrowing of democratically elected State governments because 'Mah Liberty'.

I don't mean to be pedantic or smug. I just see the absurdity of the whole situation and feel I have to speak out. I want the US to pull through because I don't want to see America lose its Global Leadership. The idea of China or Russia filling that power vacuums absolutely frightens me. I WANT you guys to do well and pull out of this.

Politically I'm Left of Center. I'm a classic Liberal and a believer of Keynesianism. I believe the US needs to implement 1930s FDR style New Deal Programs to help alleviate the hardship people are facing now. The reason why the US Economy hasn't collapsed yet (and taken the rest of the World with it) is due to monetary measures implemented due to lessons learned during the Great Depression. I strongly believe some form of Universal Basic Income must be implemented straightaway, with little fuss and no questions. Unfortunately I don't see that coming from this Adminstration.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Definitely do NOT read "The Myth of Sissyphus."
Im being serious when I say this is a pillar in my life growing up. It's how I've managed to overcome many obstacles in my life by finding purpose in the harshest of situations. I have my own boulder and I have to find peace with it. "One must imagine sysyphus happy". I have to ask why you say to stay away from it?

Ill definitely look into "The plague", I havn't even looked at that yet, but I obviously like some of Camus.

I had a much longer response written here but instead will leave it to the individual to consider how effective different social systems have been in responding to an actual threat.
Its difficult isnt it when you try to consider everything in play on the chess board. Very difficult IMO. Our future lies with out governments, lets just hope theres some sense of compassion and not some Machiavellian bullshit to keep them afloat at the detriment to the people. I cringed writing that. Who am I kidding lol. Expect the worst hope for the best I guess.

And thank you for the response guys. I feel like im misunderstood when I present certain Ideas like this, but I have to. I can't just always give myself one option to consider if theres obviously alternatives. Sometimes the solution can be so simple so long as you make sure the questions you ask are the correct ones. Finding the correct questions to ask is the hardest part.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I'll hazard the risk of going deep into politics but here we go.

This pandemic has revealed to the World which countries have working social safety nets and which don't. Most of Europe and Canada have them, the US doesn't. Those ideas that you listed have been successfully executed in my country and due to that, things don't look as grim. None of my colleagues are screaming that they're broke and starving. It's because our system is working. I've had many a heated discussion with my partner's rural Oregonian family about this very topic. Her mom is broke, doesn't have healthcare yet still subscribes to Libertarian style politics even when she's staring at the abyss. She's been conditioned to believe in 'pulling herself up by her bootstraps' and that government handouts are for the lazy and undeserving. Due to a steady diet of Right Wing Media, she's grown distrustful of ALL levels of Government.

People like her elected a Federal Government that spent a lot of time screaming that Government is broken. People like her believed them and voted for them. Once elected, these Governments then go about dismantling the very institutions they were campaigning against. When a particular institution fails because it has been dismantled and defunded, those in Government scream, "See? Big Government doesn't work". Said institution is then broken up, divided up, and then privatized. People who voted for them then nod approvingly without realizing that was against their personal interests. It's a weird feedback loop that leaves people distrustful of Government. Meanwhile the very people who subscribe strongly to this type of politics are more likely to be the ones openly flaunting lock down restrictions and calling for the overthrowing of democratically elected State governments because 'Mah Liberty'.

I don't mean to be pedantic or smug. I just see the absurdity of the whole situation and feel I have to speak out. I want the US to pull through because I don't want to see America lose its Global Leadership. The idea of China or Russia filling that power vacuums absolutely frightens me. I WANT you guys to do well and pull out of this.

Politically I'm Left of Center. I'm a classic Liberal and a believer of Keynesianism. I believe the US needs to implement 1930s FDR style New Deal Programs to help alleviate the hardship people are facing now. The reason why the US Economy hasn't collapsed yet (and taken the rest of the World with it) is due to monetary measures implemented due to lessons learned during the Great Depression. I strongly believe some form of Universal Basic Income must be implemented straightaway, with little fuss and no questions. Unfortunately I don't see that coming from this Adminstration.
This (what I wrote below) really doesn't address anything with the virus, but rather with political views. They play the biggest role in the decision making going forward and I feel I should clarify my view on things.

Thank you for the response. And its okay to get political at this point, I don't think this threads visibility is as high as it was a few weeks ago, It's just not good when things get heated. You say you are left of center, and I say I'm center. Contrary to popular belief I'm not a republican, I'm just really pissed off at the democratic party. For instance, fucking bernie had his chance to drum up support for a revolution and overtake joe biden. I say revolution in the terms of healthcare for all, UBI, Climate change policies and education and this virus and in this time of need, it was a chance he completely blew. I really really believe in all of these left democratic ideas. Before this though, all I saw was incompetence, and still do and have no faith that they will change. Yeah, Joe biden, thats the best we ended up with. Its crazy to think about having democrats wanting to elect trump over bernie, and now it seems like the people would rather elect trump than joe biden. I don't like the republicans, I just like exploring their ideas next to what I guess you would call democrat ideas, idk. I don't vote.

There always needs to be a balance. I'm a democrat and I explore "democratic" ideas on my own. I don't consume only right wing media, I consume it all. Fox news doesn't lie any more than other news outlets although its hard to believe if you never watch them. Their non opinion news is just as reliable as most the rest of the big players considering they all lie by omission. Distrusting them over all others is just a bias imo ( I assume you're talking about fox when you mention right wing media). Mind you, I tried to explain how the Daily Mail does have respectable reporting when you're not in their opinion section which people seem to share a lot, that never goes over well. I just sometimes take the time to check sources, and then check their history. You learn a lot if you dig into this stuff. I distrusted the government as long as I've been alive and for good reason. You'd have to have lived here and watched the news cycles over the years and what was revealed after presidents left office I suppose to share my distrust. It seems that everyones solution that isnt a republican is to elect democratic leadership. Republicans want to oust any democrat, It's a two way street. Opposing views are opposing views because one doesnt understand the other. When people don't understand the other they look at them as ignorant. If that wasn't the case our political parties wouldn't exist. I'm sure you think people are insane because "muh liberty" because it affects you. Some hold beliefs they'd die for and that seems to escape those that don't. Not everyone in the world values the same things. Not everyone holds your morals, your sense of what is right and wrong.

I felt empowered by Obamas idea of hope and change. What a let down that was. Bush should be hung. Clinton seemed like he had stuff under control, but I was a kid and was told that anything good that happened under Bush was the result of Clinton. I was told Obama did everything himself with no credit to Bush. Im told Trumps accomplishments are owed to Obama. See how this works? As a democrat you notice how you oppose the views of republicans when you start questioning your methods of debate. Turns out they aren't all dumb bible thumping Christians, but if you write articles and run news segments with dumb bible thumping republicans, vuala, you now have the entire world believing that's the majority, same as republicans believing all democrats are crazy far left SJW's. The farther left democrats of today are way worse than the republicans of old when it comes to being the moral police imo. I couldn't believe it. But I'm willing to admit my view is skewed because of the media.

I'm looking into Keynesianism, I vaguely remember hearing the term but at first glance its something Ill need to read.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
UK numbers for today the 22nd of April.

Confirmed total now 133,495 with 4,451 new, dead total now 18,100 with 759 new.


Current status bought to you by UK health advisor Professor Whitty advising this won't be over soon and we are, basically, in it for the long run.

The status outlook of Long Tail is also bought to you by the same advisor, who stated that the numbers of newly infected will not be declining sharply - so in other words the confirmed cases chart with end up having a very long tail.

It's very nice to be given some cold facts rather than being fed a line of warm bullshit, however this reminds me of the original reasoning for not implementing measures earlier - they were worried the public would fatigue from following the measures and start disobeying just as it hit its peak. That delay appears to be one of the main differences between the UK having no end in sight and Germany starting to relax their measures right now. I could be wrong but on the layman surface of it that's how it appears.

The below is an excellent graph which shows the originally on-the-day numbers and those updated since:


Thanks NHS/BBC, that really helps out the chart weirdness some of those updated numbers really do go back weeks 👍
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Her mom is broke, doesn't have healthcare yet still subscribes to Libertarian style politics even when she's staring at the abyss. She's been conditioned to believe in 'pulling herself up by her bootstraps' and that government handouts are for the lazy and undeserving.
On the contrary, "government handouts" are for the wealthy and/or big businesses. Check this out, remember the US govt. bailout of small businesses? Well, this is showing who is getting the money:

I feel sorry for the people in our country who don't recognize or understand how they are being played by the rich political classes who control the media. Have you seen John Oliver lately?


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I feel sorry for the people in our country who don't recognize or understand how they are being played by the rich political classes who control the media. Have you seen John Oliver lately?
No, not since all the late night shows went full on orange man bad a few years ago. I miss John Stewart. He might not be any better than some, but I think hes the most respectable of all. What is it about John Oliver you're alluding to?
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
This (what I wrote below) really doesn't address anything with the virus, but rather with political views. They play the biggest role in the decision making going forward and I feel I should clarify my view on things.

Thank you for the response. And its okay to get political at this point, I don't think this threads visibility is as high as it was a few weeks ago, It's just not good when things get heated. You say you are left of center, and I say I'm center. Contrary to popular belief I'm not a republican, I'm just really pissed off at the democratic party. For instance, fucking bernie had his chance to drum up support for a revolution and overtake joe biden. I say revolution in the terms of healthcare for all, UBI, Climate change policies and education and this virus and in this time of need, it was a chance he completely blew. I really really believe in all of these left democratic ideas. Before this though, all I saw was incompetence, and still do and have no faith that they will change. Yeah, Joe biden, thats the best we ended up with. Its crazy to think about having democrats wanting to elect trump over bernie, and now it seems like the people would rather elect trump than joe biden. I don't like the republicans, I just like exploring their ideas next to what I guess you would call democrat ideas, idk. I don't vote.

There always needs to be a balance. I'm a democrat and I explore "democratic" ideas on my own. I don't consume only right wing media, I consume it all. Fox news doesn't lie any more than other news outlets although its hard to believe if you never watch them. Their non opinion news is just as reliable as most the rest of the big players considering they all lie by omission. Distrusting them over all others is just a bias imo ( I assume you're talking about fox when you mention right wing media). Mind you, I tried to explain how the Daily Mail does have respectable reporting when you're not in their opinion section which people seem to share a lot, that never goes over well. I just sometimes take the time to check sources, and then check their history. You learn a lot if you dig into this stuff. I distrusted the government as long as I've been alive and for good reason. You'd have to have lived here and watched the news cycles over the years and what was revealed after presidents left office I suppose to share my distrust. It seems that everyones solution that isnt a republican is to elect democratic leadership. Republicans want to oust any democrat, It's a two way street. Opposing views are opposing views because one doesnt understand the other. When people don't understand the other they look at them as ignorant. If that wasn't the case our political parties wouldn't exist. I'm sure you think people are insane because "muh liberty" because it affects you. Some hold beliefs they'd die for and that seems to escape those that don't. Not everyone in the world values the same things. Not everyone holds your morals, your sense of what is right and wrong.

I felt empowered by Obamas idea of hope and change. What a let down that was. Bush should be hung. Clinton seemed like he had stuff under control, but I was a kid and was told that anything good that happened under Bush was the result of Clinton. I was told Obama did everything himself with no credit to Bush. Im told Trumps accomplishments are owed to Obama. See how this works? As a democrat you notice how you oppose the views of republicans when you start questioning your methods of debate. Turns out they aren't all dumb bible thumping Christians, but if you write articles and run news segments with dumb bible thumping republicans, vuala, you now have the entire world believing that's the majority, same as republicans believing all democrats are crazy far left SJW's. The farther left democrats of today are way worse than the republicans of old when it comes to being the moral police imo. I couldn't believe it. But I'm willing to admit my view is skewed because of the media.

I'm looking into Keynesianism, I vaguely remember hearing the term but at first glance its something Ill need to read.
The thing is I'm coming into this discussion as an outsider in American politics. I'm not a Democrat or a Republican, I'm not even American. I suppose because of that, I can look at this from a different lens. What I do see right now is a political system that doesn't work due to too many monied interests (you need to overturn Citizens United immediately). As of now, it is in the interests of the leadership of both parties to maintain the status quo (ie. money in politics, electoral college). If you want things to improve, you really need to kick out corporate lobbyists and undergo electoral reform. That said, I do believe one political party is infinitely worse than the other one. The 'both sides are the same' argument doesn't really hold any water when one side is actively undermining the middle class, and blatantly at that.

I'm Left of Center in that in the US I'm so socialist that I'm basically a filthy communist. In Canada and the rest of the Western World, I'm in the middle.

FDR's New Deal policies are textbook Keynesianism. The Green New Deal put forth by Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez is arguably the spiritual successor to those programs. There are flaws in both programs of course but they're better than the alternative (Laissez faire, invisible hand of the market, etc).

I'm disappointed in Bernie dropping out. That said I'm hopeful a lot of his ideas will make its way to the Democratic mainstream. I'm definitely encouraged that he's essentially cultivating a whole new generation of younger folks to get involved in politics.

In an idea world, people should get into politics because they want to serve. They shouldn't get into it as a stepping stone to cushy jobs as political lobbyists or to sit on the board of advisors in some corporation.
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