Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
The WHO is an agency within the United Nations. Like any agency within the UN, the WHO only has advisory capabilities. They get boots on the ground, observe, then make recommendations. If member states don't cooperate, there isn't much they can do. They don't really have the means to enforce or punish member states that don't heed them or submit to them. This tinfoil One World Government Conspiracy nonsense isn't really helpful. Also this whole 'Liberation' movement doesn't make sense to me. I feel pretty darn free. In fact I just went down to the grocery store to buy ingredients for my famous Potato and Leek soup. The grocery clerks were super nice. I don't think I got the memo that I live in a WHO oppressed state waiting to be liberated. 🙁
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Sweden population = 10,099,265 from, and from John Hopkins says 2586 deaths. By my math we're looking at ~2.6%... are you comparing that to the 8% mortality rate that the WHO said would happen if no one stayed home? People are not cattle, they can make good decisions for the family, which was the logic of Sweden. Their economy is somewhat intact compared to the US, Canada, Australia, etc. I said the virus would be bad (contagious and targeted), but I never said is was going to be like small pox.



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Sweden was hated by the WHO and media, now they are the example. I love it when self righteous bureaucrats like the WHO have to eat crow. Vox you were WRONG, Washington Post you were WRONG and every other WHO propaganda toting media outlet. Now to China (not Chinese for the snowflakes). China story is still breaking.
Hi, you've posted links you say are wrong but forgot to post the link that says the counterclaim is right...?

Come at me with some sweet sweet info link, bro.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Sweden population = 10,099,265 from, and from John Hopkins says 2586 deaths. By my math we're looking at ~2.6%... are you comparing that to the 8% mortality rate that the WHO said would happen if no one stayed home? People are not cattle, they can make good decisions for the family, which was the logic of Sweden. Their economy is somewhat intact compared to the US, Canada, Australia, etc. I said the virus would be bad (contagious and targeted), but I never said is was going to be like small pox.

View attachment 15674
Not sure if i understand your maths? 2586 is 0.02% of 10,099,265?

Also, you are comparing a static number (population) with a moving number (death rate) but have not taken into account the uninfected part of the population which holds no relevance to the death rate and is changing all the time too. For a Mortality Rate you should be comparing the number of cases to the death rate...?

Sweden has had 20,302 known cases and 2,462 known deaths meaning a 12.1% mortality rate. (numbers from

Where, exactly, did the WHO say the mortality rate was 8%? The initial WHO estimate was 2% so by your number of 2.6% Sweden is sitting higher than that, the current mortality rate is listed as 3.4% which Sweden is working its way towards as their outbreak has not yet peaked, plateaued and subsided so that 2.6% number will only be going up and up:

For 8% risk of death you are looking at the over 60's demographic which can climb as high as 10% when you go over 70/80 years old.

Also it has been observed in the UK that BAME deaths are 2.5% higher than caucasians:

Given Sweden is a prominently white country you'd likely get very different results looking in other more mixed ethnicity or of more black, asian and other ethnicity countries.

Remember, you are looking at a Global crisis - taking Sweden as an example and then taping it to your country isn't guaranteed to work, then you'll have your politicians covering their asses saying "Those Swedes must have held some information back from us, we want an investigation on how they could be allowed to spread such misinformation?!"

From the numbers provided I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to say? Please expand with links to substantiate please, I'd love to see where you saw the 8% claim.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Sweden is not an ideal country to emulate with regard to an 'Open Covid19' plan due to characteristics unique to them.

You need to take into account the nature of a country like Sweden versus (for the sake of the argument) the United States. Here are some things to consider

- Population: Sweden has 10.3 million people versus 330 million for the US

- Population density : Sweden has relatively low population density (With the exception of Stockholm) while the US has some of the most populated cities on the planet ( New York, LA, Chicago, etc). Metropolitan New York for example has more than double Sweden's entire population packed in a far smaller area.

- Health: The Swedes are much healthier in general. Swedes generally have better access to healthcare. Meanwhile many of the Covid19 patients in the US already suffer from numerous comorbidities like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc. that are often unattended or worse, undetected. Their ills are merely compounded by the complication of contracting Covid19.

- Social safety net: Paid sick leave, wage subsidy, rent deferral, mortgage amortization, generous unemployment benefits ...did I mention healthcare?

- A population that is more homogenized and united versus the disparate melting pot of the US. The Swedish government has relied on it's citizens to practice civic responsibility and practice social distancing. They've been requested to, not ordered. I'm sorry but I don't see people in the US doing the same thing. It only took a month for the 'Mah Freedums, Liberation' groups to appear.

What I'm trying to say is that you probably can't replicate Sweden's Covid19 strategy in the US because the countries are VERY different. All things considered, they're still not exactly proving CONCLUSIVELY that their Covid19 strategy is working. Consider the Nordic countries of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland. Out of these countries Sweden has the highest number of cases and the highest number of deaths. All four countries have similar populations and share the same Nordic mindset. I wonder what the outlying variable is here? hmm.

Sweden is one of a handful of countries best equipped to implement an 'Open' Covid19 plan and they're still falling short. Now imagine a country that has NONE of Sweden's unique characteristics try and implement the same plan. Imagine a country that has a far larger and sicker population. Imagine a country that is deeply divided politically, economically, and culturally. Yeah it'll be Bad News Bears.
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
The WHO is an agency within the United Nations. Like any agency within the UN, the WHO only has advisory capabilities. They get boots on the ground, observe, then make recommendations. If member states don't cooperate, there isn't much they can do. They don't really have the means to enforce or punish member states that don't heed them or submit to them. This tinfoil One World Government Conspiracy nonsense isn't really helpful. Also this whole 'Liberation' movement doesn't make sense to me. I feel pretty darn free. In fact I just went down to the grocery store to buy ingredients for my famous Potato and Leek soup. The grocery clerks were super nice. I don't think I got the memo that I live in a WHO oppressed state waiting to be liberated. 🙁
While the WHO can't sanction and control directly, the UN, which it "advises" can. The U.N. can put pressure on countries to lean their way. You tend to have that power when you can send "peacekeepers" with tanks and attack choppers to accentuate your stance on an issue.
The argument is not wrong, there are political agendas for power and money in play. It's naive to think otherwise. Don't underestimate how selfish and stupid ppl in power can be, regardless of what's going on around them.

My thought --> if COVID-19 was a baseball game, we're about in the 5th's a little too early to say the score now is the final score, or to even call the game.
I feel like this is the case. Sweden's numbers look ugly for the moment, but it's too early to say how it will look in a years time. Maybe they are getting over most of the deaths before anyone else and will end up with the same percentage as everyone else. Maybe they will have the highest death rate by far. Too early to tell.

Seems like we are loosening the restrictions from May 5th all around the country, with the exception of Budapest, the largest and most densely populated city we got. Masks will still be mandatory inside shops and on public transport.
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
(And to add a suggestion to the daily updaters here: could weekly averages be more nice? Idk, holiday tomorrow => examined some sauvignon blanc tonite)
The answer to "could weekly averages be more nice?" is...maybe.

Everybody started tracking daily counts because, at first, the numbers changed so much (increased so much) on a daily basis, and decision-makers needed information about how fast the spread was. Two-three months into this now, people need daily information to judge whether interventions are working (although because bleach hydroxychloroquine Lysol nothing has been found to be a miracle cure, the numbers aren't changing as fast as people would wish...but still give information about intervention efforts.

Additionally, working with "weeks" are a pain because they don't easily translate into "months" or "years." And everybody wants to know what is going on "now" not "what happened last week." Oh, it's only Thursday and you don't compile the weeks data until Monday? Ok, I'm sure the President and all the screaming weirdo's outside can wait...

TBH the world could/should have known that this virus is some serious issue when the Chinese started the Lockdown during/before the Chinese New Year. A lot of people seemed to not take this seriously or follow the common thinking process that this is some kind of flu.
IKR? Bio-security should be a national priority for the US, at least...if a rogue nation (?N. Korea) or "bad actors" (ISIS, al-Queda) ever releases a bio-weapon in our country, I hope they immediately go to a hilltop and start screaming "we just released a deadly bio weapon and you had better start doing something about it NOW" otherwise we'll just all be dead, lol


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
While the WHO can't sanction and control directly, the UN, which it "advises" can. The U.N. can put pressure on countries to lean their way. You tend to have that power when you can send "peacekeepers" with tanks and attack choppers to accentuate your stance on an issue.
The argument is not wrong, there are political agendas for power and money in play. It's naive to think otherwise. Don't underestimate how selfish and stupid ppl in power can be, regardless of what's going on around them.
Actually the UN can't. Your view of UN Peacekeepers is entirely inaccurate. People view this organization as a powerful body with a standing military force that can power project effectively any where in the World where it really can't. In order for UN Peacekeepers to be deployed in the first place there needs to be unanimous consensus by the Security Council (Of which the US is a permanent member). A UN Peacekeeping mission is then only as effective as the member states that participate in it. When I was in University, I met General Romeo Dallaire, the Commander of the ill fated UNAMIR (United Nations Assistance Mission For Rwanda). I remembered the talk he was giving, about the way his mission was ham strung by politics and bureaucracy. Forget about tanks and attack choppers. They barely had any soldiers, lacked all heavy weaponry (no armor, artillery, air support, etc) and had restrictive Rules of Engagement. Dallaire and his men were basically reduced to bystanders as 70% of the Tutsi population were slaughtered. The Dutch faced the very same thing years later in Bosnia where they were powerless to stop the massacre at Srebenicia. The situation was so bad that the Serbian forces actually took Dutch peacekeepers hostage and threatened to execute them if they didn't piss off.

NATO on the other hand is a completely different organization that pays absolutely no heed to the UN. The more substantial military interventions have mostly been NATO (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Gulf of Aden anti-piracy, etc).

The simple reality is the UN is an organization that only has as much power as the more powerful member states allow it. People view it as an oppressing sinister symbol of One World Government when the truth is far's not. You talk about money and power. You're better off looking at multinational corporations like Nestle, Amazon, Google or JP Morgan Chase if that's the case.

You know what's more sinister? The concerted effort to defund and delegitimize International Organizations that (though often ineffective) provide a means for nations to avoid conflict and deescalate. I'm not the biggest fan of the UN in that I think it needs to be reformed but I truly believe it still has a vital part to play.

The UN was formed from the ravages of WW2 as an American led initiative. That the US enjoys a lot of the benefits it does today was due to the global order set up after the war. Institutions like the UN, World Bank, IMF, etc. were set up to further US interests. That the US is willing to toss all that out today and practice isolationism just breaks my heart. Who do you think will step in and fill that vacuum? Russia? China? You're willingly surrendering your place in the Sun and it makes no sense to me.

Or you know what? We can just scrap the whole thing and have all nations go their own way...have the UN go the way of the League of Nations and see how long it'll take before WW3 breaks out.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
UK numbers for today Friday the 1st of May (TFI Friday):

Total confirmed 177,454 with 6,201 new, total dead 27,510 with 739 new (all seetings, not just hospitals which was 438).


The current status is bought to you by the UK hitting it's 100,000 tests a day by the end of April figure by shifting the goal posts slightly by including all the postal tests sent out. Previously it was completed tests, now it's just tests that have been sent.

The Status Outlook is, off the back of that, the potential spike in confirmed cases that will be coming after those as yet uncompleted tests have been returned and confirmed...

Regardless of if the figure was technically hit or not, it's going in the right direction and looks like a bit of a sprint to the finish (My chart below is of unique individuals tested which doesn't include re-tests):


Close up on the Hospital vs All Settings lines:


They seem to be tracking pretty close from the limited numbers we have received so far, if it gets to a point where one is flat and the other is still diagonal it means there are no-to-low fatalities in whichever one is flat. One way of that happening is if Hospital treatment gets good enough to keep all/most cases alive in care and another way is if all known cases go into hospital and there are no more dangerously ill cases left in the general population. :like:
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Not sure if i understand your maths? 2586 is 0.02% of 10,099,265?

Also, you are comparing a static number (population) with a moving number (death rate) but have not taken into account the uninfected part of the population which holds no relevance to the death rate and is changing all the time too. For a Mortality Rate you should be comparing the number of cases to the death rate...?

Sweden has had 20,302 known cases and 2,462 known deaths meaning a 12.1% mortality rate. (numbers from

Where, exactly, did the WHO say the mortality rate was 8%? The initial WHO estimate was 2% so by your number of 2.6% Sweden is sitting higher than that, the current mortality rate is listed as 3.4% which Sweden is working its way towards as their outbreak has not yet peaked, plateaued and subsided so that 2.6% number will only be going up and up:

For 8% risk of death you are looking at the over 60's demographic which can climb as high as 10% when you go over 70/80 years old.

Also it has been observed in the UK that BAME deaths are 2.5% higher than caucasians:

Given Sweden is a prominently white country you'd likely get very different results looking in other more mixed ethnicity or of more black, asian and other ethnicity countries.

Remember, you are looking at a Global crisis - taking Sweden as an example and then taping it to your country isn't guaranteed to work, then you'll have your politicians covering their asses saying "Those Swedes must have held some information back from us, we want an investigation on how they could be allowed to spread such misinformation?!"

From the numbers provided I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to say? Please expand with links to substantiate please, I'd love to see where you saw the 8% claim.

I still strongly advise against using the positive tests for tracking as its not very accurate, nor a very good indication of the infection rate. It's not based upon a random sampling, not enough people are getting tested and even those who are showing symptoms or die from SARS-CoV-2 like complications are being counted without testing. While the numbers can be used for trends it would not be beneficial to extrapolate the positive test results as a percent of the population infected. The better number at this point would be the number dead as a tool for comparison as its a more accurate number and is generally more standardized across countries. Just remember that the time between when someone was infected to the point they succumb to the virus seems to take three weeks. This is why you often see these charts not necessarily give the dates but use the point where the 100'th patient died as the start day and track from there.

As I said a month ago we will not really be able to know the full extent of the virus and its impact upon both our health and wallet until a year if not two years from now. I personally am glad Sweden is doing what they are doing as it gives us more sampling points on what different actions result in as well as having the ability to choose their own course. Personally I would say the best course of action would have been more along the lines of having and requiring the use of masks in social settings.

And it seems studies are coming forward saying they expect this to last for years with a possible sever resurgence this fall.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Actually the UN can't. Your view of UN Peacekeepers is entirely inaccurate. People view this organization as a powerful body with a standing military force that can power project effectively any where in the World where it really can't. In order for UN Peacekeepers to be deployed in the first place there needs to be unanimous consensus by the Security Council (Of which the US is a permanent member). A UN Peacekeeping mission is then only as effective as the member states that participate in it. When I was in University, I met General Romeo Dallaire, the Commander of the ill fated UNAMIR (United Nations Assistance Mission For Rwanda). I remembered the talk he was giving, about the way his mission was ham strung by politics and bureaucracy. Forget about tanks and attack choppers. They barely had any soldiers, lacked all heavy weaponry (no armor, artillery, air support, etc) and had restrictive Rules of Engagement. Dallaire and his men were basically reduced to bystanders as 70% of the Tutsi population were slaughtered. The Dutch faced the very same thing years later in Bosnia where they were powerless to stop the massacre at Srebenicia. The situation was so bad that the Serbian forces actually took Dutch peacekeepers hostage and threatened to execute them if they didn't piss off.

NATO on the other hand is a completely different organization that pays absolutely no heed to the UN. The more substantial military interventions have mostly been NATO (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Gulf of Aden anti-piracy, etc).

The simple reality is the UN is an organization that only has as much power as the more powerful member states allow it. People view it as an oppressing sinister symbol of One World Government when the truth is far's not. You talk about money and power. You're better off looking at multinational corporations like Nestle, Amazon, Google or JP Morgan Chase if that's the case.

You know what's more sinister? The concerted effort to defund and delegitimize International Organizations that (though often ineffective) provide a means for nations to avoid conflict and deescalate. I'm not the biggest fan of the UN in that I think it needs to be reformed but I truly believe it still has a vital part to play.

The UN was formed from the ravages of WW2 as an American led initiative. That the US enjoys a lot of the benefits it does today was due to the global order set up after the war. Institutions like the UN, World Bank, IMF, etc. were set up to further US interests. That the US is willing to toss all that out today and practice isolationism just breaks my heart. Who do you think will step in and fill that vacuum? Russia? China? You're willingly surrendering your place in the Sun and it makes no sense to me.

Or you know what? We can just scrap the whole thing and have all nations go their own way...have the UN go the way of the League of Nations and see how long it'll take before WW3 breaks out.
Whoa whoa, hold your horses mate! I never said we should just disband the U.N. and orgs like that. Also never said it's all the illuminatis doing, or one world govt. or whatever today's flavor is called.

Look, I come from a post communist country, my default stance on anything involving positions of power and money is that everyone is corrupt in some way, otherwise they wouldn't be there. Sadly I'm rarely wrong.
I don't know all the answer to why they do what they do, just like you don't. But I think it's not a bad idea to at least ask the questions, and try to see behind the curtain.

As for the WHO and thus the U.N., I just said they do have the power to sanction, and if those sanctions are broken they can project power. Whether it's up to a vote, or it's just someone sitting in a secret volcano lair that just needs to wave a finger at a henchman to make it happen is entirely irrelevant to this. The fact is that they do have the power, even if they mess it up cos sometimes they spend the money on paper clips instead of rifle clips. ("Mags" don't rhyme lol)
Also, try to explain to a politician or just some random guy in a village that this is just the shape of peaceful bureaucracy, shaped like a T-72 for no reason at all...

You said it yourself, I'm like those ppl that believe the U.N. has power. This means that it's not just me who is uneducated in this matter, right?
The U.N. is believed to hold that power, which means they will be treated as such by at least some, even if they don't actually have it. This means they do have power and with power, money is usually not that far behind.
Btw, how are they supposed to prevent WW3 if they don't have the power in the first place? Lol

I agree that big corp.s are probably even worse, because corporations like Google and Facebook have the tech and know how as well as the money to play Dr.Evil. Let's not go into this cos it's a deep and very dark hole, if someone wants to see it for themselves, there's plenty leaks and such circling around going back many years... The way you can't make a single cent on YT if you dare mention the beer virus, yet the dying old media can and is pushed in your face all day, is a great example of this power. Whether it's a good or bad act in this case dosnt matter, the important fact is that they have that power over people's lives in a way that few truly understand.

If you read back what you just wrote, it all.makes sense though. An organization thats supposed to have power, not as powerful as they want to be, wants to gain back some respect by having their WHO arm thrown around and acting like they know everything, while begging for even more money. Too bad it backfired on them, turnes out they were late to the game, and now their funding was cut.

As for the perception on the ground about the WHO by the common people in my city:
Do I see masked ppl with WHO tags handing out tests and masks and shit on the streets? Nope. Than what the hell am I paying that tax for? Oh right, my local public transport company (which is a private company only on paper) is actually handing out free masks at every major stop with the occasional bottles of hand sanitizer, maybe I should spend the WHO tax on them instead!
It's entirely wrong, obviously. The WHO is not the red cross or something similar, but the concerne is legit. What good are they when bloated to such an extent that they need so much money, yet seemingly they don't do that great when there is an actual pandemic going around?

You said you are sad to see the US pulling away from these orgs. I do find it concerning that something like Russia would take it's place. I hope that doesn't happen, but I can certainly understand if the U.S. feels like it had enough of the squabbling children and wants to be alone for a bit to get itself together. With the EU doing their own act, screeching about more power, less sovereignty, forming their own army... It seems like these organizations formed ages ago are becoming less and less relevant.
Maybe the U.S. pulling back can lead to reforms and new orgs that are needed for the balance to remain intact. One can only hope.

TL, DCare:
Sorry to derail the thread, will be back on topic with my beer virus news next time!
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I agree that big corp.s are probably even worse, because corporations like Google and Facebook have the tech and know how as well as the money to play Dr.Evil. Let's not go into this cos it's a deep and very dark hole, if someone wants to see it for themselves, there's plenty leaks and such circling around going back many years... The way you can't make a single cent on YT if you dare mention the beer virus, yet the dying old media can and is pushed in your face all day, is a great example of this power. Whether it's a good or bad act in this case dosnt matter, the important fact is that they have that power over people's lives in a way that few truly understand.
You mean like this?

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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
The better number at this point would be the number dead as a tool for comparison...
...and the best way to do this is to NOT go by official COVID-19 posted death figures, but to instead look at the number of *EXCESS* deaths reported.

The issue is that the "official" COVID-19 death counts have all the same problems of the # of cases reported, i.e., too little testing leads to a vast undercount.

The NYTimes has started to track excess deaths reported by the city and other states, and it is pretty alarming:
Screen Shot 2020-05-01 at 3.30.34 PM.png

Here is a table of the above figures:
Screen Shot 2020-05-01 at 3.31.41 PM.png

As the article points out:
These numbers are preliminary because death certificates take time to be processed and collected, and complete death tallies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention can take up to eight weeks to become final. The speed of that data reporting varies considerably by state. In Connecticut, for example, where reported coronavirus deaths are high, the C.D.C. statistics include zero reported deaths from any cause since Feb. 1, because of reporting lags.
TL;DR --> total deaths due to COVID-19 are undoubtedly much higher than what is reported now, but our public health system (bare-bones to begin with) is being stressed way beyond its abilities, and reporting data is going to take time. We likely won't know the true figures for over a year.

NYTimes article is behind a paywall, just delete your "nyt" cookies if you can't get to the article:


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Whoa whoa, hold your horses mate! I never said we should just disband the U.N. and orgs like that. Also never said it's all the illuminatis doing, or one world govt. or whatever today's flavor is called.

Look, I come from a post communist country, my default stance on anything involving positions of power and money is that everyone is corrupt in some way, otherwise they wouldn't be there. Sadly I'm rarely wrong.
I don't know all the answer to why they do what they do, just like you don't. But I think it's not a bad idea to at least ask the questions, and try to see behind the curtain.
I apologize if I come across as touchy but much of what I see today worries me. There's the distrust of international institutions, institutions that have provided a semblance of stability for decades. People are becoming more insular and trusting their neighbours less. Meanwhile I see the resurgence of Far Right movements almost everywhere in the World and it's unfortunate. Covid19 is the best thing to happen to those forces and it absolutely frightens me. Even in your country the Far Right has made a comeback. I was in Hungary a couple of years ago and had a terrific time in Budapest. As a person of Asian descent, would I still be welcomed after all this is done?

As for the WHO and thus the U.N., I just said they do have the power to sanction, and if those sanctions are broken they can project power. Whether it's up to a vote, or it's just someone sitting in a secret volcano lair that just needs to wave a finger at a henchman to make it happen is entirely irrelevant to this. The fact is that they do have the power, even if they mess it up cos sometimes they spend the money on paper clips instead of rifle clips. ("Mags" don't rhyme lol)
Also, try to explain to a politician or just some random guy in a village that this is just the shape of peaceful bureaucracy, shaped like a T-72 for no reason at all...
No I disagree. What little power they have is an illusion at best. I need to stress that the UN's 'power' comes from what it's member states allow it. If you need consent to exercise power, that's not really power is it? The fact that the WHO is receiving so much criticism right now can be said to be the inaccuracy of their findings and the apparent ineffectiveness of their recommendations to national governments. I'll say that this is due to the fact that they lack the authority/mandate to truly investigate Covid19 in Wuhan. China didn't really want them poking around in Wuhan so their data and findings on Covid19 was incomplete.

You said it yourself, I'm like those ppl that believe the U.N. has power. This means that it's not just me who is uneducated in this matter, right?
The U.N. is believed to hold that power, which means they will be treated as such by at least some, even if they don't actually have it. This means they do have power and with power, money is usually not that far behind.
Btw, how are they supposed to prevent WW3 if they don't have the power in the first place? Lol
They can prevent it by providing nations with a venue for dialogue and conflict resolution. This has always been the primary role of the UN. Promoting international peace and security.

If you read back what you just wrote, it all.makes sense though. An organization thats supposed to have power, not as powerful as they want to be, wants to gain back some respect by having their WHO arm thrown around and acting like they know everything, while begging for even more money. Too bad it backfired on them, turnes out they were late to the game, and now their funding was cut.
As I pointed out. The WHO's role is primary advisory and observational. They can only advise countries what to do with regard to a pandemic. If a country refuses to listen to their advice, there's nothing they can do. Sanctions? I've yet to read in any CREDIBLE news source any evidence that the WHO wants to place sanctions on any country. For me, that's tinfoil territory. Meanwhile what I do see are governments in certain countries blaming the WHO for their own lackluster response to the pandemic.

As for the perception on the ground about the WHO by the common people in my city:
Do I see masked ppl with WHO tags handing out tests and masks and shit on the streets? Nope. Than what the hell am I paying that tax for? Oh right, my local public transport company (which is a private company only on paper) is actually handing out free masks at every major stop with the occasional bottles of hand sanitizer, maybe I should spend the WHO tax on them instead!
It's entirely wrong, obviously. The WHO is not the red cross or something similar, but the concerne is legit. What good are they when bloated to such an extent that they need so much money, yet seemingly they don't do that great when there is an actual pandemic going around?
The perception of the WHO in my country is still good. Medical professionals (I know several including my partner) still trust the WHO for Covid19 related information. It is not the WHO's responsibility to hand out tests and masks. That responsibility lies on YOUR government based on the WHO's recommendations and those of your scientists. Again, the WHO is an advisory and monitoring agency. Without the WHO and organizations like the it, we'll probably not know of the existence of Covid19 till it hits us like a sledgehammer. We know about it because China informed the WHO about it back in December last year...albeit an incomplete and inaccurate report.

You said you are sad to see the US pulling away from these orgs. I do find it concerning that something like Russia would take it's place. I hope that doesn't happen, but I can certainly understand if the U.S. feels like it had enough of the squabbling children and wants to be alone for a bit to get itself together. With the EU doing their own act, screeching about more power, less sovereignty, forming their own army... It seems like these organizations formed ages ago are becoming less and less relevant.
Maybe the U.S. pulling back can lead to reforms and new orgs that are needed for the balance to remain intact. One can only hope.
I disagree. The US shouldn't pull away from organizations it help found and benefited from. Isolationism doesn't help anyone. Self isolation only leads to distrust, an every man for his own approach, and secrecy. I don't want to go back to the politics of the 1930s.

Once again I apologize if the tone of my posts come across arrogant and haughty of late. I'm not trying to imply that people who don't share my views are wrong. I'm just concerned that there's a lot of misinformation floating around lately and a lot of 'interests' looking to capitalize on fear and mistrust.

In truth I actually enjoy participating in this thread. In another life, I almost ended up making international security and foreign policy my career. I wanted to be either a spy or a diplomat LOL. It was my major in University and I still have a keen interest in the subject. Frankly I'm glad the tone of this thread has largely been cordial. Besides the odd implication that I'm a 'Snowflake' for not sharing a certain member's viewpoint it's been good lol. 😅
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
You mean like this?

I don't agree with Youtube's decision as that's censorship. That said, they're a private business and have the right to remove any video they deem questionable. I don't think Youtube removed the video unprompted. I'm guessing enough people 'flagged' it and it was removed.

It would appear that not all doctors share the views of these two gentlemen. I'll rather defer to a national body of doctors/scientists instead of well, two. I'll prefer for their views to be scrutinized, peer reviewed, and back up by science.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Not sure if i understand your maths? 2586 is 0.02% of 10,099,265?
Lol... if you want to see the percentage of the affected you take deaths/population not rocket science. Now you could do the 10N crap if you wanted to find out per 1000, 10000, 100000 etc. I'm pretty sure you can google the formulas.

if you have 20 rocks and you want to see the percentage of the 20 of 100 rocks you divide 20/100.

I figured you could do it in your head.

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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I apologize if I come across as touchy but much of what I see today worries me. There's the distrust of international institutions, institutions that have provided a semblance of stability for decades. People are becoming more insular and trusting their neighbours less. Meanwhile I see the resurgence of Far Right movements almost everywhere in the World and it's unfortunate. Covid19 is the best thing to happen to those forces and it absolutely frightens me. Even in your country the Far Right has made a comeback. I was in Hungary a couple of years ago and had a terrific time in Budapest. As a person of Asian descent, would I still be welcomed after all this is done?

No I disagree. What little power they have is an illusion at best. I need to stress that the UN's 'power' comes from what it's member states allow it. If you need consent to exercise power, that's not really power is it? The fact that the WHO is receiving so much criticism right now can be said to be the inaccuracy of their findings and the apparent ineffectiveness of their recommendations to national governments. I'll say that this is due to the fact that they lack the authority/mandate to truly investigate Covid19 in Wuhan. China didn't really want them poking around in Wuhan so their data and findings on Covid19 was incomplete.

They can prevent it by providing nations with a venue for dialogue and conflict resolution. This has always been the primary role of the UN. Promoting international peace and security.

As I pointed out. The WHO's role is primary advisory and observational. They can only advise countries what to do with regard to a pandemic. If a country refuses to listen to their advice, there's nothing they can do. Sanctions? I've yet to read in any CREDIBLE news source any evidence that the WHO wants to place sanctions on any country. For me, that's tinfoil territory. Meanwhile what I do see are governments in certain countries blaming the WHO for their own lackluster response to the pandemic.

The perception of the WHO in my country is still good. Medical professionals (I know several including my partner) still trust the WHO for Covid19 related information. It is not the WHO's responsibility to hand out tests and masks. That responsibility lies on YOUR government based on the WHO's recommendations and those of your scientists. Again, the WHO is an advisory and monitoring agency. Without the WHO and organizations like the it, we'll probably not know of the existence of Covid19 till it hits us like a sledgehammer. We know about it because China informed the WHO about it back in December last year...albeit an incomplete and inaccurate report.

I disagree. The US shouldn't pull away from organizations it help found and benefited from. Isolationism doesn't help anyone. Self isolation only leads to distrust, an every man for his own approach, and secrecy. I don't want to go back to the politics of the 1930s.

Once again I apologize if the tone of my posts come across arrogant and haughty of late. I'm not trying to imply that people who don't share my views are wrong. I'm just concerned that there's a lot of misinformation floating around lately and a lot of 'interests' looking to capitalize on fear and mistrust.

In truth I actually enjoy participating in this thread. In another life, I almost ended up making international security and foreign policy my career. I wanted to be either a spy or a diplomat LOL. It was my major in University and I still have a keen interest in the subject. Frankly I'm glad the tone of this thread has largely been cordial. Besides the odd implication that I'm a 'Snowflake' for not sharing a certain member's viewpoint it's been good lol. 😅
No offense taken or intended by me either! I didnt intend to ruffle any feathers, I apologize if I did. I just think that listening to what one considers the "other side" or the "enemy" even, can lead to better results and more knowledge for both sides. Outright dismissing things rarely gives the full picture.

As for the Far Right resurgence, I disagree in that it's so visible. It might really be happening, but it's really hard to tell with all the noise. Anything and everything one does that goes against the agenda that someone else is pushing for is immediately labeled far right. It doesn't even have to be a leftist agenda these days, the label is thrown around freely.
Or being called far left, but that's not as common, and not nearly as condemning. I guess it's because FR is instantly associated with a certain short mustached man who did undeniably horrible things, while FL isn't associated with the not-so-short mustached man who also did undeniably horrible things of the same magnitude, but is somehow conveniently forgotten about, or even forgiven for it.
Meanwhile the actual real far right is keeping its mouth shut mostly, lurking in the background, getting into position, waiting to come out when a critical number of common people had enough of being labeled a monster just for thinking straight and trying to get on with their lives. This is the more concerning part for me.
It's like a million voices shouting "wolf" at each other while the wolf is hiding in the crowd, slowly inching closer to the hens.

As for Budapest, you who is worried about misinformation, should check their sources lol.
The MSM constantly shouts about us being FR, there is no freedom of the press (writes the largest Hungarian online news source which is owned by the opposition, see the irony there? lol) and so on... We were condemned by the BBC for having a govt program that supports having children... which anyone can benefit from regardless of race/ethnicity, but as the mother at least has to have a Hungarian citizenship, we are absolutely far right, maybe even worse lol So yeah, real monsters, our far right hungarian govt supporting hungarian families with theri own tax money.... Don't get me wrong, our politicians are indeed corrupt to the bone, but we never had anything different from either side. It is a given, every politician is corrupt here. The "good" ones use it to give the ppl some stuff back (usually the "far right", doing typically things considered socialist leftist moves), the others just rake in the money and send it abroad to a bank account in a tax haven. This is perfectly normal at this point. Meanwhile, laws, rules, benefits don't change in any meaningful way. It's the first time since 1989 that there seems to be a bit of actual movement in the rulings to change things for a more sustainable economy for such a small country.

Now for some reality:
You wouldn't feel any different than you did back then. People are very different here compared to westerners. Most people keep to themselves and have better things to do than to care about who looks like what and puts what in which hole of their partners. It's such an insane luxury to be occupied all the time with stuff like that, something that we cant afford.
We still have a thriving and growing Jewish quarter, all the Chinese markets are still there including the huge ass plaza building built by them, there's an Asian/Indian restaurant or shop on like every third corner, run by families from their respective countries... In the last 3 years two black families moved in to my street, which is a very very rare sight because they tend to go for the West where they used to have more opportunities and much much better pay. Now they are happy just being here it seems like.
Before the lockdown I used to take the kid for a walk we would always see one of them as he got home, and after a while we started waving hi to each other. You know, like normal people do. It's not any different anywhere else around here, despite what the cunt-nonsense-network and the big-black-cock keeps preaching about us. Or the rabbid orange pest news for that matter who oversell things we do to the point it becomes actually far right... For "some reason" the western media just keeps twisting things about us. I guess it's to have someone to point at as an example either to make people accept or hate a "far one side" idea. We are insignificant and obscure enough that the avarage American has no idea where and who we are, but they can undertand the message that what we do is something to absolutely despise/follow unquestioningly.
To get to the point, I haven't seen or heard about any out of the ordinary news about Asians being abused because of the Corona hysteria. All of our medical stuff was brought in from China by govt. and private planes as Germany just "confiscated" our shipment which was coming in through their ports. People don't care where it's from as long as they get their masks and ventilators.

As for the WHO, I'll stick with the "they fucd up their part" narrative. I guess even if they did shout about it, they didn't shout loud enough. Which is their job. Which the Chinese govt. made hard to do, but that's just how things work, they should be able to overcome that to a meaningful extent.
But as I said and you said it's not their job to hand out stuff, we can most certainly agree on that! I don't care enough about the WHO to go into analytical details on it, sorry.

As for the UN, you know they are powerless, right.
But do I know? (yes, kinda knew cos I cared enough)
What I'm trying to say is that the general perception, here at least, is different from reality. In the regular Joes mind, again, here, they are roughly the same as NATO, with tanks and sanctions thrown left and right. This perception can be, and will be exploited.
Lemme give you an example, but first put on your tin foil hat cos it will be needed, a lot :D :
- WHO says "you did bad thing, we wanna punish but can't"
- UN says "but we can haha! We will cast sanctions on you bad people!"
- bad people go "oh no, we won't have food and stuff and then the tanks will come!, lets vote for the other guy next time who won't anger the ethereal all powerful organizations that I actually know nothing about apart from what the news said!"
- bad people go vote for other guy who won't anger the UN and WHO
- other guy gives pledges, money, to UN/WHO

Yes, I know it's dumb, but reality can be dumb and simple a lot of times.

I knew about virus spreading and being an issue before any WHO warning, first from YouTube from "unverified" sources who posted news reports from sources within China and later videos of what was going on well before any official word came out. While the msm doesn't take time to verify anything, because they spend that time spinning the story, some YouTubers, redditors and the like, will at least try to get to the bottom of it as much as they can. It's certainly not enough to be called absolute proof, but it's enough to be considered as true. Still, you as the person consuming the news, has to make the effort to check if others posted anything different to verify or debunk those claims if youc are about that piece of news. I guess this excludes most people who watch the news than, sadly...
That's the wonderful thing about the internet, you can see what other ppl do on the other side of the planet when it happens. It doesn't have to go through the bureaucracy of organizations and have official papers written up and double checked for spelling errors and verified as safe by the PC department and than sent to a hack posing as a journalist at a "verified source" before it goes public. It also means that people post whatever lies the want. But why should I trust in the MSM more, if all I see is agenda blogging instead of telling reality as it is? Meanwhile a tuber shows multiple sources and tells me that the truth is probably this actually, and he turns out to be right.
It's a fucked up world....

If you see several videos of people talking about a duck, showing what looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you can be pretty sure that in two weeks, it will be verified to be indeed, a duck.

as a personal note, I wanted to be a lawyer when I was 6, wanted to be a diplomat when I was 8, I didn't want to be anyhting for a while, aimed to be an engineer at 14, and became a CG artist at around 16 when my classmate gave me a CD that he picked up at flee market while shopping for pirated games. It had 3dsMax5 on it. That set me on a path I'm still following to this day lol

Wow, nice vid... I agree with @Aramsolari on this one.
No, I had been watching certain small youtubers who got effed hard by the unannounced rule change that only the MSM is allowed to say the word Corona and Virus in the same video. They weren't making any crazy claims, just talking about how it looks from their country, what their country is doing about it officially and so on. Nothing inflammatory or questionable by anyone's standards. The blanket ban on those words was harsh but probably unavoidable. But that's not entirely the point.
As i said, whether it's good or bad that they have this power is up for debate, on a per video basis. The fact that they can arbitrarily ruin someones income by changin the rules on the fly without notice, or most of the time without even making the changes to the written rules, is a really powerful tool they can and do use to control what content viewers are allowed to consume. Recognizing that this is actual power over people, just like having tanks, or oil wells or whatever, was the point of my comment.
Should they be allowed to have this power or not is up for debate, but entirely off topic, and I won't go into it here.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
if you have 20 rocks and you want to see the percentage of the 20 of 100 rocks you divide 20/100.
Yes, to get a percentage of 20 from 100 you divide 20 by 100 You get 0.2. Then you multiply that by 100 to get the percentage of 20. You divide the smaller number by the total number then multiply by 100.

So in Swedens case you take 2462, divide that by 10,099,265 giving you 0.0002 and then multiply that by 100 giving you 0.2%

That's why I'm confused...? Are you saying your 2.6% figure is per-capita?

In addition to the above, that number will only be relevant after the deaths have stopped coming. At the moment it's still climbing and is not defined. With every passing day, it gets closer to the 8% number you were given. it may not be there today, it may not be there tomorrow, but by the time this pathogen has blown itself out, it may just be there at 8% if no measures are taken to restrict its reach.

Example: Yesterday Sweden had 20,302 known cases and 2,462 known deaths with a death to case ratio of 12.1%, today it has 21,092 known cases and 2586 known deaths with a death to case ratio of 12.2%. It's changing and will continue to change day-on-day and that number won't be static until the contagion is gone and there are no more deaths from COVID-19 (if that ever happens). Looking at the number now is not even a measure of what the number will be - there may be a front loading of fatalities with less later on, but with information coming out that immunity may not be a simple case of contracting it and then you are safe and a non-carrier and that there may now be multiple strains doing the rounds, it way very much not be the case.

On the subject of numbers, about that source you have for the 8% death rate claim...? Considering I have provided a source that stated it was originally 2% and was later uprated to 3.4%, I'd love to see your source if you have it handy? Was it using country population against death rate? Was it using Known Cases against Known Death rate? I'm interested to know what metric it was using? Was it only in relation to a certain age-group, for example, which would make sense to me? Was it per-capita? I'm trying to work out why you would by told the WHO said 8% when it is recorded that they said 2%, then revised it to 3.4%?
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