Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner- Reports from around the world from today, Monday 2nd of November:

- World: 46,734,454 confirmed cases and 1,203,494 confirmed deaths.

- UK: The North West Ambulance Service in England has declared a major incident following a high volume of calls for assistance - advises if not an emergency to seek an alternate source of care or to make ones own way to hospital.

- US: Researchers at MIT have designed an algorithm which was 98.5% accurate at diagnosing known COVID sufferers from the sound of their coughs, however it would need medical approval to be granted permission to turn into an app.

- UK: The coronavirus immunology consortium releases report on T cell immunity, indicating the immune cells remain 6 months after infection and are present in significantly higher numbers, 50% higher, in people who had been symptomatic compared to asymptomatic persons. It is suggested this may mean the harder someone gets it the more immune they become to it, or inversely those who were asymptomatic may be able to control the pathogen with fewer T cells. Results offer evidence that T-cell immunity may last longer than antibodies but to this point it is unclear what that actually means by way of reinfection.

- US: On campaign trail President Trump, following chanting from supporters, suggests firing Dr. Fauci, the countries preeminent infectious disease expert. It has been pointed out as the Dr. is a civil servant, not a incumbent regime employee, that would be really rather hard to do...

- Slovakia: Population testing attempt has resulted in two thirds of the population being tested over the weekend, further tests are planned for next weekend. The infection rate was found to be 1% of participants, or 38,359 active cases who have now moved into quarantine.

- Germany: Enters into "Lockdown Light".

- Neatherlands: New daily cases appear to be leveling off, the rate of new cases having fallen for three days in a row now standing at 8,300 for the last 24 hours.

- Bulgaria: Police in capital city of Sofia to help shuttle COVID patents to hospital as Ambulance service cannot keep up with demand.

- Spain: Man plays "Eternal Flame" on a piano in the street as violent lockdown protests escalate around him:
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner- Reports from around the world from today, Monday 2nd of November:
- US: On campaign trail President Trump, following chanting from supporters, suggests firing Dr. Fauci, the countries preeminent infectious disease expert. It has been pointed out as the Dr. is a civil servant, not a incumbent regime employee, that would be really rather hard to do...
Dude was appointed by Reagan and has been at his job for 36 years. He'll outlast Trump.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
4 days in a row of zero new infections or deaths here in Victoria
4 whole days... vic gets a gold star, again. Life of a virus can last 100s of years. So, I suppose you'll just keep locking it down. Good news though, summer is coming in Australia where its winter here in the Northern Hemisphere.

The long game - is your country and its economy... the short game - is live for today. We will see how the Aussies thread that needle, but it does not look Vic is on the right track for the long game. Time will tell, but I think countries that over reacted are going to have long term economic troubles. Throw stones at the people who disagree with you (they don't like lockdowns or think the policy is stupid like I do), but I say, the proof is in the pudding.

- US: On campaign trail President Trump, following chanting from supporters, suggests firing Dr. Fauci, the countries preeminent infectious disease expert. It has been pointed out as the Dr. is a civil servant, not a incumbent regime employee, that would be really rather hard to do...
Dr. Fauci, can be fired... he can be removed from his advisory position with the president. He won't be "fired" in the terms of losing his pay... he will be moved to the basement with his stapler.

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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Dr. Fauci, can be fired... he can be removed from his advisory position with the president. He won't be "fired" in the terms of losing his pay... he will be moved to the basement with his stapler.
He's already been relegated to the sidelines and supposedly hasn't talked to Trump in months. In your view, he's basically been 'fired' already. That said, even though he's essentially been booted off the Covid19 Taskforce he's still the Director of the NIH and that position carries some weight. The NIH mind you is a US Government Agency and not an Executive Department like say...Department of Education. Even though the NIH falls under the wing of the Department of Health, Dr. Fauci is a civil servant, not a political appointee.

Trump 'can' officially try and fire him but it won't be that easy. Hell I almost wish he would. That'll certainly free up Dr. Fauci to say what he really thinks of the whole business....unshackled.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Trump 'can' officially try and fire him but it won't be that easy. Hell I almost wish he would. That'll certainly free up Dr. Fauci to say what he really thinks of the whole business....unshackled.
I wish he could be fired too... but for different reasons. His role is a Doctor, not a politician... anyone who criticizes Federalism (role of states) should not be in our government. He can move to Canada, Brittan, China, Australia, where he can edict his rules and push his theories on people who can't fight back.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I wish he could be fired too... but for different reasons. His role is a Doctor, not a politician... anyone who criticizes Federalism (role of states) should not be in our government. He can move to Canada, Brittan, China, Australia, where he can edict his rules and push his theories on people who can't fight back.
In that case Canada would gladly have him as would many other countries. I suppose some countries still value science and expertise only decades of excellence in a chosen field can bring.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
In that case Canada would gladly have him as would many other countries. I suppose some countries still value science and expertise only decades of excellence in a chosen field can bring.
We're eight minutes into quarter - 8 months - this virus is going to last for years and years. You can have him as well as all our elite class who thumb their noses at us. He is not the only scientist... he is the scientist you want to believe (that is your choice). The strong countries will survive, the countries who fear it will be setback significantly. US is NOT Canada... we have 330 million people to compared to Canada that has 35 million. Our numbers are different, our demographics are different, our politics are different, and even our geography is different.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
You can have him as well as all our elite class who thumb their noses at us.
Yeah I don't understand this victim hood complex. Who's thumbing their noses at you? Who's 'us'?

This is a global pandemic with a virus that doesn't care about politics, demographics, and geography as you so eloquently listed.

Dr. Fauci is not the only scientist but his advice, observations, and guidelines are consistent with those of medical experts in other countries including mine. Europe and Canada is experiencing a second wave right now because folks have let their guard down. I don't blame the medical authorities because there's only so much they can do when the populace refuses to pay heed. That said, the US still takes the cake in number of cases, number of new daily cases, and number of deaths. Even if you factor in the population difference, the US still beats Canada on a per capita basis hands down. The numbers don't lie.

Colddog. We've been locking horns in this thread since what? February? March? Let's just say we're set in our ways and leave it at that.

All disagreements aside what I do believe is that we'll come out of this eventually. I trust that it'll be through a vaccine or the virus losing it's potency. Until then I'll continue to put my trust in medical professionals and experts instead of kooks, hacks, and conspiracy theorist Karens on Facebook. I don't believe in new lockdowns but I've accepted PPE and social distancing as the new norm. I'll continue to wear my mask and social distance when possible because I've accepted that as a form of civic responsibility. Just the way I was brought up I suppose.

My higher ups and coworkers feel the same way I do. Guess we're doing something right. We've had one suspected case on my production and even then it turned out to be a false positive.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Colddog. We've been locking horns in this thread since what? February? March? Let's just say we're set in our ways and leave it at that.
I totally appreciate you, because if it was not for me you folks would run in circles agreeing with each other (group think). Being the devil's advocate is a hard and thankless job... but not everyone thinks like you. There are very bright people that have a different opinion and when I see one side or the other targeted for shame - like in Australia, I have to step in and say... "get your head out of your ass"... the world is colorful and no matter what we say or do... the virus is going to keep doing what it does.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I totally appreciate you, because if it was not for me you folks would run in circles agreeing with each other (group think). Being the devil's advocate is a hard and thankless job... but not everyone thinks like you. There are very bright people that have a different opinion and when I see one side or the other targeted for shame - like in Australia, I have to step in and say... "get your head out of your ass"... the world is colorful and no matter what we say or do... the virus is going to keep doing what it does.
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
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View attachment 19128
4 days in a row of zero new infections or deaths here in Victoria
That is good news, and should help your country as you head into the colder months (though your summer is still coming up!).

Taking early, decisive action and showing leadership definitely pays off. Taiwan is another example of where following established public health protocols has paid similar dividends.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Tuesday 3rd of November:

- World: 47,370,241 confirmed cases and 1,209,172 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 47 million confirmed cases. We passed 46 million on Sunday meaning 1 million more cases in the last 2/3 days.

- UK: Official figures reveal the death rate is 10% higher than normal with almost all of that attributed to COVID.

- Sweden: Head of the countries health authority warns "we have a long, tough winter in front of us" as more restrictions are bought in.

- UK: Liverpool to be first city in the UK to attempt to test the whole population.

- World: "Frenzy of deals" by richer countries snaps up roughly 8.8 billion doses of potential COVID Vaccines risking supplies for poorer nations.

- France: Sees highest death rate since April.

- Italy: Sees highest death rate since May.

- Hungary: Sees record high daily new cases and deaths.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Wednesday 4th of November:

- World: 47,706,992 confirmed cases and 1,218,208 confirmed deaths.

- UK: 12,320 people currently sick in hospitals with COVID-19, and 492 daily deaths recorded - the highest number of deaths since May.

- US: Hospitalizations at highest number for 3 months, at over 50,000 with Missouri, Oklahoma, Iowa, Indiana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and New Mexico recording weekly high admissions.

- Austria: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Russia: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Lithuania: Announces 3 week national lockdown.

- UK: £45 million masks deal crumbles amid claims of potential fraud.

- UK: The eve of Lockdown 2.0 for England, and Teachers given only 24 hours to prepare for new masks rules in schools.

- Australia: Announces travel ban between the areas of Victoria and NSW due to be lifted on the 23rd.

- Denmark: Country to cull its entire herd of 17 million Mink as concerns over the virus mutating in the susceptible animals grows following a mutated strain being found to have passed from Mink to humans. “The mutated virus in mink may pose a risk to the effectiveness of a future vaccine"


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
- US: Hospitalizations at highest number for 3 months, at over 50,000 with Missouri, Oklahoma, Iowa, Indiana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and New Mexico recording weekly high admissions.
If I were evil... and I wanted to influence an election or attack their economy in China... I would disperse a virus on China in election year, deplete the world PPE, and prevent the spread in the US. China needs to be held to account... the deaths world wide are not the US fault... it is Chinas fault. I know we all know this at our bones. The election is not over, so don't get too cocky. Bottom line, half of America agrees and that is no small amount of people that would not agree with my statement - maybe the people here do, but this is not a sample of the US.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Thursday 5th of November:

- World: 48,450,292 confirmed cases and 1,229,671 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 48 million cases, we passed 47 million on Tuesday meaning 1 million more cases in 2/3 days.

- UK: In an unexpected move UK Central Government extends 80% pay Furlough system until March 2021, as Bank Of England injects £150 billion into the economy to keep interest rates at 0.1%

- UK: Lockdown 2 begins with the message being: Stay at home.

- US: Researchers at Rockefeller University in New York find strongest evidence yet that the immune response to the virus is much faster and higher quality in those who have been previously infected.

- UK: Another Thursday another round of countries which we didn't know were not under a quarantine order to return from: This time Germany and Sweden. Travelers have until 4am on Saturday to get back to Blighty or have to serve Quarantine.

- Sweden: Prime Minister goes in to self isolation after someone whom is in their "vicinity" confirmed a contact trace to someone with confirmed COVID-19.

- France: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Greece: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Italy: Sees highest new daily death rate since April.

- Balarus: Country bans citizens from returning from other countries, except from Russia due to boarder agreements: “Don’t bring the virus back to us. And it doesn’t matter what kind of passport the virus is travelling with,”

- UK: Cheltenham A&E (ER) closes as part of response to COVID outbreak there "We are saving lives through this approach. I am absolutely certain of that,"
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
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UK: Cheltenham A&E (ER) closes as part of response to COVID outbreak there "We are saving lives through this approach. I am absolutely certain of that,"
Ouch... don't break a leg... Are there alternatives for people who need emergency treatment when they do this? I don't mean because they sneezed, or worse - their neighbors dog sneezed. I mean because they need an A&E, the kind of thing they don't make you wait in the waiting room for. Otherwise it just contributes to the collateral damage of the pandemic.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Ouch... don't break a leg... Are there alternatives for people who need emergency treatment when they do this? I don't mean because they sneezed, or worse - their neighbors dog sneezed. I mean because they need an A&E, the kind of thing they don't make you wait in the waiting room for. Otherwise it just contributes to the collateral damage of the pandemic.
Homeopathy and chiropractic. Duh.
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