Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
No I am not advocating that. Months ago people thought the world was falling... then they locked down... then the world and economy was falling. No, I never said let it run rampant... be grateful 8 months into it we're starting to get traction. Nothing is perfect... the virus may mutate and the vaccine may become ineffective... maybe not. We do not know. We as humans, in 2020 are not so privileged to have any benefit over people in 1400 had with the exception of science advances. People die, and like it or not... a VIRUS is mother natures population control, always has been, is now, and always will be.

So, again, check your perspective.
So what you're saying is that we should have some perspective? Rather vague...Here I am thinking I'm a pretty perceptive guy. Boy you sure showed me.

I'm still trying to figure out what you're trying to say? Viruses are mother nature's population control? Well disagreement there. Vaccine may not work? Well yeah nothing's 100%. We may not 'control' the virus and it will have to be tolerated like seasonal flus? Well yeah.

Random references to history and plagues of the past and how they were more lethal? Well yeah, no disagreements there. You don't want new lockdowns and economies to shut down? Well yeah...I'm happy to be back at work. point is half the time you think someone is disagreeing with you about something, they probably either agree or have no opinion on the matter. You adopt this combative tone on this thread when most of us here just want some info on Covid and maybe have a friendly discussion or two. We're all buddies here.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I'm cautously optimistic too. But personally i would limit the vaccination at least for at least one more year for very vulnerable and/or exposed people (= likely to die and/or have severe long term complications from an infection)
Absolutely. I'm strongly in favor of the most vulnerable in society getting the proper treatment/vaccines first.

Ultimately most of the population will need to be inoculated though for the whole thing to really work.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
FatalisSmilodon point is half the time you think someone is disagreeing with you about something, they probably either agree or have no opinion on the matter. You adopt this combative tone on this thread when most of us here just want some info on Covid and maybe have a friendly discussion or two. We're all buddies here.
I know all of agree to most of the stuff on this thread. I sure do... but we have to look at it from different perspectives... the perspectives of poor people, the perspective of mother nature, the perspective of the economy, the perspective of our grand parents, the perspective of politicians.

A virus is a virus... but how we handle it with science is with politics as its master.

The Dialogues of Plato describe an incident in which Socrates tries to explain the flaws of democracy to a person named Adeimantus. Socrates compares the society to a ship and asks Adeimantus, if he were to head out on a journey by sea, who would he want to be in charge of the ship — just anyone or a person who is properly educated in the skills and rules of seafaring?

Adeimantus obviously replies that he wants an educated seafarer to captain the ship. Socrates asks Adeimantus why then he would want any random person to judge who should rule the country.

James Madison
Madison referred to impetuous mobs as factions, which he defined in “Federalist No. 10” as a group “united and actuated by some common impulse of passion (COVID Hysteria), or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens (ie. Lockdown), or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community.” Factions arise, he believed, when public opinion forms and spreads quickly. But they can dissolve if the public is given time and space to consider long-term interests rather than short-term gratification.

Again time heals.

I think there is common ground, but I think the issue that we face is the execution of dealing with the problem, and that is ok... we need to discuss this, because I learn from you and you learn from me.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
While the recent news about the vaccine from Pfizer was great, just a reminder that that it will be *months* before any vaccine will be available, as hundreds of millions of doses have to be manufactured and shipped across the country, and the world, before it can get provided to you. And by the way, the Pfizer vaccine requires 2 doses, about 28 days apart, for it to be effective.

In the meantime, the standard precautions of a) maintaining physical distance, b) wearing a mask, and c) washing your hands & keeping your fingers out of your eyes/nose/other mucus membranes is still the best way of avoiding the illness.

I'm saying this (again) because cases are continuing to skyrocket in the US (and other places) especially at the more northern latitudes:
Screen Shot 2020-11-11 at 7.32.45 AM.png

Indeed, the North Dakota governor has taken the extraordinary step of allowing healthcare workers infected with COVID-19 (but asymptomatic) to continue working in the hospital and treat COVID-19 patients. Having the hospitals overburdened is one of the things I am really, really concerned about.



Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
In the meantime, the standard precautions of a) maintaining physical distance, b) wearing a mask, and c) washing your hands & keeping your fingers out of your eyes/nose/other mucus membranes is still the best way of avoiding the illness.
But...I like to hug strangers. pick their noses and then eat the delicious treats I find and I'm ok


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
But...I like to hug strangers. pick their noses and then eat the delicious treats I find and I'm ok
This is a new definition of the word "ok" which I was previously unaware of.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Wednesday 11th of November:

- World: 51,684,237 confirmed cases and 1,275,995 confirmed deaths.

- UK: There is a bitter irony as official death toll passes 50,000 on Remembrance Day. The UK is the first country in Europe to pass 50k, and only the fifth globally to pass grim milestone. It has been pointed out this only includes people who have died within 28 days of diagnosis, some people have left hospital after a hundred days of treatment... and others have not.

- US: Sees record high new daily cases, and a new record high number of people being treated for COVID in hospitals at 61,964, while 1 million new cases were recorded in just 10 days.

- Italy: Passes 1 million total confirmed cases.

- US: Texas first state to see 1 million total confirmed cases.

- Vanuatu: Pacific island nation, one of the last places on earth free from the touch of COVID, records its first case of the virus in a traveler returning from the US.

- Russia: Indicates Sputnik-5 vaccine 92% effective. Analysis comes from a pool of 16,000 volunteers who have taken the treatment.

- India: Capital city Dheli describes as being in "Third Wave" due to pollution and the recent festival season.

- UK: Following a turbulent history going in to Tier 3 lockdown, Reports indicate hopes that city may have passed its second wave with new cases now on the decline.

- Russia: Sees record daily deaths.

- Brazil: More information on the suspended Chinese COVID vaccine trial. A participant took their own life, and the suspension has been claimed to be a political and ideological move rather than one based on scientific evidence of harm caused by the inoculation. A political quagmire has emerged as a result.

- China: Sees first locally transmitted infection since February. 17 other infections also reported were imported in travelers.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle

And they say the US is divided. Look how united we are in our fucking terrible management of this pandemic! Fuck you Vermont, you think you're better than us?

I for one refuse to wear a face mask and will not stop eating out and having large social gatherings because otherwise it's communism.

Can't wait for the death rate to triple once hospitals are filled up. Hospitals being at 100% capacity is VERY VERY bad under any circumstances, but much less something with such virulent spread and long term care requirements.

But hey I'm sure everyone will have a nice socially distant Thanksgiving, right?


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
View attachment 19195

And they say the US is divided. Look how united we are in our fucking terrible management of this pandemic! Fuck you Vermont, you think you're better than us?

I for one refuse to wear a face mask and will not stop eating out and having large social gatherings because otherwise it's communism.

Can't wait for the death rate to triple once hospitals are filled up. Hospitals being at 100% capacity is VERY VERY bad under any circumstances, but much less something with such virulent spread and long term care requirements.

But hey I'm sure everyone will have a nice socially distant Thanksgiving, right?
Could you imagine how quickly people would start wearing masks and not showing up at the hospitals sick with Cov if they where just taken out back and shot?

Sportsman Discussion Forum - Fowler Forum


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Thursday 12th of November:

- World: 52,331,462 confirmed cases and 1,287,966 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 52 million cases. We passed 51 on Tuesday meaning 1 million more cases in the last 2/3 days.

- UK: Sees record high daily cases, with a jump of 10,000 between yesterday and today with seemingly no cause for the spike, now standing at 33,470.

- US: Sees record high daily cases, at 144,000 which is a new world record, too.

- UK: Three month period between July and September sees economy bounce back by over 15%, but still sits 8% below where it was pre-COVID.

- US: Democrats attempt to restart talks on COVID financial aid package however immediately rejected by Republicans as too expensive at $2.2 trillion with team red eyeing a package at but half a trillion.

- France: Doctor to appear before a disciplinary panel to answer for touting hydroxychloroquine as a COVID treatment without any apparent evidence.

- Denmark: Animal tests show experimental vaccine in the country is effective against the mutated Mink strain.

- Greece: Sees record high daily infections.

- France: Lockdown to continue at least another 2 weeks.

- Austria: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Canada/UK: Vaccine by Medicargo and Glaxo Smith Kline to enter large scale trials.

- Croatia: Sees record high new daily cases.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Could you imagine how quickly people would start wearing masks and not showing up at the hospitals sick with Cov if they where just taken out back and shot?
Ugh... yeah... that is the direction we're headed with a govt solution... kill everyone who does not obey. People are not robots... that is why if AI were in charge expecting us to act like robots, we would fail to meet expectations and executed, thus extinct. Anyone who has tried to heard cattle knows this.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Ugh... yeah... that is the direction we're headed with a govt solution... kill everyone who does not obey. People are not robots... that is why if AI were in charge expecting us to act like robots, we would fail to meet expectations and executed, thus extinct. Anyone who has tried to heard cattle knows this.
Oh I am aware, it was just dark humor figured with the far-side vet doc picture would tie it together as such.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Friday 13th of November:

- World: 53,021,603 confirmed cases and 1,297,347 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 53 million total confirmed cases. We passed 52 million on... yesterday... meaning 1 million more cases between Thursday and Friday...

- World: Highest global single day death toll at over 11k, and highest single day confirmed infections at over 660k

- Italy: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Germany: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Sweden: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Russia: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Ukraine: Sees record high new daily cases.

- US: Sees record high new daily cases.

- US: California becomes second state to pass 1 million confirmed cases.

- World: Microsoft indicates it has detected hacking attempts from Russia and North Korea on seven companies involved in developing vaccines to combat COVID-19 in countries including Canada, France, India, South Korea and the United States

- US/Australia: Australia Prime Minister Morrison indicated President Elect Biden showed interest in the countries containment of COVID, and has sent their contact-tracing information to both the incumbent President Trump as well as Elect Biden.

- UK: Public Health England finds people with learning difficulties 6 times more likely to die from COVID.

- Youtube: Video platform will not be producing a Youtube Rewind year in review video for 2020 "2020 has been different. And it doesn't feel right to carry on as if it weren't."

- UK: Secondary School (High school?) children producing the highest percentage of positive COVID tests of any other age group in the country and contributed a "significantly higher role" in spreading COVID in households.

- India: Prime Minister advocates traditional remedies in the face of the pandemic - “despite our nation being very populous, the Covid-19 situation is under control because every household is consuming immunity boosters like turmeric milk, the ashwagandha herb, kaadha etc”.

- UK: Dominic Cummings, senior aide to the Prime Minister leaves his position with little notice, having failed to resign his position when he broke Lockdown restrictions in April and traveled 261 miles while infected from London to Durham. Apparently his resignation was not due to the failures of the COVID response or the impending Brexit troubles - just party politics.


Space Marshal
Nov 24, 2018
RSI Handle
Also in US news, it seems the Secret Service is having a COVID breakout right now, over 100 reported cases among those around the White House and such.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Big Saturday in college football....unfortunately, about 30% of the games have been canceled because of COVID-19...will be interesting how the season will finish/end


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Texas looking really bad now:


As we have seen in the past, there is about a 4wk delay between big spikes in cases and spikes in hospitalizations and deaths.

On the positive side, most of the newer cases are generally younger people who are less likely to die, so death rate is lower this time around compared to the initial spike.

It is also important to be aware that just because you do not die from COVID does not mean you in the clear. There are some very serious long term side effects that have yet to manifest and be fully understood. The lung and cardiac damage is persistent and permanent, getting Covid and recovering does not mean you are in the clear!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Saturday 14th of November:

- World: 53,661,954 confirmed cases and 1,307,068 confirmed deaths.

- US: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Ukraine: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Russia: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Poland: Sees record high new daily deaths.

- Romania: Fire in COVID hospital kills 10 and seriously injures 7 others.

- World: Diwali observed around the world, various countries follow stricter COVID measures than others but still try to celebrate the religious festival as best they can.

- UK: Liverpool, and Lockdown protests see 16 arrests.

- UK: Bristol, and Lockdown protests see 14 arrests.

- Lebanon: Starts two week lockdown.

- UK: Two hospitals in county of Lincolnshire declare highest alert level after spike in cases. There are only three hospitals in Lincolnshire.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
It is also important to be aware that just because you do not die from COVID does not mean you in the clear. There are some very serious long term side effects that have yet to manifest and be fully understood. The lung and cardiac damage is persistent and permanent, getting Covid and recovering does not mean you are in the clear!
Listen to Montoya when he says this.

My friend who tested positive on the 20th of April is still suffering from Long COVID. Their symptoms got so bad a few weeks ago, they were re-tested and found to be negative - they only got the virus once, but got he same symptoms so bad they had to have a re-test to make sure they hadn't caught it again.

For them, it isn't going away. For them, it continues seven months after they contracted it. They are now part of the UK study in to Long COVID.

Look after yourselves people.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Texas looking really bad now:

View attachment 19239

As we have seen in the past, there is about a 4wk delay between big spikes in cases and spikes in hospitalizations and deaths.

On the positive side, most of the newer cases are generally younger people who are less likely to die, so death rate is lower this time around compared to the initial spike.

It is also important to be aware that just because you do not die from COVID does not mean you in the clear. There are some very serious long term side effects that have yet to manifest and be fully understood. The lung and cardiac damage is persistent and permanent, getting Covid and recovering does not mean you are in the clear!
It's bad enough in Texas, but not as bad as that chart alone insinuates. We don't see people falling like flies yet. In cases/100,000 residents it's 23 or 24th highest in the US. That said, at the same time, here in Texas the number of cases is about 5X the number of cases in all of Canada. Stay in BC man.
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