Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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And there we go, Lockdown, more in line with the one in march though as the other we got wasn't really anything.
Yep, and all schools closed from tomorrow, but of course they sent the Primary schools back today so any benefit in those areas may be hindered by that. Nice to see they admitted although it might be less risky for kiddies if they catch it, it doesn't stop them being a vector of contagion back into the household.


Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
Does it get the kids and teachers out of high density situations?
This new lockdown announced today does, only key workers and vulnerable children to attend school, the rest will be remote working. The school my kids go to have already reached out to us and said they're taking tomorrow to set things up then remote learning will commence wednesday.


Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
Yep, and all schools closed from tomorrow, but of course they sent the Primary schools back today so any benefit in those areas may be hindered by that. Nice to see they admitted although it might be less risky for kiddies if they catch it, it doesn't stop them being a vector of contagion back into the household.
I feel the majority of people who deny this exists or play down its seriousness is because they only thing about the sick and not about the transmission


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
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My Grandmother in Israel got the vaccine yesterday!

My parents in FL are trying to access the site the county put up to register but the site went down! So much for planning for the bandwidth.

Florida is in pretty bad shape, the beaches were full over new years and all the restaurants were packed.



Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
My Grandmother in Israel got the vaccine yesterday!

My parents in FL are trying to access the site the county put up to register but the site went down! So much for planning for the bandwidth.

Florida is in pretty bad shape, the beaches were full over new years and all the restaurants were packed.

View attachment 20080
Israel definitely has their shit together, kudos to them. I'm curious how Singapore (where I have family) will rollout their vaccination program as they're seen as the Israel of Asia with a similar population and technocratic style government.


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Vaccination strategy in germany:

Highest priority
  • Over 80-year-olds
  • Individuals who are treated, cared for, or work in residential facilities for the elderly or those in need of long-term care,
  • Caregivers in ambulatory care services
  • Employees in medical facilities with a high risk of exposure, such as intensive care units, emergency rooms, ambulance services, as providers of specialized outpatient palliative care, SARS-CoV-2 vaccination centers, and in areas with infection-related activities
  • Employees in medical facilities who treat, care for, or provide care to high-risk individuals. (Primarily hemato-oncology and transplant medicine.

High priority
  • Over 70 years of age
  • Individuals with trisomy 21, with dementia or mental retardation, post organ transplant.
  • Close contacts of such persons in need of care who are over 70 years of age, have trisomy 21 or mental retardation (or dementia), or are at high risk of infection after an organ transplant.
  • Contact persons of pregnant women
  • Persons who work in inpatient facilities for mentally retarded persons or who regularly treat, care for, or provide nursing care to mentally retarded persons as part of outpatient care services,
  • Persons working in areas of medical facilities with a high or increased risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, especially physicians and other personnel with regular patient contact, personnel in blood and plasma donation services, and in SARS-CoV-2 testing centers
  • Police and law enforcement personnel who are at high risk of infection while on duty, such as during demonstrations.
  • Individuals in public health services and relevant hospital infrastructure positions.
  • Individuals living or working in refugee and homeless facilities

Increased priority
  • Persons over 60 years of age
  • Individuals with the following conditions: Obesity, chronic. Kidney disease, chronic. Liver disease, immunodeficiency or HIV infection, diabetes mellitus, various heart diseases, stroke, cancer, COPD or asthma, autoimmune diseases and rheumatism
  • Employees in medical facilities with low risk of exposure (laboratories) and without care for patients with suspected infectious diseases
  • Persons in relevant position in governments, administrations and the constitutional bodies, in armed forces, police, fire department, disaster control and THW, judiciary
  • Persons in relevant position in companies of critical infrastructure, in pharmacy and pharmaceutical industry, public supply and disposal, food industry, transportation, information technology and telecommunications
  • Educators and teachers
  • Persons with precarious working or living conditions

Progress yet rather slow
i think currently they are expecting to vaccinate 1 - 2 % per month of the population (~ 300-400k people per week)
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Space Marshal
Nov 24, 2018
RSI Handle
Some places are reporting that Arizona has the highest rate of COVID, IN THE WORLD!!!!

And we are also about to approach the post xmas/new years wave as well for most of the world, while still dealing with Thanksgiving surges. 2021 not looking good to start, hopefully vaccine dosages ramp up otherwise this will be another long year.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Tuesday 5th of January:

- World: 85,899,563 confirmed cases and 1,858,412 confirmed deaths.

- US: Los Angeles County Emergency Medical Services Agency tells ambulance crews not to transport coronavirus patients who are unlikely to survive in effort to conserve dwindling oxygen supplies and Intensive Care beds.

- UK: Sees record high new daily cases at 60,916.

- UK: Lincoln County Hospital announces a critical incident "due to the large number of patients requiring admission". A spokesperson went on to say
"The number of inpatients who have been confirmed as having Covid-19 across our sites remains higher than in wave one and we remain extremely busy across our wards and intensive care units. [...] "Our position is compounded by challenges with staffing due to a lack of availability of colleagues due to a number of factors."

- UK: 1.3 million people have received at least one dose of vaccine so far.

- Denmark: Allows 6 week delay on receiving second vaccine dose to stretch current limited supplies to as many people as possible.

- Australia: In a radio interview the Prime Minister suggests the UK cut corners: "Australia is not in an emergency situation like the United Kingdom. So we don't have to cut corners. We don't have to take unnecessary risks," and also, incorrectly, stated that batches of vaccine are not being tested and certified for use.

- Australia: New South Wales, and residents of 3 cities are advised to isolate and seek testing as the infection is discovered in an 18 year old who'd gone on a camping trip to Broken Hill, Orange and Nyngan.

- Germany: To extend lockdown to the end of the month.

- Belgium: To receive only half the Pfizer vaccine doses it ordered for January due to logistics issues.

- Poland: Health Minister announces a hospital which allowed actors, celebrities and politicians to jump the queue for vaccines is liable for a quater of a million Zloty fine ($67,000 - £50,000).

- Japan: Top Sumo wrestler Hakuho tests positive for COVID-19.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Wednesday 6th of January:

- World: 86,809,552 confirmed cases and 1,876,156 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 86 million cases, we passes 85 million on Monday meaning another 1 million in the last 2/3 days.

- US: Passes 21 million confirmed cases.

- Europe: Approves Moderna vaccine.

- UK: Passes 30,000 active hospitalizations.

- UK: Passes 1,000 daily deaths, the highest number in one day since April.

- UK: Sees record high new daily cases at 62,322.

- Japan: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Portugal: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Ireland: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Lebanon: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Peru: Hospitals hit capacity.

- Bolivia: Hospitals hit capacity.

- Czech Republic: Some crematoriums report being at operational capacity.

- China: Fails to allow team members from the WHO investigation on the origins of COVID-19 into the country.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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I hear the British variant is really the best out there! 😉
I dunno, South Africa has a decent version which is supposed to be UK strength but potentially with enough kinks to fox current vaccines according to a handful of sciencetits.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Thursday 7th of January:

- World: 87,434,105 confirmed cases and 1,887,970 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 87 million cases, we passed 86 million cases yesterday meaning a million more in the last 1/2 days.

- UK: Sees highest number of daily deaths since April 21st at 1,162.

- UK: 50% more people now in hospital with COVID-19 than there were at the peak of the first wave, with 10,000 more since Christmas day.

- UK: Some hospitals now 50% COVID cases, 50% standard conditions. Concerns are raised that some hospitals will have to convert to COVID only centers.

- UK: Country of Kent, where the UK strain B117 was first discovered, to have Mass Testing opened to all residents.

- US: Sees record high new daily deaths at 3,865.

- Germany: Records over 1000 daily deaths.

- Sweden: Recommends face masks on public transport for first time, in contrast to the countries initial response to the pandemic of minimal measures.

- Russia: Death toll passes 60,000.

- Japan: Tokyo announces a new state of emergency as cases reach record levels.

- Malaysia: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Canada: Quebec to go into full lockdown for 4 weeks on Saturday.

- South Africa: Sees record high new daily cases and record high new daily deaths.

- China: City of Shijiazhuang, population 11 million, locked down following an outbreak of over 100 cases.

- Isle Of Man: Island enters second full lockdown following a new cluster of cases believed to have been centred around New Years Eve celebrations.

- UK: Edendale Lodge elderly care home loses 50% of its residents since Christmas: “It was an awful Christmas and terrible for the staff,” [...] “It is just unstoppable. We are sitting ducks.”


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Found this article about the vaccine deployment:

Inside I found an actual NUMBER:
On Saturday, Democratic Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers urged the federal government to send them more doses of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, tweeting, "It's unacceptable that our state will only be receiving 35,100 doses of Pfizer next week—far fewer than were expected after the initial doses allocated earlier this week.
Wisconsin, according to Google has a population of 5,820,000....doing the math, at this rate, it will take just over 161 weeks (over 3 years!) to vaccinate everybody!

Maybe new leadership will make this a focus, and speed things up...

EDIT: As I was making my second cup of coffee, I realized --> this is for only getting one dose of the vaccine! Since you need 2 doses, multiply the numbers by 2 to get the timeline at the current rate: 6 years!
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today, Friday 8th of January:

- World: 88,339,935 confirmed cases and 1,904,122 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 88 million confirmed cases, we passed 87 million yesterday meaning 1 million more cases in 1 day.

- US: Sees record high daily death toll of 4,085, the first time the daily toll has passed 4k for any country.

- Germany: Sees record high daily death toll of 1,188.

- UK: Sees record high daily death toll of 1,325.

- UK: Sees record high daily new cases at 68,053.

- UK: Approves Moderna Vaccine but does not expect deliveries until Spring.

- UK: Study reveals infections up by one third following Christmas Day get-togethers.

- UK: Mayor of London announces a "Major Incident" (apparently the UK's way of saying a state of emergency) and says cases are "out of control" with 1 in 20 with the virus in some parts of the city.

- France: Approves Moderna vaccine.

- US: Over 130,000 in hospital with COVID.

- US: UK COVID variant found in Texas, Connecticut and Pennsylvania - in addition to California, Florida, New York and Georgia. 50 confirmed cases located so far.

- US: Number of jobs declines 140,000 in December.

- Sweden: Parliament votes in favor of new pandemic laws: “We know that Covid-19 is in the society and will be here for a long time to come. More precise measures are needed, that are possible to maintain over time”

- China: Provences of Heilongjiang, Liaoning and Hebei, and the city of Beijing report cases in the last 24 hours.

- Iran: Bans import of US or UK made vaccines.
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