Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
So from what im reading across multiple news sources is that biden shut down the investigation into the origins of covid in china and as soon as CNN reported this he reopens the investigation. Now its coming to light that the NIH was funding research at the wuhan lab which included gain of function research, of which was conducted in the level 2 lab instead of the level 4 lab. I havent spent too much time researching the details but it seems like more fuckery is afoot. Mentioning the idea that covid may have come from the wuhan lab used to be met with resistance. "It's debunked", "its a conspiracy".

I'll admit, this shit pisses me off. We brought this up way early on in this thread and the media was like "stop being racist towards china", "It's debunked because they said it came from bats", "its debunked because they said it comes from pangolins", "no no, it actually originated in italy", "oh actually china says it was the US army".

I blame the CCP for both their incompetence and deception and our stupid media for not doing its due diligence and figuring this shit out a long time ago.

Here's a couple articles for reference. I cant guarantee any particular source to be of your liking, but if you get curious there's a lot of info on this at the moment coming from everyone.

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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
So from what im reading across multiple news sources is that biden shut down the investigation into the origins of covid in china and as soon as CNN reported this he reopens the investigation. Now its coming to light that the NIH was funding research at the wuhan lab which included gain of function research, of which was conducted in the level 2 lab instead of the level 4 lab. I havent spent too much time researching the details but it seems like more fuckery is afoot. Mentioning the idea that covid may have come from the wuhan lab used to be met with resistance. "It's debunked", "its a conspiracy".

I'll admit, this shit pisses me off. We brought this up way early on in this thread and the media was like "stop being racist towards china", "It's debunked because they said it came from bats", "its debunked because they said it comes from pangolins", "no no, it actually originated in italy", "oh actually china says it was the US army".

I blame the CCP for both their incompetence and deception and our stupid media for not doing its due diligence and figuring this shit out a long time ago.

Here's a couple articles for reference. I cant guarantee any particular source to be of your liking, but if you get curious there's a lot of info on this at the moment coming from everyone.
Earlier in the pandemic I was one of those saying that it wasn't the time to be witch hunting - imagine the crew of the Titanic looking for which of the lookouts to blame as the boat sank - att that point in time it didn't matter, the ship was sinking and that situation needed sorting as the priority... Now, we are not out of the water yet, but the lifeboats have at least now been put in the sea and it's a much better place to be conducting such investigations.

Remember when the lab leak thought was gaining traction it was muddled in the middle of 5G mobile phone masts being set fire to, Bill Gates being accused of planning to implant microchips and one of the most compelling prices of evidence for the lab theory was their logo looked similar to Resident Evils Umbrella Corporation.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Sunday 30th of May:

- World: 170,064,016 confirmed cases and 3,535,760 confirmed deaths.

- US: Nashville store issues apology after using the yellow star Nazis forced on jewish people to identify them, with "Not Vacinated" written in the centre. A local Rabbi said: "Using the yellow star, or any holocaust imagery for anything, is a disservice to the memory of the six million Jews who were systematically murdered during the Holocaust,". It is thought the image was in relation to comments made by a republican congresswoman who earlier in the week had compared Face Mask mandates with the inhuman use of the yellow star in WW2 occupied areas.

- UK: It is noted how few COVID patents in hospitals have been the recipient of two doses of vaccine, while is has also noted how high the number of non-COVID related admissions are now the country is on the road to emerging from restrictions.

- UK: Research indicates number of people sticking to COVID advice has dropped by 33% as cack-handed restriction relaxation messaging causes confusion and misunderstanding.

- UK: Considers making vaccination mandatory for National Health Service staff.

- Australia/New Zealand: Leaders of both countries have first face-to-face meeting since pandemic closed their boarders.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
So from what im reading across multiple news sources is that biden shut down the investigation into the origins of covid in china and as soon as CNN reported this he reopens the investigation. Now its coming to light that the NIH was funding research at the wuhan lab which included gain of function research, of which was conducted in the level 2 lab instead of the level 4 lab. I havent spent too much time researching the details but it seems like more fuckery is afoot. Mentioning the idea that covid may have come from the wuhan lab used to be met with resistance. "It's debunked", "its a conspiracy".

I'll admit, this shit pisses me off. We brought this up way early on in this thread and the media was like "stop being racist towards china", "It's debunked because they said it came from bats", "its debunked because they said it comes from pangolins", "no no, it actually originated in italy", "oh actually china says it was the US army".

I blame the CCP for both their incompetence and deception and our stupid media for not doing its due diligence and figuring this shit out a long time ago.

Here's a couple articles for reference. I cant guarantee any particular source to be of your liking, but if you get curious there's a lot of info on this at the moment coming from everyone.
Just some corrections. The Wuhan lab is a BSL-4 lab, and announced back in 2017 that they were conducting research into SARS and other Beta Coronavirus strains.
Also, if you read the entirety of the first article you posted, you'll see that President Biden didn't stop the investigation, he just removed it from the State Department. Yes, China has questions they owe us answers to. No, diplomats and politicians do not generally have the skills this requires, but the US has some of the best people to do so. They just don't work at the State Department.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Earlier in the pandemic I was one of those saying that it wasn't the time to be witch hunting - imagine the crew of the Titanic looking for which of the lookouts to blame as the boat sank - att that point in time it didn't matter, the ship was sinking and that situation needed sorting as the priority... Now, we are not out of the water yet, but the lifeboats have at least now been put in the sea and it's a much better place to be conducting such investigations.
3.5 million dead and i just dont want the world to say "oh well, nothing we could have done, dont want to be mean to china." They covered it up until it was too late. China practically had our media running their propaganda and they just went with it. Thinking it came from the level 4 lab right next door to the assumed ground zero should have been everyone's first reasonable conclusion but damn did the news try to convince you that you were a conspiracy theorist for even thinking that way. Thats propaganda, you don't shoot down such an obvious conclusion to make.

Remember when the lab leak thought was gaining traction it was muddled in the middle of 5G mobile phone masts being set fire to, Bill Gates being accused of planning to implant microchips and one of the most compelling prices of evidence for the lab theory was their logo looked similar to Resident Evils Umbrella Corporation.
This really isnt an excuse though, its like walking into a group of flat earthers and hearing them parrot some sort of truth and then you saying it cant be true because they believe the earth is flat. All of these things you listed are silly and don't make sense, the lab leak theory did. You can still think critically in a room full of idiots.

Just some corrections. The Wuhan lab is a BSL-4 lab, and announced back in 2017 that they were conducting research into SARS and other Beta Coronavirus strains.
Also, if you read the entirety of the first article you posted, you'll see that President Biden didn't stop the investigation, he just removed it from the State Department. Yes, China has questions they owe us answers to. No, diplomats and politicians do not generally have the skills this requires, but the US has some of the best people to do so. They just don't work at the State Department.
I don't think any politicians or diplomats were doing any investigating. Usually when you have an agency like that they lead interagency investigations, they don't send hillary clinton out with a magnifying glass.

As far as ending and starting investigations this whole thing was to save face. Starting a new investigation which is to be completed in 90 days is just PR. Do you really want a 90 day investigation into something that killed 3.5 million people over the last year? This thing should have something akin to the 9/11 commission but on steroids.

"The possibility that the pandemic started because of a laboratory accident has gained renewed interest after a Wall Street Journal report that said three workers at the Wuhan lab were hospitalized in November 2019 prior to the first reported cases of COVID-19."

This all hit the news again after the WSJ article and some reporting by CNN. News agencies did some digging, found out the investigation had been shut down then just as this is coming to light they come out and say hey were gonna do our own investigation in 90 days and were gonna leave it up to the intelligence agencies. We all know what happened with them under the Obama / Biden admin. "Come on man, we didn't set up a mass surveillance system to unconstitutionally collect data from our citizens, that's malarkey, you can trust us".

3.5 million dead. 90 day investigation.

I feel like arguing about stuff.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
3.5 million dead and i just dont want the world to say "oh well, nothing we could have done, dont want to be mean to china." They covered it up until it was too late.
I don't think you'll find any disagreement even from people inside China, a bollock was most definitely dropped, however if it has turned out that China developed the only working vaccine/antidote making a mortal enemy of the country early on in the pandemic would have been self defeating, hence my analogy with the Titanic.

You can still think critically in a room full of idiots.
True, but try to make one of them believe the truth you have to deliver until they are ready.

I feel like arguing about stuff.
That's what the Internet is for :) That and something or other some puppets once sang about...?
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Monday 31st of May:

- World: 170,452,064 confirmed cases and 3,543,601 confirmed deaths.

- World: WHO renames COVID variants with Greek letters to replace the first places they were discovered: UK variant will be referred to as Alpha, South African variant Beta, Brazil variant Gamma, India variant Delta amongst others.

- Vietnam: To mass test Ho Chi Minh City after outbreak.

- UK: Scientists warn government third wave may be under way as Delta variant already spread across the country outside of known hotspots, and although low numbers right now new cases have been occuring exponentially and the window to contain the spread has been missed.

- France: Tightens travel from the UK as concerns grow over Delta Variant.

- Philippines: Extends restrictions in capital city and nearby areas.

- Turkey: Further relaxes restrictions as cases fall.

- Denmark: Government asks Health Regulator to reconsider J&J vaccine exclusion, prompted by Moderna deliveries being lower than expected.

- Zimbabwe: Hits milestone of 1 million doses of vaccine administered.
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
No, diplomats and politicians do not generally have the skills this requires, but the US has some of the best people to do so
I don't think any politicians or diplomats were doing any investigating. Usually when you have an agency like that they lead interagency investigations, they don't send hillary clinton out with a magnifying glass.
So, you agree. Good. Although it would be kind of funny to see Hillary running around with a magnifying glass, staring at things she doesn't comprehend. In general, that's the kind of thing that politicians and diplomats would have to do. For the most part, they lack the training and expertise.

Also, you mentioned the 90 day duration. That's a tactic that good managers, military officers, and parents use when you don't intend to micro-manage the work. After the time elapses, you review the work and see what was accomplished. Then you can make decisions without having to have the work take your attention from other things that are also important. I'll just point out that in situations like that generally you don't want to have nothing done. You were in the military weren't you? So you should know how this works.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Getting my 1st Jab on Saturday. Now just need to wait for the pharmas to catch up and immunise us against the English; Brazilian and Indian variants.
Great news :-)

As far as I have been able to pick up from reports to this point the only vaccine which is lacking coverage at present is the Oxford/AstraZeneca which appeared not to be hugely effective at preventing symptoms against the South Africa (Beta) variant. Even then all offer some degree of protection in reducing the serverity of any variants infection which should keep most people out of the hands of medical services.


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Getting my 1st Jab on Saturday. Now just need to wait for the pharmas to catch up and immunise us against the English; Brazilian and Indian variants.
Great news :-)

As far as I have been able to pick up from reports to this point the only vaccine which is lacking coverage at present is the Oxford/AstraZeneca which appeared not to be hugely effective at preventing symptoms against the South Africa (Beta) variant. Even then all offer some degree of protection in reducing the serverity of any variants infection which should keep most people out of the hands of medical services.
As an added bonus you don't have to worry about that pesky free will anymore either. I got both my mind control jabs and I'm feeling fine much better now!


Space Marshal
Staff member
Feb 19, 2018
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
- World: WHO renames COVID variants with Greek letters to replace the first places they were discovered: UK variant will be referred to as Alpha, South African variant Beta, Brazil variant Gamma, India variant Delta amongst others.

- UK: Scientists warn government third wave may be under way as Delta variant already spread across the country outside of known hotspots, and although low numbers right now new cases have been occuring exponentially and the window to contain the spread has been missed.
And so its starting to come to pass as new variants start emerging reducing the effectiveness of the vaccine and putting us on course for a yearly shot regiment. Hopefully it will just be added to the yearly flu shot which should help reduce the contention between the two groups who seem to be drawing battle lines over getting the covid shot or not and if there should be some sort of passport.

How quickly we forgot that the Coronavirus has been with us for 10's of thousands of years, it infects both humans and other animals which act as virus harbors.

But I guess like other aspects of our lives how fear can easily override people's ability to rationally think over a given situation and react illogically. I still see people wearing face shields, double masks, gloves (whom while I do not know either way, but would be shocked if they were not fully vaccinated at this point) in their mid 20's out shopping. While one would think they are being ultra safe they are still touching their face, their phone their sunglasses and increasing the chances that if there was something to be infected by they would be.

As I said a year ago we will come up with a vaccine but its not going to remove the virus the world at best we can hope for is a yearly shot the significantly reduces the chances of a serious outcome. And we are starting to see this reality. My hope was that we would start to relax and go about our lives but I am starting to see that is not going to happen. We as a society are all to willing to react to scary things by implementing draconian practices in the hopes to hide that which scares us, a blanket over our faces from the monsters under our bed.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
As an added bonus you don't have to worry about that pesky free will anymore either. I got both my mind control jabs and I'm feeling fine much better now!
Question on free will: As a fine fellow TESTie commented on earlier about the virus having potentially having been released from a lab, if it is found by the intelligence services the lab was not the source, would we all believe it?

If not, which of us is lacking in free will? ;-)

No intent to insult you or other commenters here, I'm genuinely curious - To give you an example of where I am coming from, there was a guy in the UK called Ian Huntley. Two girls at the school he worked as a janitor at went missing. He helped the police and went on TV pleading for them to come home. Everyone I knew said 'he did it' and although I had an opinion I said 'innocent until proven guilty' he definitely murdered those kids and is still in prison. I'd like to think putting ones convictions in to and living by the process and course of true justice is different to not having free will.

Don't get me wrong, it could have been released from a lab, and yes the original commenter is right the coverup which let the pathogen spread round the world was criminal, but right now the lab theory is just as valid as the wild transmission theory which is just as valid as the foriegn power seeding it there as a patsy (a public place open to anyone right next to a research lab...) They are all valid and all need investigation, I'm not going to be drawn on any of them until the evidence comes along.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
And so its starting to come to pass as new variants start emerging reducing the effectiveness of the vaccine and putting us on course for a yearly shot regiment. Hopefully it will just be added to the yearly flu shot which should help reduce the contention between the two groups who seem to be drawing battle lines over getting the covid shot or not and if there should be some sort of passport.

How quickly we forgot that the Coronavirus has been with us for 10's of thousands of years, it infects both humans and other animals which act as virus harbors.

But I guess like other aspects of our lives how fear can easily override people's ability to rationally think over a given situation and react illogically. I still see people wearing face shields, double masks, gloves (whom while I do not know either way, but would be shocked if they were not fully vaccinated at this point) in their mid 20's out shopping. While one would think they are being ultra safe they are still touching their face, their phone their sunglasses and increasing the chances that if there was something to be infected by they would be.

As I said a year ago we will come up with a vaccine but its not going to remove the virus the world at best we can hope for is a yearly shot the significantly reduces the chances of a serious outcome. And we are starting to see this reality. My hope was that we would start to relax and go about our lives but I am starting to see that is not going to happen. We as a society are all to willing to react to scary things by implementing draconian practices in the hopes to hide that which scares us, a blanket over our faces from the monsters under our bed.
It's a good money maker isn't it? If you were cynical you'd almost think the UK let B.1.617 in to keep the pharma good times rolling?
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
It's a good money maker isn't it? If you were cynical you'd almost think the UK let B.1.617 in to keep the pharma good times rolling?
It would require a coordination that I do not think anyone really has. Luckily there is too much infighting and backstabbing to allow for the cooperation required to pull something like this off.

Just like I believe this variant was accidently released from the Wuhan Lab. While it was not intentional nor do I believe they were attempting to create a weaponized strain for some nefarious goal mistakes happen and then like any human attempts to cover up the mistake makes the problem far worse. (I honestly do not understand why we do this. It doesn't even seem to be a learned reaction as kids seem to naturally come by it and it persists into adulthood. Even though the rational part of our brain knows better we still always seem to want to lie and cover up our mistakes. It really is fascinating) I also do not fault the lab as they have been attempting to study and find a way to combat SARS which is far deadlier (15% death rate) coronavirus that had a lot of virologist worried which is why there was international money being given to wuhan for continued research.

And now we are seeing this being politically weaponized which helps no one.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today, Tuesday 1st of June:

- World: 170,836,935 confirmed cases and 3,552,277 confirmed deaths.

- Vaccines: WHO approves Sinovac vaccine.

- UK: Announces zero daily COVID deaths for the first time since March 2020.

- UK: North Tyneside cases surge, however cases detected to be in teens, there have been no rise in cases in the over 50's.

- Brazil: Trial where near 100% of the inhabitants of a town were fully vaccinated sees COVID deaths fall 95% and suggests the number of populaiton which need to be fully vaccinated to aquire control of the local epidemic is 75% "The most important result is that we can control the pandemic without having to vaccinate the whole population,"

- Peru: Government revises official death toll from 69,000 to 180,000, now has highest deaths per-capita in the world.

- India: Doctors across the country march in protest and call for the arrest of a Guru who claimed the cure to COVID-19 was Yoga.

- Malaysia: Begins new nationwide lockdown.

- Italy: Allocates €50 million to help treat those with Long COVID.

- China: Many parts of Guangdong Provence locked down amid what is believed to be first outbreak of Delta variant (B.1.617, first discovered in India).

- Germany: Robert Koch Institute to reduce countries risk level from "Very High" to "High".

- Ireland: Announces it will begin to wind-down public personal pandemic support: “There won’t be a cliff edge in July, we will be looking at an extension of the PUP but also laying out a pathway towards the normalisation of our social welfare code and ultimately unwinding a payment that is pandemic related,”
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Feb 13, 2020
RSI Handle
It would require a coordination that I do not think anyone really has. Luckily there is too much infighting and backstabbing to allow for the cooperation required to pull something like this off.

Just like I believe this variant was accidently released from the Wuhan Lab. While it was not intentional nor do I believe they were attempting to create a weaponized strain for some nefarious goal mistakes happen and then like any human attempts to cover up the mistake makes the problem far worse. (I honestly do not understand why we do this. It doesn't even seem to be a learned reaction as kids seem to naturally come by it and it persists into adulthood. Even though the rational part of our brain knows better we still always seem to want to lie and cover up our mistakes. It really is fascinating) I also do not fault the lab as they have been attempting to study and find a way to combat SARS which is far deadlier (15% death rate) coronavirus that had a lot of virologist worried which is why there was international money being given to wuhan for continued research.

And now we are seeing this being politically weaponized which helps no one.
Too early in the morning for this. Labs get money, people give labs money, lab need money for research. everything else (Elon fanclub bullshit).
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Wednesday 2nd of June:

- World: 171,273,305 confirmed cases and 3,567,234 confirmed deaths.

- COVAX: Australia and some European countries make new donations of cash to the vaccine sharing scheme.

- Australia: Economy recovers to pre-pandemic levels.

- Australia: State of Victoria extends lockdown by another week as cases continue to climb.

- UK: 75% of UK adults have now had first vaccination dose.

- UK: More strike action occurs at DVLA (UK version of DMV) over COVID safety as staff have seen over 500 cases at Swansea HQ.

- US: Rural North California is seeing a worrying rise in cases and hospitalizations as the state sees tentions over COVID restrictions and the need to continue performing them, with one cafe threatening to fine diners $5 each for choosing to wear masks while offering a 50% discount if customers threw their masks in the garbage. The owner said “It’s about time the proponents of these ineffective government measures start paying for the collateral damage they have collectively caused,” obviously missing the the irony that it is not following the measures which is what made them ineffective.

- Germany: Robert Koch Institute announces countries third wave has passed.

- Germany: To increase vaccine procurement capacity to better cope with future epidemics/pandemics by paying manufacturers a retainer.

- China: Reports 24 new cases.

- Mexico: Revises official death toll adding over 4,000 to the total.
- Mauritius: Approves the Sputnik Light vaccine.

- Columbia/Venezuela: 14 months after closing, the boarder between the two countries is reopened.

- Vaccines: Third Russian vaccine candidate CoviVac seen to be 80% effective in preliminary trials.
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