Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
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With the FDA approval, it means it's now covered by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.



Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Looks like my province is implementing some kind of vaccination certificate.

Basically it's gonna affect whether you're allowed to go to restaurants, bars, movies, concerts, etc. You know the stuff that's not gonna kill you if you can't go for it. I guess the government here is fed up with anti-vaxxers. They can't force you to take the jab but they're gonna go out their damn way to inconvenience you.

We're looking at 82.75% of the eligible population that has had at least one shot and 74.36% fully vaccinated. This move is really for the southern interior bible belt types (Fuck you Kelowna/Kamloops) who are still holding out because Jesus/Qanon/Plandemic whatever. Really goddamn annoying. We're so damn close and these guys have to ruin it. Vancouver and the Lower Mainland are getting Covid patient transfers from these areas and none of these guys are vaccinated.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Looks like my province is implementing some kind of vaccination certificate.

Basically it's gonna affect whether you're allowed to go to restaurants, bars, movies, concerts, etc. You know the stuff that's not gonna kill you if you can't go for it. I guess the government here is fed up with anti-vaxxers. They can't force you to take the jab but they're gonna go out their damn way to inconvenience you.

We're looking at 82.75% of the eligible population that has had at least one shot and 74.36% fully vaccinated. This move is really for the southern interior bible belt types (Fuck you Kelowna/Kamloops) who are still holding out because Jesus/Qanon/Plandemic whatever. Really goddamn annoying. We're so damn close and these guys have to ruin it. Vancouver and the Lower Mainland are getting Covid patient transfers from these areas and none of these guys are vaccinated.
The current generation of vaccines offers personal protection but now it has been found the Delta varient can be present asymptomatically in the fully vaccinated at just as high a viral load and infectiousness as in the unvaccinated, this kind of measure going forward is going to be very much for their own protection as much as it may have been for persuasion previously. If the transmission chains are not broken, there is zero Hurd Immunity even if the vaccinated are personally protected to a good level.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Tuesday 24th of August:

- World: 212,892,985 confirmed cases and 4,447,156 confirmed deaths.

- World: 5 billion Vaccinations have been administered, nearly 40% of them in China.

- US: Director of the national institutes of health said in interview: "The vast evidence from other perspectives says no, this was a naturally occurring virus. Not to say that it could not have been under study secretly at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and got out of there, we don’t know about that. But the virus itself does not have the earmarks of having been created intentionally by human work."

- US: Dr Fauci advises the US could get the epidemic under control and things relatively back to normal by spring if the majority gets vaccinated.

- UK: England and Wales see highest weekly death rate since March.

- UK: Scotland sees record high new cases.

- UK: Supply chain issues caused by COVID-19 lead to McDonald's running out of Milk Shakes and bottled drinks. There are half a million Heavy GOods Vechicle drivers in the country but apparently that is 100,000 short of requirements to keep businesses stocked up.

- UK: Amazon offers anyone signing up to work for them before September 18th a £1,000 sign on fee to entice workers amid recruitment crisis.

- Greece: Announces intention to ban any unvaccinated person from indoor eateries, clubs, bars etc.

- Greece: To end free testing to encourage people to take up vaccines.

- Brazil: Leaks contract with Pfizer amid protracted argument on Adverse Reaction Indemnity protection for the company.

- Iran: Sees record high new daily deaths.

- Brunei: Sees first COVID deaths in over a year.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Watch through to the end:

The news where I am has headlines pinpointing individual cases like those at the end of that video.

Although they all have their own personal reasons for not having taken part, they also mostly appear to accept their situation was of their own making and most do implore others to not take the route they did. Some though go to their end still denying there is even an virus called COVID-19 and I'm not sure if that not being able to come to terms with their situation is a better or worse position to be in...?

Some personal advise for the Needle Phobic:

Anyone not taking part because of a phobia of needles, I understand: In school as a young'un they were doing the Tuberculosis shot which is nine needles in a square shape on the end of a chony syringe. Nightmare fuel. I'm going to be honest here: just hearing that it was 9 needles in a single jab made me refuse the vaccination the first year I was offered it and just didn't go to be injected, for fear of the needle - but the second year I was on a bit of a downer and thought "If it kills me it kills me at least I won't have to do homework or exams anymore", and I accepted my fate enough to enter the room...

I sat down with the nurse and it was the usual chitchat while everything was being set up. I can't recall the exact conversation but at some point I was able to advise them I could not guarentee I would not shake or jump or flinch. They showed me the needle, nine short stubby shiny little silver slivers seemingly no wider than a human hair each... my reaction was the verbal equivilent of "O_o" so, with my permission, another nurse came and headlocked me to pin my arm and stop me from jumping/thrashing while the first performed the inoculation.

"Sharp Scratch" the nurse said and yes it was the very definition of the words "Sharp Scratch", that's all it was, a feeling of a sharp scratch. So yes you can bet I felt a bit of a chump having got someone to basically pin me down because of that... It was fine and I have the TB jab scar on my arm still, like everyone who has had that jab has, to remind me of that event and how I was able to overcome and control that fear.

The funniest part was someone opened the door half way through and a queue of unsuspecting class mates saw nurses head-locking a kid to get injected. I can only imagine how many of them then expected that to just be how you get injected for TB. I still don't like needles and still have that same feeling I used to when encountering one - dread - it hasn't gone away, it's exactly the same feeling in the pit of my being I always got, but previously I allowed it to control my actions but now... I look away at something, an attendent or just a brick in the wall or a ceiling tile, but never at the needle being inserted... and I am able to control that feeling rather than it control me. I wait for the little Sharp Scratch and then it's all over almost like it had never happened.

If you, like me, have The Fear and are reading this wondering what the "Sharp Scratch" feels like, I hope the following helps: get someone you trust to poke you quite hard in the arm. I mean fairly hard like enough to hurt but not enough to bruise and get them to do it for like 1 to 2 seconds only. Not a millisecond prod but not a twisting 15 second agony. Just 1 to 2 seconds... That's about as painful as being jabbed with this vaccine got for me and for you it may not be even that painful. Personally, as I said above, I looked away and it was over in moments: On a scale of "Oh that was nothing" to "This is going to kill me" it was between "Was that it?" and "Oh, okay then". It's not comfortable but it's not going to harm you either: I have stubbed my toe more painfully than any jab has ever been for me including the TB nine needle horror-show. Stepping on an upturned (UK) electrical plug is way more painful. Stepping on a lego is more painful way more painful.

I know not all phobias are simply because something is going to cause pain, and that feeling of dread I get is totally irrational even now all these years later after all the other inoculations I have had including the two for COVID-19.

If this helps anyone control that fear, just one person, I'm absolutely delighted for you - you can, will and have controlled it!
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
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When I was 10, I had symptoms of hypoglycemia. It's usually a precursor to diabetes so they did a glucose stress test. They give you a drink of something that tasted like coke but was even more chock full of glucose, then half an hour later they suck out 10cc's of blood Then you sit for 30 minutes. Rinse and repeat for 12 hours. First needle I was really nervous but I was compelled to watch - some inner masochist I guess. Second jab I asked the nurse if they could put the needle in the same hole. She said, "That'll hurt" and jabbed me in the other arm.
I was only 10 so not very big... 12 hours later my arms looked like pincushions, and I was addicted to sugary drinks.
Decades later, I'm still not diabetic. I still have hypoglycemia, and every doctor that looks at it says "Diabetes in a year" but it never happened. I've finally started to hate coke about 4 years ago. Also, since way back then, needles don't bother me at all.

3 years ago, I spent some time in the ICU of one of the main hospitals here. I wasn't conscious for the first 4 days, but the next day/week/month (I have no idea... turned out It was less than 48 hours) I was in and out of lucidity. In the room next to me was a patient, a man about the same age as me, maybe a little older. I could hear him say something every now and then. I have no idea how long it was, because I was still in and out of consciousness. At one point, they intubated him. When I woke up, I could hear the machine. A few more times of waking up, and he was thrashing around in obvious agony. The next time I woke up the thrashing had stopped, and a few minutes later they removed his body. The only thing I found out his family had refused any more treatment for him. I know nothing more about his story.

What I do know is that I would rather have a poke with a needle and wear a mask than die like that. Or worse, because that's what happens when hospital ICU's get full.


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Crap. I have good friends there. Fortunately for the family, the husband is an MD and frequently works in a hospital. Unfortunately for the husband, he's an MD and approaching mental and physical exhaustion.
I am so sorry. I honestly can't imagine the amount of stress and anxiety that they have been under, for so long. I can't fault any of them for just up and walking out, never to return. Things are so jacked up these days. The one good thing is that supposedly this last wave is peaking in the south, and the FDA is giving full approvals after gathering so much data for quite awhile. I think it is safe to say the vaccine is effective, or more effective than nothing, and it is not deadly or dangerous, at least compared to doing nothing. So hopefully by next summer we will have this under control.


Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2014
RSI Handle
Crap. I have good friends there. Fortunately for the family, the husband is an MD and frequently works in a hospital. Unfortunately for the husband, he's an MD and approaching mental and physical exhaustion.
My SIL is an ICU nurse at a major hospital here in LA and she's dreading another spike. During the height of 2020, they were losing patients at almost 1 per day (generally averaging 4-5 per week). Pre-COVID, they would lose maybe 3 in a month. We were trying to support her as much as we could, but anyone could see she was just mentally and emotionally exhausted. Literally yelling at her kids for doing normal kid stuff.

My wife's younger sister's husband is an ER doctor at a different hospital in LA, and the stress he was under was pretty palpable, as well. You should have seen the relief when he started talking about getting "Non-COVID patients in the ER," and joking about the doctors fighting over the chance to treat them.

Unfortunately, I have people in my family who are very much COVID deniers and Anti-vaxx, so it's nice having my wife's side being in the medical field.


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
My SIL is an ICU nurse at a major hospital here in LA and she's dreading another spike. During the height of 2020, they were losing patients at almost 1 per day (generally averaging 4-5 per week). Pre-COVID, they would lose maybe 3 in a month. We were trying to support her as much as we could, but anyone could see she was just mentally and emotionally exhausted. Literally yelling at her kids for doing normal kid stuff.

My wife's younger sister's husband is an ER doctor at a different hospital in LA, and the stress he was under was pretty palpable, as well. You should have seen the relief when he started talking about getting "Non-COVID patients in the ER," and joking about the doctors fighting over the chance to treat them.

Unfortunately, I have people in my family who are very much COVID deniers and Anti-vaxx, so it's nice having my wife's side being in the medical field.
The whole has gone to shit. It is just so sad. I don't blame anyone for quitting, blocking/ghosting family, or just checking out. I get it.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Wednesday 25th of August:

- World: 213,551,736 confirmed cases and 4,457,967 confirmed deaths.

- World: Scientists warn the Origins investigation has stalled and time is running out: “The window of opportunity for conducting this crucial inquiry is closing fast: any delay will render some of the studies biologically impossible.”

- US: News reports indicate Military Intelligence report into COVID-19 origins called for by the President is inconclusive.

- US: Passes 38 million confirmed cases.

- US: Delta airlines imposes a $200 a month fee on any employee who is not vaccinated and will not pay sick pay for anyone who is not double-jabbed/fully vaccinated.

- US: Defence Secretary says the 800,000 members of the US 2.1 million service members must seek vaccination immediately.

- Hawaii: Governor asks tourists to stay away as COVID cases climb.

- China: Criticizes politicisation of Origins inquiry and requests investigation of US Detrick lab involved in popular conspiracy theory which has taken hold in China.

- UK: Scotland, and the return to Schools has fuelled a spike in cases seeing over 5,000 in a single day, the first time this has been seen and a new record high.

- Brazil: To provide those over 80 years old a Pfizer booster shot as the company gains lawsuit protection.

- New Zealand: Five people in Auckland may have been injected with Saline rather than vaccine last month in error. The government apologised for knowing but not telling anyone earlier.

- Taiwan: Sees zero new local transmission, the first time in months.


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
CitizenDad View:

Went to r/Vancouver awhile ago and saw this was a thing. I mean, I've seen soooo much pure stupidity on there from ultra lefty pot smokin hippies who have always been antivaxxers, to the straight up idiots who sit there and say "this is just the flu", or "the vaccine will make you gay", I'm not surprised at all.

I wonder if anything will come of it.
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Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
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Vaccinated or not its out there waiting for a biological home to set up shop. I would consider myself informed. I don't believe in anything being forced upon another individual but when I was in elementary vaccinations took place in our lunch rooms all the time. It was just part of growing up in my generation. Some children got sick and even paralyzed but it was accepted as a whole and we all moved on.
Aside from my cancer experience I don't take so much as an aspirin...But then again my immune system bounced right back while others didn't...If you ever want to see just how important a mask is and scare yourself into nightmares visit a BMT clinic:mad:

With that said I truly blame the political system on all sides for driving this issue. If they would just do their jobs and not be activists I think the public would respect them more and heed the advice from the government and health sectors. As it is now they are all hacks and in need of a serious ass whooping behind the shed with a willow branch:like:

Do masks work?...Yes but there is limitations on how they work and combined with your hygiene and social interactions they can be rendered useless...
Take care and fly safe you mutant wonders:o7:
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