@CrudeSasquatch swears into the CF tomorrow.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Best of luck, you gloriously pungent bastard! Basic training will make you (more) fit, so you'll be able to fit more beer in that gut-tank of yours. Do.....do you have to kill a moose with your bare hands to graduate?


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
The wisdoms.
The questions!

I already did a full body shave except my head mop. the worst part was the moustache. goodbye my love.

I've already killed a moose with my bare hands. I had to. it was trying to steal my beer!

I wore deodorant today. I smell like a wet mop dipped into lysol.

I know I scratched my butt because of how my finger smells and the fact I have pink eye.

@Zapp Brannigan ... if Trump wins you can sign up for maplematch.com and they'll hook you up with a nice Canadian girl for purposes of marriage.
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Good luck going through boot camp or whatever you call it in the Great Frozen North. Something that helped me get through basic, aim for mediocrity. Sure you can work really hard and maybe get promoted at graduation, but that takes work. You don't want to swing too far away and become a shit bag though, always getting in trouble so aim for the middle. Remember, if they don't know your name without looking at your shirt you're doing it right.
Grey man. Haha, he can try that, but he's @CrudeSasquatch, sooooo yeah.
Best of luck, you gloriously pungent bastard! Basic training will make you (more) fit, so you'll be able to fit more beer in that gut-tank of yours. Do.....do you have to kill a moose with your bare hands to graduate?
Catch the moose, break the moose, ride the moose TO graduation.
Also, @Blind Owl , I am ready to take occupancy of your basement if Trump wins... make sure you have lots of meat and beer in the fridge.
Done and done. Ha


Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
Congrats man and best of luck! I joined the military later in life (24) and felt like the oldest guy at basic (at the time we had a guy who was 32). The Army has been the best of times while also the worst of times. This year was the first time I was home for my wedding anniversary in 3 years... but the Army took care of my family for all 13 years and still going strong.

If you ever need anything or if you happen to train with some US Army Soldiers teaching PSYOP it's a good chance you might meet me. We have a joint jump with some Canucks this month so I get to work with your northern bearded Vikings on a random basis.

Oh and a lesson: always ask questions of your leadership and instructors. They also never stop learning and love being questioned and taught new things.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I joined the military later in life (24) and felt like the oldest guy at basic (at the time we had a guy who was 32)
Poor Crude is joining at 34. I though I was old at 30. Haha.
Oh and a lesson: always ask questions of your leadership and instructors. They also never stop learning and love being questioned and taught new things.
They do love this. Yup. They sure do. Question everything.
If you ever need anything or if you happen to train with some US Army Soldiers teaching PSYOP it's a good chance you might meet me
Are your PSYOPs the same as ours: Psychological Operations? If so, there's a decent chance I could end up working neither you. PSYOPs is a branch of Int here in Canada.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
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