
Trick Shot Bob

Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2015
RSI Handle
Ground combat hasn't really been defined as yet, also the CCU limitations on this mean's I'll pick one up in the verse with ingame credits.

It's going to be interesting to see how ground combat plays out, there's talk already of mech suits and tanks in the long run.... it seem like we'll have plenty to keep the Yellow Jackets busy :metal:

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I like the Radar/Stealth version (RN) but I don't immediately see the difference between it and the Ursa. It is slightly shorter, slightly narrower, holds the same 2 people and weighs 1/6 as much. Not sure that is a selling point unless it will fit in things like the Hoplite where the Ursa certainly will not. I don't think it fits the Hoplite or Cutlass. I think the Ursa will fit the Lancer. So no immediate advantage I can see.

Is really whether you want a Jeep Renegade or a full-sized SUV. Ursa holds 4X the cargo.

For combat on the surface, I still think flying a real ship low that has a bottom mounted turret, is much higher value than vehicles on the surface. Imagine this thing with a single S1 gun up against a Redeemer, Conny or Tally, or even up against a Hurricane flying upside down with 4 S3 Pyros in the turret. Would be a very short contest.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I like the Radar/Stealth version (RN) but I don't immediately see the difference between it and the Ursa. It is slightly shorter, slightly narrower, holds the same 2 people and weighs 1/6 as much. Not sure that is a selling point unless it will fit in things like the Hoplite where the Ursa certainly will not. I don't think it fits the Hoplite or Cutlass. I think the Ursa will fit the Lancer. So no immediate advantage I can see.

Is really whether you want a Jeep Renegade or a full-sized SUV. Ursa holds 4X the cargo.

For combat on the surface, I still think flying a real ship low that has a bottom mounted turret, is much higher value than vehicles on the surface. Imagine this thing with a single S1 gun up against a Redeemer, Conny or Tally, or even up against a Hurricane flying upside down with 4 S3 Pyros in the turret. Would be a very short contest.
Canyons, Caves and Forrests. Aircraft can't do everything.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Canyons, Caves and Forrests. Aircraft can't do everything.
Also consider this, NaffNaff - in gravity a ship like a Hornet will be a lumbering hulk. Vtol will be inefficient, hovering on thrusters will drink fuel, anti-grav will likely eat energy leaving little for shields or weapons.

So spacecraft will have to become aircraft. The hornet may have wings, but what will their stall speed be? they are pretty stubby so may have a pretty poor glide coefficient. The Saber has swept back wings, good for Supersonic flight but terrible for flying slowly to pick off targets on the ground. I'd say it is unlikely we'll be able to hover over a battlefield and throw down shot after shot... 3.0 will bring our first taste of what flying in atmosphere and gravity means, but I expect a ship to keep moving or run out of fuel or power very quickly and hit the ground which is no good to anyone.


Space Marshal
Sep 24, 2016
RSI Handle
I like the Radar/Stealth version (RN) but I don't immediately see the difference between it and the Ursa. It is slightly shorter, slightly narrower, holds the same 2 people and weighs 1/6 as much. Not sure that is a selling point unless it will fit in things like the Hoplite where the Ursa certainly will not. I don't think it fits the Hoplite or Cutlass. I think the Ursa will fit the Lancer. So no immediate advantage I can see.

Is really whether you want a Jeep Renegade or a full-sized SUV. Ursa holds 4X the cargo.

For combat on the surface, I still think flying a real ship low that has a bottom mounted turret, is much higher value than vehicles on the surface. Imagine this thing with a single S1 gun up against a Redeemer, Conny or Tally, or even up against a Hurricane flying upside down with 4 S3 Pyros in the turret. Would be a very short contest.
You are correct when it comes to areas where flight is a) possible and b) like @NaffNaffBobFace mentioned, the view to the ground is unimpeded. Remember there are areas like what we saw during last year's citizen con demo in which you cannot fly.

Interesting food for thought though.


Grand Admiral
May 2, 2016
RSI Handle
so apparently you are not supposed to drive under the influence, and also they said i have road rage....

its ok though, because i went to my good friend on grim hex and got it renewed all proper like...


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Also consider this, NaffNaff - in gravity a ship like a Hornet will be a lumbering hulk. Vtol will be inefficient, hovering on thrusters will drink fuel, anti-grav will likely eat energy leaving little for shields or weapons.

So spacecraft will have to become aircraft. The hornet may have wings, but what will their stall speed be? they are pretty stubby so may have a pretty poor glide coefficient. The Saber has swept back wings, good for Supersonic flight but terrible for flying slowly to pick off targets on the ground. I'd say it is unlikely we'll be able to hover over a battlefield and throw down shot after shot... 3.0 will bring our first taste of what flying in atmosphere and gravity means, but I expect a ship to keep moving or run out of fuel or power very quickly and hit the ground which is no good to anyone.
I'm not sure that CIG is planning anything like that. The plans I heard were less maneuverable in atmosphere unless you had wings. They were simple, but I have not heard anything past that. If they had to worry about that, do you think that a Caterpillar would have any hope on a planet?

These ships use futuristic thrusters that are all limited by ifcs. They can output a TON of magic thrust to get them to fly. I once read a thread by some physics nerd explaining that the Constellation did not have enough thrust to escape Earth's gravitational pull...

It's a game, so we have to make some thing up to make it fun. Like sound in space. How do you hear those explosions in space? Easy, right? Little speakers in your helmet that play the sound, right? Then how does the helmet know what sound to play and when? Is it constantly scanning everything ever and why can't I have it tell me those things? Why can I hear the explosions from outside Olisar when I'm walking around without a helmet on?

I don't get much sleep...

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I like the Radar/Stealth version (RN) but I don't immediately see the difference between it and the Ursa. It is slightly shorter, slightly narrower, holds the same 2 people and weighs 1/6 as much. Not sure that is a selling point unless it will fit in things like the Hoplite where the Ursa certainly will not. I don't think it fits the Hoplite or Cutlass. I think the Ursa will fit the Lancer. So no immediate advantage I can see.

Is really whether you want a Jeep Renegade or a full-sized SUV. Ursa holds 4X the cargo.

For combat on the surface, I still think flying a real ship low that has a bottom mounted turret, is much higher value than vehicles on the surface. Imagine this thing with a single S1 gun up against a Redeemer, Conny or Tally, or even up against a Hurricane flying upside down with 4 S3 Pyros in the turret. Would be a very short contest.
Also consider this, NaffNaff - in gravity a ship like a Hornet will be a lumbering hulk. Vtol will be inefficient, hovering on thrusters will drink fuel, anti-grav will likely eat energy leaving little for shields or weapons.

So spacecraft will have to become aircraft. The hornet may have wings, but what will their stall speed be? they are pretty stubby so may have a pretty poor glide coefficient. The Saber has swept back wings, good for Supersonic flight but terrible for flying slowly to pick off targets on the ground. I'd say it is unlikely we'll be able to hover over a battlefield and throw down shot after shot... 3.0 will bring our first taste of what flying in atmosphere and gravity means, but I expect a ship to keep moving or run out of fuel or power very quickly and hit the ground which is no good to anyone.
I'm not sure that CIG is planning anything like that. The plans I heard were less maneuverable in atmosphere unless you had wings. They were simple, but I have not heard anything past that. If they had to worry about that, do you think that a Caterpillar would have any hope on a planet?

These ships use futuristic thrusters that are all limited by ifcs. They can output a TON of magic thrust to get them to fly. I once read a thread by some physics nerd explaining that the Constellation did not have enough thrust to escape Earth's gravitational pull...

It's a game, so we have to make some thing up to make it fun. Like sound in space. How do you hear those explosions in space? Easy, right? Little speakers in your helmet that play the sound, right? Then how does the helmet know what sound to play and when? Is it constantly scanning everything ever and why can't I have it tell me those things? Why can I hear the explosions from outside Olisar when I'm walking around without a helmet on?

I don't get much sleep...
So many thoughts. So much Science!

Here, everyone drink more.

Ps - keep the thought juices flowing. I'm going to get drunk and try to contribute. (Not likely)


Grand Admiral
May 29, 2016
RSI Handle
I like the Radar/Stealth version (RN) but I don't immediately see the difference between it and the Ursa. It is slightly shorter, slightly narrower, holds the same 2 people and weighs 1/6 as much. Not sure that is a selling point unless it will fit in things like the Hoplite where the Ursa certainly will not. I don't think it fits the Hoplite or Cutlass. I think the Ursa will fit the Lancer. So no immediate advantage I can see.

Is really whether you want a Jeep Renegade or a full-sized SUV. Ursa holds 4X the cargo.

For combat on the surface, I still think flying a real ship low that has a bottom mounted turret, is much higher value than vehicles on the surface. Imagine this thing with a single S1 gun up against a Redeemer, Conny or Tally, or even up against a Hurricane flying upside down with 4 S3 Pyros in the turret. Would be a very short contest.
The main difference is the Cyclone is faster and more maneuverable than the Ursa. The reduced weight might also factor into a reduced radar cross-section.


Jun 5, 2017
RSI Handle
I like the Radar/Stealth version (RN) but I don't immediately see the difference between it and the Ursa. It is slightly shorter, slightly narrower, holds the same 2 people and weighs 1/6 as much. Not sure that is a selling point unless it will fit in things like the Hoplite where the Ursa certainly will not. I don't think it fits the Hoplite or Cutlass. I think the Ursa will fit the Lancer. So no immediate advantage I can see.

Is really whether you want a Jeep Renegade or a full-sized SUV. Ursa holds 4X the cargo.

For combat on the surface, I still think flying a real ship low that has a bottom mounted turret, is much higher value than vehicles on the surface. Imagine this thing with a single S1 gun up against a Redeemer, Conny or Tally, or even up against a Hurricane flying upside down with 4 S3 Pyros in the turret. Would be a very short contest.
Last time i looked the Ursa had 4 seats in the back for a total of 6 people in the Van. :slight_smile:
Also.. the turret cyclone should hold 3 due to manned turret. :slight_smile:
Last edited:

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
But you're my designated drinker? How am I supposed to have a drink with everyone if I don't have a designated drinker?
I'm on it, I'm on it!! These 8.4% beers are fucking wreaking havoc on my ability to give a fuck about spending another 40 USD.
I got your Science right here

Watched. end to end. Those little red shorts on those legs that go alllll the way up. Bubble bubble POP!...

Hey, why is my hand in my shorts?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The plans I heard were less maneuverable in atmosphere unless you had wings.
Yes, they have said less maneuverable in atmo without wings, and more maneuverable with wings. They have also said there can be some special maneuverability based upon the propulsion system so the Prowler is supposed to have remarkable hovering over land that one supposes most ships will not have. It is worth noting though, that for most ships to be able to land and take off wherever they like, some sort of VTOL is necessary. I would expect every ship that can land on a planet, which is everything for the Reclaimer and smaller; can hover in some way.

With what little we know know, my guess is if in combat you can hover over a target protected by ship's shields and fire ships guns, you will be better off than any smaller vehicle. There are however many concerns past combat. Exploration is a great example. We need to see scan capabilities on the Cyclone and Ursa that don't fit on a Nox or Dragonfly.
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