Thats all MMOs in a nutshell though to be honest.It's gonna take a lot for them to bring me back in. I played a lot of Destiny and called it quits before the last expansion. I got tired of all my hard work becoming completely nullified with each addition...
When they released The Taken King, they fixed a majority of those issues. It was basically a brand new game, and it sucked me right back in. I. Leaning towards PC, although only because of my fellow TESTies. I solo'd a majority of the first game, never had a "crew". So I'm really looking forward to having people to play with in D2.If I play it, I'll most likely be on PC, but the kiddo has a PS4 that I might steal (and he'd play it too). It'll really depend on if Bungie can make enough improvements over D1 to make me believe in it. If it's anywhere near as grindy as the first I'm not gonna bother.
Yeah. I saw that yesterday. Pity.PC version might have a later release date, just a heads up. Im going PC anyway
Hunter was my first. But I play all three. Fucking stoked for D2I've been playing since (just after) day 1. I'll be picking up the game on Xbox One because most of the people I play with are on there. Odds are I'll also get it on PC at some point. I'm crazy like that.
Hunter Master Race btw.
Dude I know.Hunter was my first. But I play all three. Fucking stoked for D2
Haha, yes. And grenade launchers!Dude I know.
Also, did anyone else think this after the gameplay reveal?
Destiny 2: It's like Destiny, but with Tanks!
Do it!Tanks and grenade launchers you say ??
Hold on................ that like........ Things and Stuff !!!
now i have to take a look at Destiny 2 :nerd:
I cannot fucking wait. Bought her on PC so I can play with my TESTie geeks.When i herd that D2 was coming out