[Discussion] Divisions of TEST - Brainstorm


Space Marshal
Dec 3, 2013
RSI Handle
Keep in mind that I'm only really advocating this for fuel, because it is a special case. The whole fuel unit would still be under logistics, it would just generate it's own fuel instead of relying on Econ to get it for them.
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Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
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I'm not directly disagreeing, like I say I'm no expert, but this does seem needlessly complicated. While we might have a lot of starfarers, splitting them up into lots of different units would make things pretty uneconomical and needlessly lock their drivers into one type of role. Logistics farer drivers could only really expect to haul, Econ drivers could only expect to gather or refine and neither would ever be directly attached to combat missions as only combat farer drivers would have that option. It also requires a lot more people doing the organisation and has more links in the command chain.

Same scenario.

Let's say we're out in the boonies at System Fuck-Nowhere, and the nearest station with a refueling capability is three jumps out. We wouldn't use it anyway because paying re-sale for fuel is for chumps.

Op Logistics Officer/Quartermaster or w/e: So hey, Testenergy, we have run out of fuel.
Testenergy Coordinator: What happened to the two Bearfarers you asked to be attached to your op? I'm seeing that there is a hydrogen giant in system, get them to refine some.
Op Logistics Officer: Yeah, uh, they blew up trying to race each other around the Roulette.
TC: Right... OK we have 2 guys hauling surplus within 2 jumps, I've diverted them now and they have agreed to stay attached for the duration. Try not to loose these ones...


Op Logistics Officer: So hey, Testenergy, we have run out of fuel.
Testenergy Coordinator: OK, stand by I'll see what we have near you.
TC to associate: Fuck dude, that op needs fuel and we don't have any left after that cluster in Dagobah.
Associate: We'll have to get Econ to buy us some.
TC to Econ POC: So, can you guys buy some fuel near System Fuck-Nowhere? We ran out and that Op the Roulette is on is dead in the water.
Econ: Yip, we can buy some for you guys 2 jumps away. Got someone to pick it up?
TC: Yeah, we have two empty haulers in system.
TC to Op Logistics Officer: We have two haulers on the way, do you need to attach one to the op for the duration?
Op Logistics: Yeah that would be grand
TC: OK, neither of these guys can stick around but we have another dude who can RV with you. What's your route?
Op Logistics: Classified to you, Mr Desk Jockey.

Etc etc.
I like this. I think I'm gonna have to agree with you. It's really up to how the game implements fuel logistics, but it may end up getting rolled up into the Logistics Division with ECON providing the funding for purchasing the fuel.

Keep in mind that I'm only really advocating this for fuel, because it is a special case. The whole fuel unit would still be under logistics, it would just generate it's own fuel instead of relying on Econ to get it for them.
I can't disagree with that. If I become Logistics Chief, I'm putting you in charge of Fuel Logistics (if you want it). You have a pretty good grasp of it.
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Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I came in here prepared to roll my eyes and get Nkato all hot and bothered by disagreeing, but this looks pretty solid.

EDIT: It might bear some consideration to have a 4th, much smaller subdivision for morally dubious shit like assassinations (aka black market bounty hunters), piracy, smuggling, slaving, etc etc since they seem to be such an outlier in terms of how they conduct business (mainly piracy here). But thats largely gonna depend on how reputation works I suppose.


Rear Admiral
Apr 1, 2015
RSI Handle
Great post NKato, I love reading this kind of stuff.

I personally agree with the three divisions over two but I think people are forgetting that this is TEST, not the Corporation. If you're working for the Econ Division mining/buying/finding/whatever Goods X and it's decided that it needs to travel three jumps to wherever TEST needs it and you want to have a change and move it yourself, nobody is going to be there going 'no you can't, thats for logistics', you just switch for a bit.
Ultimately it is a game where people will be on and offline all the time and so when a job needs doing it'll be a case of the guy in command saying 'who can move this for me?', if you're there to say 'I can' hes not going to deny you on the basis of your main division.
When I take a break from blowing stuff up I'd quite like to haul some stuff around for TEST but I'm not that interested in buying/selling, looking for the right price etc. so I'd go to Logistics.

I'll stay out of fuel because I don't and won't own a Starfarer and I agree, it is a bit of a special case.


May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
While I think the separation is good in theory, in practice people will want to do multiple roles if not all of the roles. I think it might be best to have sub divisions as links between 2 different ones. Someone wants to do econ and combat for example could have a bloodmoney division. People who want to do everything could be in a I have no idea what I'm doing division that would be in the center and can be called to help out anywhere. Even the most dedicated of people will want to switch up or split their time. The time they do have won't all be directed towards the org either, so the importance of utility players will become more pronounced.
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Space Marshal
Oct 12, 2014
RSI Handle
While I think the separation is good in theory, in practice people will want to do multiple roles if not all of the roles. I think it might be best to have sub divisions as links between 2 different ones. Someone wants to do econ and combat for example could have a bloodmoney division. People who want to do everything could be in a I have no idea what I'm doing division that would be in the center and can be called to help out anywhere. Even the most dedicated of people will want to switch up or split their time. The time they do have won't all be directed towards the org either, so the importance of utility players will become more pronounced.
I feel like it would be simpler for people to just 'sign up' for each division they're interested in, instead of making more divisions that fall under multiple categories.

That also gets at what Kersakov was saying, it would make sense if the command structure of each division is relatively static, but the people who are working in each division can come and go as they like.
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Well I can only speak for myself but when I made the Rock Raiders post I quote myself:

I fully expect people to not stick to one job and switch around as they please and that is perfectly fine. I myself own several ships of different function and will want to change it up now and then. As long as people are having fun then we're all having fun.
I meant this looking at the whole picture of all aspects of the game and I still do. It is my hope that once people go off and try things for a while they come back to their original group because of their experience and ability.

That also gets at what Kersakov was saying, it would make sense if the command structure of each division is relatively static, but the people who are working in each division can come and go as they like.
This is what I'm talking about. Good wording here.
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Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
I feel like it would be simpler for people to just 'sign up' for each division they're interested in, instead of making more divisions that fall under multiple categories.

That also gets at what Kersakov was saying, it would make sense if the command structure of each division is relatively static, but the people who are working in each division can come and go as they like.
This is how I think it will end up being like: We have squads/units with specific areas of responsibilities established within each division, members sign up for those squads and become engaged with their specific interests. Based on our current proposed squads, here's how it would break down:

Combat Division
  • Yellow Jackets
  • Bounty Hunters
  • Field Command
Logistics Division
  • Infinity/Exploration
  • Hauler Squad
  • Engineer Squad
ECON Division
  • Spreadsheet Squad
  • Etc.
Basically, this structure presents two distinct tiers: the Divisional leadership, and the squad-level functions. Division leadership is flat, and squad level functions are also flat, although subordinate to Div. leadership.

As it has been said elsewhere in the Profession forum, it's possible for people to join multiple squads. The divisional structure simply gives us a simplified means of communicating with each other in terms of leadership. Squads can still talk to each other on an as-needed basis, and members can join as many or as few squads as they like.

So where does divisional leadership really fit into all this? That's simple: They're responsible for setting up the infrastructure for the divisions - job boards, communication channels, waystations/hubs, etc; as well as providing direction to the Squads when an official TEST directive needs to be accomplished.
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Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
I am fairly neutral as always about what I think should happen, but I do agree with the others everything looks solid as usual NKato. I'm by no means a theorycrafter, so I tend to just go with the flow of what other people want to do. I think it's important to have structure, but it's also important to remain true to the ideal of the organization itself. I joined because TEST portrayed itself as a casual, easy-going sort of Org that have a lot of fun easy going gamers to play with at release. I could have just as easily joined one of the more structured/strict Orgs that have already basically crafted these same ideas and are already putting them into place, but TEST just seemed to fit my casual/sometimes serious playstyle best because there wasn't the pressure of having to decide what I want to do or what category I want to be placed in.

However, we are a large guild and there will need to be some semblance of structure so I think this is a good step forward into finding out what sort of direction we should go to give those who need more direction a helping hand.


Space Marshal
Nov 28, 2014
RSI Handle
Per your request, I have read through the thread. Looks good to me, and as you've said, we need to be clear that this isn't locking anybody into specific roles.

For normal day to day operations you're just going to have someone in Econ requesting that someone in Logistics come up with a squad of people who can help transport some materials from A to B. Then they'll take a look at who has 'signed up' as interested in Logistics and grab whoever's available.

The higher the risk of the operation (whatever it is) we'll be more organized since we obviously don't want to be entering battles with ad-hoc organization.

I don't see the division heads as COMMANDERs for day to day stuff. They would just be facilitators, because I'm pretty sure we're all smart enough to be able to figure out useful stuff to do by ourselves for the most part.
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Space Marshal
Dec 3, 2013
RSI Handle
Flashwits got it. Realistically I think it will naturally pan out to be a lot more organic. Most testes have multiple ships and intend on playing multiple roles, especially at the start. Its likely that we will have a core group that want to run these individual units and a few people that want to attach themselves exclusively to those units, but the majority will be beetling around doing their own thing, taking jobs from each, if and when something interests them.
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Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm reserving this spot, as I have been requested to comment.

4/16/2015 - Okay, having read through the thread, this seems solid. My main concern is how the in-game mechanic will be for engineers. I'm sure there will be a squad of combat engineers (in-op repairs, ground support, etc) situated under the Combat Division, with Engineering Command under Logistics... right?

Additionally, as long as I am dully elected as Grand Spymaster of the Office of Special Inteligence [sp], I think we'll be fine. ;)
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Space Marshal
Mar 23, 2015
RSI Handle
It appears to me that the structure is designed to be flexible and organic at the lower to mid levels, as anyone can do anything at any time. The "upper" levels seem to be more static , as you have a few people like Kato who just want to command the fleet, etc.

To keep the spirit of test while maintaining sufficient structure for an organization our size we really need to look at the static "command" structure as op facilitators as previously mentioned opposed to flat officer/commander types with in-field leadership being generated as necessary...

More like a central core dispatch unit than generals and admirals


Space Marshal
Dec 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I am fairly neutral as always about what I think should happen, but I do agree with the others everything looks solid as usual NKato. I'm by no means a theorycrafter, so I tend to just go with the flow of what other people want to do. I think it's important to have structure, but it's also important to remain true to the ideal of the organization itself. I joined because TEST portrayed itself as a casual, easy-going sort of Org that have a lot of fun easy going gamers to play with at release. I could have just as easily joined one of the more structured/strict Orgs that have already basically crafted these same ideas and are already putting them into place, but TEST just seemed to fit my casual/sometimes serious playstyle best because there wasn't the pressure of having to decide what I want to do or what category I want to be placed in.

However, we are a large guild and there will need to be some semblance of structure so I think this is a good step forward into finding out what sort of direction we should go to give those who need more direction a helping hand.
I could not have said it better myself.
In addition to
I totally agree with whatever Montoya says about this.
I also totally agree with Arrangingstars. Unless it goes counter to the first.
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Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I think we can have it both ways: Structure for the sake of organization and casual drop in, drop out play.

Think of it like this. TEST is going to have a "free for all" squad system. Don't like who's running the current mining operations? Make your own! Sick of X person making bad calls and getting you killed? Join a different squad!

I see these divisions as more umbrellas for similar activities. Interested in exploration tonight? Hop over to the Logistics mumble sub-channel and see who needs a ship or crew. Wanna cause a little mayhem? Hop over to combat ops and get some lads to crew your Retaliator.

Now, more "dedicated" people will naturally emerge and specialize in one or two divisions, probably spearheading group operations and making steady squads. This lets people "climb the ranks", so to speak, if they want, or be more flexible and do whatever suits them at that particular moment.
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