Drake Buccaneer

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Someone posted this minor edit on reddit, adding in some Cutlass like vertical stabilizers on the wings and tightening up the cockpit a lot. I think that overall it makes the Buccaneer look a ton ton ton better and really like the Cutlasses "cousin".

Either or. Both look good to me. I'll buy her regardless. I'm willing to bet that she gets an ascetic once over before hanger release anyways.
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
eh, it actually looks like a rush job to me. Too many elements from other franchises mixed in for my taste, a little Star Wars, Last Starfighter, etc. And honestly, I don't really see the A-10 influence in it.
The engines are a10 ish. I dint understand why people think that everything has to have elements of something else. This looks like a drakr ship and how a drake shop should be. I hope the rest of the ships keep this look and the cutlass gets a revamo to look like this.


Space Marshal
Feb 2, 2015
RSI Handle
I look at it and it just don't click for me. There are things I can't put into words atm but it just looks wrong to me. Maybe its the engines being so freakin large that it throws the whole scale off for me. I don't know. I like the cockpit and thats it.
It looks like a weird xwing with podracer engines.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
It looks like it has 2 turbine engines with air inlet, although there is no air in space... that said.... it looks gorgeous, but even if it would look like shit, you won't see it from inside your cockpit while flying and good looks don't help during combat. Speed, maneuverability, armor, shields, silhouet and pilot skills help during combat.
Good looks only help to pick up chicks and look more ridiculous while getting shot to pieces.
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
It looks like it has 2 turbine engines with air inlet, although there is no air in space... that said.... it looks gorgeous, but even if it would look like shit, you won't see it from inside your cockpit while flying and good looks don't help during combat. Speed, maneuverability, armor, shields, silhouet and pilot skills help during combat.
Good looks only help to pick up chicks and look more ridiculous while getting shot to pieces.
They are hydrogen isotope scoops. The engines in game run on hydrogen isotopes and every full size ship has isotope scoops. They are the huge intakes beside the hornets cockpits, or the huge intake atop the 300 series. Also remember all SC ships are capable of air flight and will switch to air intake mode.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
This looks like a drakr ship and how a drake shop should be. I hope the rest of the ships keep this look and the cutlass gets a revamo to look like this.
Exactly. This little beaut will look great beside my Caterpillar.
it looks gorgeous
I think so. So ugly she's beautiful. It doesn't have smooth, acstetic lines like some ships, and I like that about her.
but even if it would look like shit, you won't see it from inside your cockpit while flying and good looks don't help during combat
This. I don't give a rats ass what she looks like outside. It's the view from inside, and how she handles, that's what's important to me.


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
They are hydrogen isotope scoops. The engines in game run on hydrogen isotopes and every full size ship has isotope scoops. They are the huge intakes beside the hornets cockpits, or the huge intake atop the 300 series. Also remember all SC ships are capable of air flight and will switch to air intake mode.
Space is like only 8% stuff and is mostly a vacuum, I presume they could use this around stars which is the most likely place to find hydrogen isotopes.
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