Esperia Prowler LTI $425

Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
Disco better be talking in new zealand dollars. CIG is already getting heat from their lack of sq42 info, the news they are holding back ships, evocati, and missing every single timeline. Then they say give them 425 dollars for a boarding ship. I dont care if its alien tech, it is alien tech tha was defeated a long time ago and has probably been outdone. This isnt even the real ship its a replica. At 425 dollars its more expensive than a glaive/connie/Hull D/Carrack. These are all large ships or ships that have extemly rare tech humans dont have aka the glaives plasma which make justify the price. The Tevarin texhnology has been totally claimed by humans and isnt rare so there is no reason for it to jusrify the price for a small ship. So it must be a big ship.... a big.... stealthy.... boading ship.... yeah that doesnt make sense. See this is why people are jumping on the "CIG ran out of money" bandwagon. First the terrapin cost of 190(which may/may not be justified with its special tech), then the cash only hornet, and now a 425 ship that supposed to be stealthy.

So we stand at 2 options:

A. The ship is now a large boarding ship and no longer stealthy. Which is dissapointing.

B. CIG is taking us to dinner and making us pay and then to our place and didnt buy lube.


Space Marshal
Feb 14, 2016
RSI Handle
I was expecting something around $300. The "Experia" prestige brand goes a long way to "value", as much so as any of the Vanduul ships.

at $425, I expect a 3 crew vehicle with drop capacity of 5 or 6 persons. size wise between a Vanguard and a Sabre, relatively flat, like the Sabre with Low EM/IR drives. I expect the troops may get ejected like torpedoes.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
1: I'm gonna wait to see it and it's specs. Probably won't by because I don't feel I'll have need or use for it.
But I agree that there has been an a run ships with high price tags lately. I think that if they start to offer more affordable and entry level concept sales it would go far in alleviating the fear that newer players have for increasing their fleet. What they lose in price per unit sales should be made up in volume of sales. While the Argo and Dragon fly were affordable, they were specialty ships that are limited in use. CIG needs to add a new entry level ship or two to give new backers more variety which will help to dis-spell the myth that this is an expensive game to play.

Are we outraged or is it ok?
I think the proper question should be "SOTS. Are we concerned or is it ok?"


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
Not bothered by the price, it is what it is.

It's just not worth it for the limited gameplay this ship is going to be supported by.

You can count the amount of ship boarding you will do in an average week on no hands.

You have to think in terms of it either being used in the highly unlikely scenario of a small fleet action, or on a group of friends manning it trying to hijack ships, neither of which is going to happen.

So, yeah, no thanks.
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