Fleet Liquidation


Grand Admiral
May 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Hey guys,

So I have hit a rather large hole in the road and need to liberate some, if not most, of my cash in this game. Long story short I’m not sure how my employment will be going on after next week.

So I have the following ships to sell, please note I’m doing these at cost and will cover the PayPal fees, I will also have a fair chunk of store credits to gift in the form or upgraded starter ships, at a favourable rate. This is for fellow TESTies only who've been in the Org for more than a few months.

Any help you guys can give me by buying these would be awesome.

The ships are as follows:

Stand Alone Ships:

Tumbril Nova Tank LTI Warbond $95.00
X1 Baseline Scarlet Edition LTI Warbond $35.00
Tumbril Cyclone AA LTI Warbond $60.00
Tumbril Cyclone TR LTI Warbond $45.00
Tunbril Cyclone PreSale LTI Warbond $40.00
Aegis Eclipse LTI Warbond $250.00
Banu Defender LTI Warbond $170.00
Anvil Hurricane LTI Warbond $160.00
Esperia Prowler LTI UEE Warbond $380.00
Sabre Comet LTI UEE Warbond $175.00
Origin 85X LTI $50.00
RSI Polaris LTI Warbond PreSale $625.00
Reliant Kore Flight Ready Sale 6 months insurance $65.00
Argo Combo Pack LTI $70.00
Anvil Terrapin LTI $195.00
Drake Dragonfly Ride Together Two-Pack LTI $65.00
Drake Buccaneer LTI $110.00
MISC Prospector LTI $140.00
Kruger P-72 Achimedes LTI (may use as Store Credit gift mule) $30.00
Endeavor Discovery Class LTI $425.00
Genesis Star Liner LTI $400.00
Reliant Mini Hauler LTI $50.00
Hull C LTI $200.00
Banu Merchantman LTI $250.00
MISC Starfarer LTI $175.00
Cutass Red LTI $120.00
Drake Interplanetary Caterpillar LTI $225.00
RSI Aurora 6 month insurance (may use as Store Credit gift mule) $35.00
MISC Freelancer MAX 6 month insurance $140.00

Thanks for looking



Grand Admiral
May 23, 2017
RSI Handle
I posted a PM with what I could buy ( Starfarer ) ... but I'd repeat here - based on your message it looks like you have many RSI creds on the account ... in this case you may want to ask for a full refund from CIG ( they are usually nice with those requests ) .. it would bring most of your money back with less effort and 0 paypal fees


Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
Ah, that sucks. Sorry to hear it.
I already have all of those ships that i want. Tell you what, though, if nobody else is interested in the P-72 Archimedes, it's only 30 bucks, so i'll buy it off you.
PM me with the info if you want to sell it.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I posted a PM with what I could buy ( Starfarer ) ... but I'd repeat here - based on your message it looks like you have many RSI creds on the account ... in this case you may want to ask for a full refund from CIG ( they are usually nice with those requests ) .. it would bring most of your money back with less effort and 0 paypal fees
I agree, I'm interested in a couple things, but first you should see if you can get a refund from CIG and maybe hold on to one or two ships, if you can...


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeh I'd request a full refund from CIG and explain the unfortunate circumstances. They'll help you out.


Grand Admiral
Jan 30, 2018
RSI Handle
Is that the correct price for the Merchantman, I thought they were $100 more than that?
Original price was $250, they increased it to $350 later on.

I do agree with people here though and say that you should contact them about a full or partial refund before selling ships to other people. (as much as I would like to buy some this is just the better option for you)
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