Flu season 2019 is awesome!


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
And by awesome I mean great if you want to be confined to a bed for a week, unable to eat, move or find a comfortable position to lie in for more than 5min.

I never take the flu shot, I never get sick. I cant remember the last time I had the flu, must be over 15yrs ago.

This year my luck ran out.

My youngest kid caught it from somebody in his class, a day later I have it.

Holy shit...

Im never skipping out on flu shots ever again!

Its been almost a week and Im still popping advils every 5hrs just to make it through the day.

If you or you loved ones have any health issues, dont take a chance this year, get a flu shot!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I do not begrudge you this my friend. We religiously get the flu shot, as my wife works in health care and our little guy is in junior kindergarten. No sense risking it, especially with how vicious the flu is.

Get well soon, and I pray your little guy is doing well too.
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Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
I feel your pain young man. Defeated a cancer diagnosis with a bone marrow transplant ( get a cold if someone just looks at me now) :wut: . Now I have that new car smell and the immune system to go along with it. Getting over my first Flue experience with this new born system and boy its really doesn't really help does it Obi Wann!!!! ( really feel your pain):o7:
But for you and the rest of the inebriated gang I hope you get over the green crusted mucous crud soon and can breath easier going into the holiday ahead. Merry Christmas to you and all of the mutants here in the land of instability young Jedi and may the martinis be with you:drunk:


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
And by awesome I mean great if you want to be confined to a bed for a week, unable to eat, move or find a comfortable position to lie in for more than 5min.

I never take the flu shot, I never get sick. I cant remember the last time I had the flu, must be over 15yrs ago.

This year my luck ran out.

My youngest kid caught it from somebody in his class, a day later I have it.

Holy shit...

Im never skipping out on flu shots ever again!

Its been almost a week and Im still popping advils every 5hrs just to make it through the day.

If you or you loved ones have any health issues, dont take a chance this year, get a flu shot!
Sorry to hear you're a bit under the weather, Boss.
May I add, along with all the others, Irish coffee has always worked for me. It may not help. But it sure as hell won't hurt.
But on the bright side. At least you'll be back in the game when Xmas day comes around.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Just think, you still have the cold going around this season to look forward to.

In both children and adults it lasts two weeks plus has another 1-3 weeks of coughing up crud from you lungs and sinuses during which time you can catch it again from someone else.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Lots of Hot toddy (hot water, honey, freshly squeezed lemon juice, hard alcohol of your choice), water, sleep, and vitamins!

So apparently.. if you eat only the right veggies (cucumbers are actually fruit I just found out) you can heal faster as apparently the things we eat are trying to kill us as they don't want to be eaten... eg some of their compounds are defensive and cause things like inflammation and swelling of vein/capillary walls which inhibits blood flow and fewer cells attacking invaders to kill them means taking longer to heal from viral attacks. Well... I mean I really don't know... watching Netflix shows about stuff like this has made me rethink my life in terms of what I eat and health in general. Like this "plant paradox" shit. I don't know anything anymore or what to think really. Experts are saying other experts have been lying to us all our life. 🤷‍♂️

There is a silver lining.... you can now binge-watch stuff guilt-free!


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
You think your luck is bad, I had to call off 2 days in a row right before my vacation I was so sick, my back hurt so bad I couldn't stand up straight and now I have this cough going on 3 weeks and I spent me entire vacation sick, in bed or coughing. I want a do over!!


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
You think your luck is bad, I had to call off 2 days in a row right before my vacation I was so sick, my back hurt so bad I couldn't stand up straight and now I have this cough going on 3 weeks and I spent me entire vacation sick, in bed or coughing. I want a do over!!
Coughing is the worst.

I am asthmatic as well, so when i get a chest infection or flu or the like I end up coughing and coughing, then I cant breathe, then its retching, then sick.

While coughing and not being able to breathe.
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