Im curious as to why they left it this long?
Did they suddenly realize now, 2yrs later, that nobody is actually enjoying flying around?
Because to effectively 'balance' the flight mechanics & IFCS larger ships were needed.
Also, Item Port 2.0 had to be completed.
This 'Balance' has always been an ongoing tweek but now with Item Port 2.0 finished CIG can start to balance the flight mechanics while considering weight, load distribution, component wear and/or damage, atmosphere density, gravity, etc etc etc
From this point on until game release, this will be constantly tweeked as new ships, weapons, components, etc are added.
Each ship will handle differently depending on loadout, overclocking, power distribution, total weight (what cargo) etc.
[And how the user flies that ship]
SC is and has always been about 'Virtual Reality' and not just another arcade clone.
This has always been CR's vision & what we Pledged for.
If you are one of those that 'suddenly' don't like this flight model, there are thousands of arcade clone 'pinball' games available for you to play.
Best learn to ropes now, however.
Star Citizen is setting the goal post for ALL future Space Sims as well as games in general.
Do you honestly believe that after SC releases people will not want (and Demand) 64 bit gaming maps, VOIP, FOIP, Immersion, 'Realistic' flight models (allowing for game play fun)? Think again.
I have waited for this since I played Elite: First Frontier.
Star Citizen is the Future.
I am so excited..............You will really start to see and experience this 'wonder' with 3.3
Enjoy. I am.