I read the transcript and watched that dude going apeshit in that vid clip. And no, I was not paying any attention whatsoever to the woman with the redacted face, I swear on my beer. Okay, that is a total lie. Anyway, that "GhostSquadron is Cancer" transcript made me consider how, especially these days, we should not make light of mental illness. I get it. But guys... hehe... that dude... hahaha he is just batshit effing CRAZY HAHAHAHAHA If I put half that much mental energy into my actual, real, non-internet life I would probably rule the frigging world by now. I want to stick him in a hamster wheel and just 'trigger' him, thus generating enough power to start up all 150,000 TEST Auroras AND all 15,000 TEST beer coolers with enough left over to heat all of Northern Canada for a year.