Hercules - I was weak...

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Go on, doooo iiiiit, you know you want to... :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I do WANT to...
You know you want it... :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Wanting a ship vs my need to survive the beating and possible divorce that my wife would serve me. Hmmmm
Life would have been so different for a few of my friends who served in Canadian armor, had the invention of the Tank taken place just a little further east.
"So what have you been doing since college?"
"Oh I drive a TONK eh." Hint: Say that out loud.
Hahaha, as a Canadian who spend years driving a tank, I find this hilarious.


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
Would’ve preferred a TONK, but the A2 was outside my budget this month, plus I’m not to sure if I’m interested in planetary bombardment as a game play style :rolling_eyes:
Same here, hell I don't want to even go to planets, asteroids, flight paths and space stations is where I want to be.

Don't get me wrong I loved seeing Yela and Delamar up close and flying through the atmosphere but it's just not space.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Yup, kinda... My situation improved, so cancelled the refund request with CIG and the fleet liquidation. It was close, TBH I’m not fully out of the woods, but I’m moving forward and things are on the up
As much as I enjoy celebrating the feel-good sensation of picking up the new hotness, as a former financial adviser I feel I need to lay down truths you will not like.

Just a few weeks ago you were posting that you needed to liquidate your entire fleet because you were going through some financial hardships.

Now you are celebrating the purchase of a $400 ship.

Either you won the lottery and have a ton of disposable income suddenly, or you have an impulse spending problem, which a lot of backers go through at some point.

Im not here to tell you what to do with your money, but whatever your situation, save up a cash reserve of at least 3 months living expenses and an emergency fund before you go spending any more money on space ships!

Believe me, I know its tough when they release a concept sale of something you absolutely think you must have!

That gunship for $700 is my fantasy! But at the same time Im also ok with leaving some ships for in-game acquisition!

To all the new guys reading this, if you start the game with an Aurora and work you way up, you are going to have a much more fun time than the guy starting with a Completionist package!


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
As much as I enjoy celebrating the feel-good sensation of picking up the new hotness, as a former financial adviser I feel I need to lay down truths you will not like.

Just a few weeks ago you were posting that you needed to liquidate your entire fleet because you were going through some financial hardships.

Now you are celebrating the purchase of a $400 ship.

Either you won the lottery and have a ton of disposable income suddenly, or you have an impulse spending problem, which a lot of backers go through at some point.

Im not here to tell you what to do with your money, but whatever your situation, save up a cash reserve of at least 3 months living expenses and an emergency fund before you go spending any more money on space ships!

Believe me, I know its tough when they release a concept sale of something you absolutely think you must have!

That gunship for $700 is my fantasy! But at the same time Im also ok with leaving some ships for in-game acquisition!

To all the new guys reading this, if you start the game with an Aurora and work you way up, you are going to have a much more fun time than the guy starting with a Completionist package!
Echoing what our Glorious Leader said, we all just need to be mindful of what we can afford. If you can afford a larger ship, that will give you a head start for working your way up to the "humongous ship of your dreams." However, I don't know that starting with the HSOYD is going to be as fun, I always have more fun in the beginning of games working my way up...

It is great to support the development of this game, but don't spend more than you need to. Honestly, in a way I'm hyped about this ship, but the A2 looks to have a very limited role. I may just sit this out, still thinking...


Grand Admiral
May 25, 2014
RSI Handle
As much as I enjoy celebrating the feel-good sensation of picking up the new hotness, as a former financial adviser I feel I need to lay down truths you will not like.

Just a few weeks ago you were posting that you needed to liquidate your entire fleet because you were going through some financial hardships.

Now you are celebrating the purchase of a $400 ship.

Either you won the lottery and have a ton of disposable income suddenly, or you have an impulse spending problem, which a lot of backers go through at some point.

Im not here to tell you what to do with your money, but whatever your situation, save up a cash reserve of at least 3 months living expenses and an emergency fund before you go spending any more money on space ships!

Believe me, I know its tough when they release a concept sale of something you absolutely think you must have!

That gunship for $700 is my fantasy! But at the same time Im also ok with leaving some ships for in-game acquisition!

To all the new guys reading this, if you start the game with an Aurora and work you way up, you are going to have a much more fun time than the guy starting with a Completionist package!
All good points, unfortunately I didn't win the lottery, but I do live in hope.

When I posted the liquidation post I had just quit my job, my employer was being unreasonable and a bullying culture had started to rear it's ugly head again, I must confess the resignation was a spur of the moment thing, but I do not regret it. I knew I could liberate a fair chunk of change through liquidating my fleet , so I went about that. I found myself further employment faster than I expected and TBH the money is as good so, although I took a hit for a few weeks the reserves are being topped back up and I have some free cash.

It's possible I might have an impulse purchase thing, but I haven't put myself into hardship to back the game.

I appreciate you looking out for your Orgs members though @Montoya, I truly do. And again you're 100% right, all you need is a $40 starter package. Everything else is attainable in game :vulcan::beers:

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
My wife and I both have great jobs. She’s just a numbers girl and likes to setup artificial budgets for me to break.
Nothing like having goals to smash!! I'll make sure my wife knows not to be worried for you, haha. She's nurse and likes to take care of people. Even my fellow pixel ship geeks who live on the other side of the continent. ;)
but seriously, you could transport all of the things....
I really could.

or Bomb them all.


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
As much as I enjoy celebrating the feel-good sensation of picking up the new hotness, as a former financial adviser I feel I need to lay down truths you will not like.

Just a few weeks ago you were posting that you needed to liquidate your entire fleet because you were going through some financial hardships.

Now you are celebrating the purchase of a $400 ship.

Either you won the lottery and have a ton of disposable income suddenly, or you have an impulse spending problem, which a lot of backers go through at some point.

Im not here to tell you what to do with your money, but whatever your situation, save up a cash reserve of at least 3 months living expenses and an emergency fund before you go spending any more money on space ships!

Believe me, I know its tough when they release a concept sale of something you absolutely think you must have!

That gunship for $700 is my fantasy! But at the same time Im also ok with leaving some ships for in-game acquisition!

To all the new guys reading this, if you start the game with an Aurora and work you way up, you are going to have a much more fun time than the guy starting with a Completionist package!
I can understand this fully, I have bought ships then realised days later that I had something I needed to pay, I've had to stop my patreon because of "unexpected finance issues" and then regretting the purchase for weeks. I still think about selling my Cat because it's just unnecessary right now. I might hit up the Marketplace in fact as even though i bought it ages ago I feel like it was a waste of quite a chunk of money.
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