Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Can I be a Rock Raider as well as pirate support crew? Got that Starfarer Gemini to keep y'all fueled, cutlass red to keep you alive and a reclaimer to help fuck shit up.
Absolutely! TEST is an open book- feel free to join/drop out of divisions/groups/squadrons at your leisure. Although a fair warning, some individual squadrons (for example, MY pirate squad with me and my buds) might prefer to run with more "serious" pirates. But that's all shit to figure out when the games actually done.


Dec 31, 2014
RSI Handle
Yhaar.... If any of you SwashBuckling Captains are looking for an olde sea dog to man your battle stations, im always open for business. I will happily accept payment in the form of booty, alcohol, narcotics or carebear tears!
Sounds good, can always use a meatshield - cough - I mean, valued traveling companion. =)
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Dec 6, 2015
RSI Handle
I like the sound of this, i very much would like to get in touch with likeminded people like this, people who aint afraid to bend the law to get ahead in life.

If we come out like a organized mob at launch, then theres no limits to the money we can make.

Jack Firebaugh

Rear Admiral
Jun 20, 2014
RSI Handle
privateers for life!

Serious Table

Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2014
RSI Handle
So my "shipscape", let's call it, is pretty fluid and changes frequently. A lot of this is based on indecision, but also a little bit of being-un-informed. So time for some educatin'.

The biggest ship I've got which I cannot melt, as it contains a physical package, is my MISC Endeavor. She's a beast, and I intend to buy some modules for her sometime in the future, especially a hangar for servicing TEST ships, and likely facilities for Space Narcotics production or (more my style) illegal item modifications.

But what else do you need out there in the fringe of space? What is best suited for a less-than-lawful pirate in order to best survive? You've got a couple of ships that were branded as "for pirates", which included the Caterpillar (which might as well be the Pirate Constellation) and the Cutlass. Identifying aspects of these ships were cheap, easy to maintain, and had cargo plus weapons capabilities.

I think the other important thing that the Cutlass and Caterpillar would have brought to the frontier is that "Jack of all trades" functionality. It feels like you've gotta have a ship that can do a little bit of everything so that you can modify it quickly and cleanly for whatever task is at hand to survive.

With all that in mind, I've got:

* Endeavor (cannot melt) - Mobile TEST base and floating Narcotics production/Item Modifications
* Freelancer - What I figured would count as the Jack-of-all-trades ship. Big guns means that fights could end before they start, with a cargo hold big enough for either transport or "special cargo acquisition".
* Sabre - I figured the stealthy boom-and-zoom capabilities of the ship would be useful, especially in another TEST flight of ships, and while stealth is certainly handy in the greater scheme of things, a lack of cargo hold means she's very specialized, and her presence on grid is going to be difficult to detect which means she can end a fight when it *starts*, but not necessarily prevent one from happening to her comrades.

How would you guys configure your hangar for deep space piracy? I've had thoughts of trading the Sabre for a Hornet for the presence aspect when escorting Squadmates (don't mess with this guy sort of thing). Trade it all for a Vanguard 'cause survivability? A dozen Auroras/Reliants?
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Dec 6, 2015
RSI Handle
With all that in mind, I've got:

* Endeavor (cannot melt) - Mobile TEST base and floating Narcotics production/Item Modifications
* Freelancer - What I figured would count as the Jack-of-all-trades ship. Big guns means that fights could end before they start, with a cargo hold big enough for either transport or "special cargo acquisition".
* Sabre - I figured the stealthy boom-and-zoom capabilities of the ship would be useful, especially in another TEST flight of ships, and while stealth is certainly handy in the greater scheme of things, a lack of cargo hold means she's very specialized, and her presence on grid is going to be difficult to detect which means she can end a fight when it *starts*, but not necessarily prevent one from happening to her comrades.

How would you guys configure your hangar for deep space piracy? I've had thoughts of trading the Sabre for a Hornet for the presence aspect when escorting Squadmates (don't mess with this guy sort of thing). Trade it all for a Vanguard 'cause survivability? A dozen Auroras/Reliants?
I have the Constellation Andromeda as my Jack of all trades ship, its my Gunship and Transporter and Exploration ship all in one, and it makes an exellent pirate ship. The Connie will be my main workhorse to get income. If it would have a deep space scanner to discover hidden jump points then it would have been perfect, being a pirate you have to be able to navigate the hidden spots in the Verse, so im not sure how i will solve that, will you be able to get jump point information from your friends and then store it in your nav computer? i guess right?

As for the Sabre, i have been eyeing that ship aswell, fast, agile, packs a decent punch, right now i dont care too much about it being "stealthier" then other fighters, im not sure how that will have a inpact ingame yet... Will you have to be closer to a Sabre in order to get a lock on it or what?

Super Hornet or Sabre, that is what it comes down to for me at the moment. And i think i would have more fun in an Sabre.

Decisions decisions... all i know that with the Connie and one of these two fighters i will be all set for doing my thing in the Verse.


Rear Admiral
Apr 1, 2015
RSI Handle
How would you guys configure your hangar for deep space piracy? I've had thoughts of trading the Sabre for a Hornet for the presence aspect when escorting Squadmates (don't mess with this guy sort of thing). Trade it all for a Vanguard 'cause survivability? A dozen Auroras/Reliants?
Similar to you, my plan changes all the time but here's my current thinking:

Retaliator (Own) - It's just badass really. I've got the cargo module so i'm thinking it would work well as a Smuggler but also if I go for piracy in it, really, who is going to mess with a Retaliator...?
Caterpillar (First Ingame Purchase if I can last that long) - I really want this to be my primary ship. The modularity that was outlined just sums up SC for me with the ability to switch between chop shop, EVA Piracy, Haulage and everything else you can do with it.
Endevour (Long Term goal) - Space Meth and Illegal Weapons. I hope to do this one someone elses ship for a while but i'd love to run the show eventually.

When it comes to solo flight I currently have a 325A but I would really love a Sabre because stealth is just the best. I've also got a few other bits like a Reliant and some low level Hull's just because. When it comes to Space Meth Dealing, a less obvious/easily ignored ship like a Reliant seems like a good idea.


Dec 31, 2014
RSI Handle
Well shit, who knows what will be good for us shady sorts when the game goes live but from what I have seen I would say that what you are going to want are fast ships with cargo capacity and enough firepower to kick tiny tim in the balls. If you are running in a wolf pack you may want to think about getting fighting ships like the sabre but in most games I have played pirates hit targets they know they can beat and then run before the big guns arrive.
To that end the Connie Andromeda is a good pick. It is fast, modular and has cargo capacity. The Retaliator can work with the cargo mods. The combat spec Freelancer would be good too, but its canopy is crap for combat and of course the Cutlass Black so far seems to be the perfect pirate ship.
I also have a Redeemer but I am on the fence with that one. It has more firepower than you will ever need just not a lot of space for cargo - but it's so cool.
As far as deep space pirating. I don't think you will find many people to pirate in deep space . . . after all space is pretty vast, if you play elite dangerous you may notice with all the space they have you don't run into many actual people. I think pirates are mainly going to be found close to trade lanes in low sec systems. Meaning there will probably be plenty of bases to refuel and resupply, so, I would not be too worried about support roles, though I am sure they will have their uses.
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I like free stuff. I'll bring my Sabre, DURp, and (Redeemer/BMM/Starfarer/Carrack...Whatever I settle on after I stop changing my mind faster than my underwear) oh, and my Aurora and Archi. Too legit

I want a healthy scope of fun play. Running loads (hehe) from hole to hole doesn't interest me. However: Piracy, exploration, smuggling with a bunch of fellow TESTies. I'm in.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
So, who's planning on sticking mainly to lawless space, and who's going to stick more towards the UEE and/or frontier systems?

Personally, I want to stay in lawless space as much as possible. No pesky Advocacy/cops, better resources, more risk/more reward. I always loved WH space and 0.0 in EVE, and this seems like the next best thing.

However, piracy is really only part of what I want to do. I'm sure I'll be doing more than my fair share of escort runs with TESTies (that may end up turning into impromptu Search and Rescue missions), exploration, mining, etc etc. Whatever sounds good, and pays good, at that time!

Serious Table

Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2014
RSI Handle
So, who's planning on sticking mainly to lawless space, and who's going to stick more towards the UEE and/or frontier systems?

Personally, I want to stay in lawless space as much as possible. No pesky Advocacy/cops, better resources, more risk/more reward. I always loved WH space and 0.0 in EVE, and this seems like the next best thing.
Nailed it, Squeaker, and for the exact same reasons. Loved WH space, and nothing else in the game really compared.

However, piracy is really only part of what I want to do. I'm sure I'll be doing more than my fair share of escort runs with TESTies (that may end up turning into impromptu Search and Rescue missions), exploration, mining, etc etc. Whatever sounds good, and pays good, at that time!
Okay, get out of my head!

You can come live on my Endeavor. We'll make it an impromptu base of operations for the adventurous TESTie out in wild space looking for a place to stop and drink, as we PIRATE SCIENCE.
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Rear Admiral
Apr 1, 2015
RSI Handle
You can come live on my Endeavor. We'll make it an impromptu base of operations for the adventurous TESTie out in wild space looking for a place to stop and drink, as we PIRATE SCIENCE.
I wanna do this, Can I come too!?

Same as Squeaker though really, I hope to stick in Lawless space a lot so I can go about my drug dealing and slave trafficking in peace but also get into some salvage and exploration and other less-illegal activities. I think when I'm going for actual piracy, I'll aim for frontier systems simply as I think there will be better availability of targets.
I'm just hoping that the Rep system will allow me to enter UEE space (Maybe with a false identity) also as I really wanna try everything and I'm sure I'll have some days when I just wanna chill and do a couple of easy haulage runs for a few extra credits.
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Dec 6, 2015
RSI Handle
Im all for going full outlaw myself, at first i was thinking i would have a main char that is available to access the whole universe and then have an Pirate Alt character, but i realise that i might aswell make my main character my Pirate character and have a good guy alt that can access high sec areas.


Dec 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Nah, I don't have the time to get outa trouble. Too much paperwork and shit if the UEE catches me.
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