There is a lot more content coming in the next few months.
Once they figure out how to keep their servers from exploding, there are a lot of features from their previous game Ingress that can be brought in.
That's exciting! I know a lot of the grinding group that I roll with in the evenings is getting burned out in the 24+ range (25 is about the highest anyone has gotten in my area if they've played every day since start. It's amusing to me when I can drive to the next town over (Ann Arbor), check the rural gyms along the way and recognize the people in there.
Personally I'm a little sad that the tracker isn't working. The most fun part of the game for me was seeing somthing rare not in a downtown area, and tracking it down. Now unless it pops in, it's usually a frustrating cycle of searching until it is the "closest" 3 step on your radar, running back and forth aimlessly, and then having it disappear without ever showing up.
I think I pretty much exhausted my luck with this guy last Monday when I was ~17. I am a little sad that his main attack isn't Dragon Breath, but I still love this guy to death anyway! You best believe I saw it show up on the radar, pulled over on a gravel lot and chased him down to a courtyard of an apartment complex while the residents thought I was some sort of escaped mental patient!