It is known. . .

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I want to agree but of course I can’t. I think it was Plato who remarked that when good men take a disinterest in politics, they are destined to be ruled by bad men. CA has a few years left until gas cars are banned. NY, NJ and MI are not far behind. One thing the authentic environmentalist movement taught us is that change certainly is possible. Else we would not have unleaded gas, catalytic converters, ozone safe refrigerants, drinkable tap water in all 50 states, etc. American Environmentalism has been remarkably successful in fixing all the problems caused by the chemical revolution 80 years ago. It has an astonishing record of success. So I don’t buy the “oh, I’m so helpless” bullshit. That’s for cowards and little girls.


Jan 8, 2023
RSI Handle
I'll believe in global warming when the talking heads that want the keep the regular people down stop owning more shit than we do. Pretty simple, otherwise they are just spewing nonsense.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I'll believe in global warming when the talking heads that want the keep the regular people down stop owning more shit than we do. Pretty simple, otherwise they are just spewing nonsense.
It’s kinda hard to believe people who say the ice caps are gonna melt and flood all the cities when they buy beachfront property. The arrogance of some hypocrisies is staggering.


Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
they are destined to be ruled by bad men.
Yep, and that's exactly where we are today. I call it "Revenge of the C Students."
So I don’t buy the “oh, I’m so helpless” bullshit.
I never said anyone was helpless, just that you weren't going to change anyone's opinion or their actions, so it's pointless to debate them. But that's not the same as helpless.
One thing the authentic environmentalist movement taught us is that change certainly is possible. Else we would not have unleaded gas, catalytic converters, ozone safe refrigerants, drinkable tap water in all 50 states, etc.
I believe your are confuscating activists with engineers. Activists - and politicians - can't actually do shit, because they A.) don't know anything and B.) don't have any skills to leverage. Fortunately though, there are a lot of smart, educated, skillful people (engineers, scientists, etc.) out there that both CAN and DO solve those sorts of problems. Every one of those advancements you mention came to be due to the work of scientists identifying an issue through careful study and data collection, testing hypotheses until they discovered a root cause, and then engineers designing the solution. And they will continue to do so, regardless or often in spite of any political and/or youtube obstacles. There is one major speedbump on this road of progress however, which is of course the lawyers (Non-C students who get personal gain at the expense of others, rather then through mutual advancement).


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Activists - and politicians - can't actually do shit
I'd slightly disagree with that - they can do one thing: amplify those angles, agendas, and intentions - from defacing monuments and works or art to changing laws to simply sharing URLs incessantly that amplification is a crucial part of instilling their design be it malicious or benign.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I believe your are confuscating activists with engineers. Activists - and politicians - can't actually do shit, because they A.) don't know anything and B.) don't have any skills to leverage. Fortunately though, there are a lot of smart, educated, skillful people (engineers, scientists, etc.) out there that both CAN and DO solve those sorts of problems. Every one of those advancements you mention came to be due to the work of scientists identifying an issue through careful study and data collection, testing hypotheses until they discovered a root cause, and then engineers designing the solution. And they will continue to do so, regardless or often in spite of any political and/or youtube obstacles. There is one major speedbump on this road of progress however, which is of course the lawyers (Non-C students who get personal gain at the expense of others, rather then through mutual advancement).
That was Patrick Moore’s point in the above vid. Back in the day, activists were scientists and lawyers. Science geeks like myself actually went and walked the waterways collecting samples and having the rivers tested. Same with the People’s Interest Research Group (PIRG). Todays activists don’t do stuff like that. More to the point, what we discovered was the theatrics aboard the Rainbow Warrior were worth a lot in free press and consequent funds raised, but the real work of environmentalism is really in the courtroom. You sue the bastards illegally dumping into the ground to stop the dumping, and you lobby to create better laws.

I'd slightly disagree with that - they can do one thing: amplify those angles, agendas, and intentions - from defacing monuments and works or art to changing laws to simply sharing URLs incessantly that amplification is a crucial part of instilling their design be it malicious or benign.
See here’s the thing, we never had people throwing soup at paintings, nor using graffiti. We didn’t do destruction at all. That was not invented until authentic environmentalism passed away and was replaced by today’s ridiculous child tantrum nonsense.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
See here’s the thing, we never had people throwing soup at paintings, nor using graffiti. We didn’t do destruction at all. That was not invented until authentic environmentalism passed away and was replaced by today’s ridiculous child tantrum nonsense.
When exactly was "Never"?

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
As a professional scientist, I'd concede that climate change is real. It is not new. It has been happening on Earth for eons. Climate change is always happening, to some degree, with or without human influence. Without human influence, climate change might be slower and less measurable. With human influence, thanks to our contribution of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, climate change can be more apparent as evidenced by measurable increases in ocean temperatures and major glacier retreats. If that is true, the question becomes: 'So what?... How much change will that create? Here's what the World Economic Forum is anticipating for major cities whose economies are anticipated to be most affected by climate change by 2050:

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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
When exactly was "Never"?
The modern environmentalist movement was a response to the chemical revolution of the 1940’s, where we first started polluting with petro-chemicals that had dire effects. Historically, the movement is dated to Aldo Leopold publishing A Sand County Almanac in 1949. However the movement struggled for twenty years to become effective. One transformative moment was the creation of GreenPeace in the mid 70’s. That was the first time funds became available to the movement, which translated into legal actions against offenders. The Congress picked up the ball and created legislation protecting air, water and land, and Presidential influence created the toxic cleanup Superfund, that is still cleaning up fifty years later. It has been shockingly successful.

If you want to date “we” above it is to somewhere here. Got nothing to do with tea. That was an anti-tax movement.

The only violent thing early environmentalists did was chain themselves to trees. That was a bit crazy but it made the nightly news and raised awareness that if we didn’t act, the last of the old growth trees in the US would be cut. Congress acted again and protected the last of the largest trees on the planet (redwood sequoia) and the tallest trees on the planet (coastal redwood). That was authentic environmentalism in action.

No paint was thrown on people—that was PETA, not environmentalism. Peaceful protest wasn’t interrupted by violence until the fringe splinter group Earth First! spray painted a couple hundred Humvees in the early 1980’s to protest poor gas mileage. That essentially dates the transition of environmentalism into a crazy, anti-human movement. Earth First! was violent like PETA, and deliberately odd in the extreme, dating events with a pagan calendar and issuing official memorandums that they do not respect the authority of government. Gaia worship became a thing and this religious view that mankind is a virus mutilating the Earth created a highly anti-human cult where beforehand environmentalism was always about human flourishing.

Got nothin’ to do with tea.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The modern environmentalist movement was a response to the chemical revolution of the 1940’s, where we first started polluting with petro-chemicals that had dire effects. Historically, the movement is dated to Aldo Leopold publishing A Sand County Almanac in 1949. However the movement struggled for twenty years to become effective. One transformative moment was the creation of GreenPeace in the mid 70’s. That was the first time funds became available to the movement, which translated into legal actions against offenders. The Congress picked up the ball and created legislation protecting air, water and land, and Presidential influence created the toxic cleanup Superfund, that is still cleaning up fifty years later. It has been shockingly successful.

If you want to date “we” above it is to somewhere here. Got nothing to do with tea. That was an anti-tax movement.

The only violent thing early environmentalists did was chain themselves to trees. That was a bit crazy but it made the nightly news and raised awareness that if we didn’t act, the last of the old growth trees in the US would be cut. Congress acted again and protected the last of the largest trees on the planet (redwood sequoia) and the tallest trees on the planet (coastal redwood). That was authentic environmentalism in action.

No paint was thrown on people—that was PETA, not environmentalism. Peaceful protest wasn’t interrupted by violence until the fringe splinter group Earth First! spray painted a couple hundred Humvees in the early 1980’s to protest poor gas mileage. That essentially dates the transition of environmentalism into a crazy, anti-human movement. Earth First! was violent like PETA, and deliberately odd in the extreme, dating events with a pagan calendar and issuing official memorandums that they do not respect the authority of government. Gaia worship became a thing and this religious view that mankind is a virus mutilating the Earth created a highly anti-human cult where beforehand environmentalism was always about human flourishing.

Got nothin’ to do with tea.
Boston Tea Party was a legit instance of civil unrest to say no to unfair taxation, and an early example of "tax is theft" wokery.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Please do not defame the American Revolution by pretending it has anything in common with the sick and twisted Socialist woke movement. Woke is a social contagion and sexual perversion upon the land. Look around you at all the professional victims and grievance warriors. The land is blighted with intellectual deprivation, entitlement, dishonesty, hubris, pride, and shameless narcissism. Woke, is a joke. The Devil’s joke.

I see Cracker Barrel joined Bud Lite, Target, and Disney, getting its ass whooped for trampling traditional values. Crazy. Someone said their stock dropped to half what it was.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Woke is a social contagion and sexual perversion upon the land.
I thought we were talking about Climate Change activism, not Gender Idetification/sexual liberation?

And even then you seem to be using a definition which may be unique only to yourself of a small fringe group...?

The definition as provided by 3x separate online dictionaries:

"Someone who is woke is very aware of social and political unfairness."

"aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality"

"being conscious of racial discrimination in society and other forms of oppression and injustice."

Does the radical action of 1773 not match all of the above italicised sections? Was there no oppression? There was. Was there no injustice? There was. Was there no political unfairness? There was. Does it not also meet the definition of activism? Lets take a look:

"the process of campaigning in public or working for an organization in order to bring about political or social change."

"the use of direct and noticeable action to achieve a result, usually a political or social one"

"the doctrine or practice of vigorous action or involvement as a means of achieving political or other goals, sometimes by demonstrations, protests, etc."

Seems to tick all those boxes too.

But potentially it doesn't quality...? If not, perhaps a lot of other things people think are Woke don't qualify either? Say for example taking a stance of being "Anti-positive discrimination"? That angle seems to tick most of the Woke definitions boxes: Social and Political Unfairness, Inequality, Injustice... But is it really Woke? By those definitions, that stance is definitely aware and attentive to a societal issue...? But if not why, and who decided it wasn't?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Naff, we’ve been through all this twice before. Your definition of woke is a bullshit definition. If that were all woke were, we would not need a new name for it. Woke is DEI. It is collectivist, and socialist, and all the other things explained to you in the past. It is the antithesis of liberal. It is the reason all the real liberals have left the Left.

Why did you bait me with the term and pretend I brought it up. Are you really going to treat everyone reading this thread with such contempt?

You need to stop pretending woke doesn’t include the most anti-liberal elements of our society. Woke is not social justice. These idiot moron teens and twenty-something are not teaching anyone right and wrong. They did not figure out where everyone else has been asleep. Woke is a joke idiot morons tell themselves while they are pretending self-righteousness.

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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Your definition of woke is a bullshit definition.
It's literally the dictionary definition. Facts are in every describable way the polar opposite of bullshit, and in this case it's facts cited with 3x independent reliable third-party sources that can be observed on demand.

You can't change the definition of Woke. You can misrepresent or misappropriate it to use it as a derogatory term or for whatever agenda, but you can't change a fact and it's a fact in both the Collins and Cambridge dictionaries as linked to.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Yeah, well I just gave you an entirely different dictionary definition and explained in detail to you how your definition is wrong. No one objects to the substance behind your definition but it does not characterize woke. I’m signed up for what’s in your definition and I’m the most anti-woke person you’ll meet.

Listen to the explanations. Your definition makes no sense. If that were what woke meant everyone would be woke. The crux of the issue is surely what we should consider a point of social injustice. Without filling in that blank, literally everyone will identify as Woke who doesn’t know better.

Woke necessarily includes collectivist and Marxist elements like identity politics. So which is it, Naff? Are you going to count yourself as a liberal in the tradition of Martin Luther King, who has this dream that his children would be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin or, are you going to count yourself with the woke ideologues who have scrubbed MLK’s birthday celebrations of that actual content, and who instead want us to adopt Identity Politics and see race as the crucial separating divide in all cultures?

You can’t have it both ways. Woke people are the most racist people in our culture. So which is it to be?

I’m a liberal. I agree with MLK and those who teach Identity Politics have nothing in common with me. MLK was right. Woke is wrong.

Your problem Naff is you are gullible, and willing to accept an obvious contradiction. I don’t know how many ways I can say it. What Woke is includes things like racism. It’s that simple. It also includes normalizing every kind of sexual perversion. Woke folks don’t want to own this, but it’s true. The alphabet mafia folks claim cover under Woke.

Here’s the real tip off: despite claiming a third of the alphabet (LGBTQIAA+) they still need the plus. There’s more to come they don’t want to own up to. That’s sex with animals, polygamy, incest, pedophilia, drinking human blood to play vampire, sadism, masechism, bondage and domination, etc. All the stuff that can’t fit in a healthy marriage. All of the things I have just listed are waiting their turn on the sexual perversion normalization stage. They have all been tested for main streaming and we’ll see them in the next decade.

As a general rule, we are punishing pedophile rapists less than people who pray silently outside abortion clinics. We do not punish polygamists at all. College professors publish peer reviewed papers in academic grievance studies journals on why sleeping in a coffin and drinking human blood should not be stigmatized. The pervert community has gotten such great support, they feel free to gather support for unmentioned “+” members. It’s not hard to make a list. This is all stuff the Church ousted from various societies when creating Western Civilization. This is one reason Woke is often characterized as anti-Western Civilization. So yeah. Glamorizing a coven of lesbian witches in Acolyte is totally Woke.

These are the unlisted social “injustices” that are waiting their turn in line for carpet toleration. This is not in your feeble definition. Let’s take one contemporary example of the Woke machine at work.

Do you believe drag queen transgender women—men pretending they are women—should be able to teach kindergarten children? If you do, you are Woke. If you do not, on this topic you are anti-woke.

The Woke are willing to sacrifice women and children to predators in women’s bathrooms. The real men, the men who still know the difference between right and wrong, we’re not willing to feed the women and children to the perverts. Not by a long shot.
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