Javelin funding complete. TSS Murderer acquired.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
As for what the ship should be used for, its obvious - a Star Bar. Imagine it, the ship moves in to orbit and this booms out on every channel using its suite of communications disruption equiptment:

"Tremble, people of Terra, for a new star shines in your sky tonight!

We will lay waste (to your sobriety), Bombard you with bomb after bomb (jager bomb that is) and all at club prices! Jump in your transport and join us aboard the Test Official Services Ship Murderers Child* here to lay down destruction in the Test Squadron Brand Alco-pocolypse!"

*name to be announced by the parents.

We would probably be banned from most star systems for disrupting the way of life whenever we moved in to orbit and a mobile shindig fully able to defend itself from party crashers... ideal. We'll probably get residents.
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