Yea it's a rude wake up call at first. My first pledge was the avenger pack, 6 months insurance I think. The more I got involved in the community, the more I learned about the development and the history.. I then starting doing LTI tokens and CCU to ships I wanted.. Then I realized.. I didn't like how CCU's look in my hangar and that I didn't get matching flairs and that I have minimal liquidation options if for any reason I want to bail my pledges to the grey market.. if forbid I ever decide SC wasn't for me.. well.. pretty sure I'll never feel that way. So then I ended up pledging more and more and now I'm in deep.. just not too deep yet. If it time, you might get that ship eventually.
And keep in mind, you can earn almost anything in game.. so a base package is perfectly fine. Only pledge what you're comfortable pledging.. don't let pledging become unhealthy.. I push that boundary way too often.