Loreville disappointment


Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
So, let's not be dicks.
Agreed. People are entitled to their own opinions, especially since this thread is about the difference in OP's expectations compared to the reality of the current release. 🙂


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Wow, I am totally underwhelmed by Loreville.
We are told how big and massive and all the work put into Loreville and yet it is none of that.
What do we have?
The least efficient public transit system ever designed.
6-8 identical floors of hab blocks in the same building leading to the same lobby that have no real purpose other than as a spawn point.
6-8 identical city "gates" that only serve as a spawn point for ground vehicles.
A dozen, maybe, identical "Train stations."
A "massive" four kilometer tower that has 8 rooms in it to include a variation on the train station.
8 identical landing bays.
2 slightly larger landing bays, made of the same pieces and parts.
A Ship dealer that only sells 8 ships.
A space port waiting area that does not have a capacity for a small town regional airport. Killeen, Texas has a much larger terminal waiting area.
A single clothing shop.
A non-functional bar.
A "Customs Area" that not only is non-functional, it only serves to add unnecessarily convoluted walking paths.

Even if you include the cloned rooms we are dealing with what? 50 rooms for a "Massive city?"
Sounds like my worksite lol every building is pretty much a clone of the others but with different people at diferent desks(Except my space i live and work in a big concrete box).
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Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Bun is still in the oven, yo. I, too, feel like the Hurston main building is a WHOLE bunch of wasted empty space, but isn't that the meaning of needless opulence? The lobby there is essentially their trophy room and they force every new visitor to their headquarters to walk through the monument that they built to their own greatness. Right now, all we really get to see is this reception area, but it will be a simple task to add more floors and content as the game calls for it. (Literally just plug new destinations in as available floors in an elevator) We are currently seeing the very base of the lego set that they are trying to build. Lorville seems to be their testbed for how they plan to create a walled garden for players in large landing zones like cities. What they have done so far is a good first crack at making that using which tram lines were open and whatnot. In time, complexity will come. But they gotta figure out more base-level tech and design decisions before they start iterating and expanding.

Need more assets to do that first i think alot of people dont realize that yet.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Hi, many thanks for your response.

I understand your frustrations considering your background - I have a degree in Media Productions specializing photography and can take a semi competent photograph, when I see images professionally produced for my workplace (I don't have a photography related job) they are generally not to my expectations or standards because I "know" how to do a "better" job...

...but that isn't taking into account the budget the images had, or the timescale they had to produce the range (hours rather than days in some cases), the studio setup or equipment they had, even that the items may have had to be photographed outside of the studio in sub-optimal conditions due to factors outside of their control, or even that the pictures are just MVP's for tests and not intended to be full-features - I might get my ass in a knot for something that is only meant to last a handful of itterations until knowledge has been gained from them and the style moves on to something better and more permanent.

Please advise if the following apply to Alpha SC and Loreville in particular:
  • A First Iteration
  • A Minimal Viable Product
  • A Proof Of Concept
I would say all 3, and in the video I linked you to they do stress that they had only so much time and that this is a limited first attempt with lots of learnings and plans for future iterations "Watch this space", but I would appreciate your take on it - for instance why would they have a fuel refinery in the city before the mechanic was implemented and they knew how it works? Or Science labs before they know how that's going to work? yeah they could put in a bunch more empty rooms in preparation, maybe they already have and they are just empty behind all those doors that don't work.

Also, ever looked through the glass floor that M50 is sat on? See all those benches and the NPC's wondering around down there? Is that a passenger space-port just waiting to be activated when that mechanic comes in?

Even the Chairmans Club door isn't functional yet. Doesn't even open for concierge members. It'll all come, in time.
Loreville has less

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
So since most people believe I am being unrealistic, I have a simple question, are you happy with the city of Loreville having less playable area than either Levski or Grim Hex?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
So since most people believe I am being unrealistic, I have a simple question, are you happy with the city of Loreville having less playable area than either Levski or Grim Hex?
Question back at you to be able to answer your question fully:

Of GrimHex, Levski and Lorville, which is fully finished?

There's a huge pair of hangar doors in the side of GrimHex which don't open, and there are loads of room doors in Levski that don't open. Lorville has loads of doors that don't open and only in the last patch release got a Central business district suggesting it is still very much a work in progress that is still being added to - the Charmans Club is only one of tens and tens of doors that are there with somthing to be behind them but don't open. That door will open one day, like the Aerospace Expo doors did. For a while. They don't go anywhere anymore too.

Even Olisar isn't finished, you can't walk from one spar to the other, you have to EVA, and the Rest Stops have a set of stairs in going to a second level that doesn't exist. Just ends in a wall.

Of the three you've mentioned it stands to reason Levski and GrimHex are more fully fleshed out - they've been around and have been worked on for longer.. but they are not finished...

I hate to break it to you like this, but you are comparing something they have not finished working on to other things they have not finished working on either. Nothings finished. Work in progress. Still in development. As I said originally: Alpha, yo.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
This game is at least 3 years out from a finished date if we are lucky, there is so much more that has to happen before CR and CIG even think about a release date for SC let alone 42, at first I thought this was just some criticism about Lorville which I don't have an issue with, its ok to criticize but seriously this has gotten way past simple criticism and into obnoxious. Yes I criticize but I also know this game is years from completion and I have way more concerns for funding than I do about how 1 city looks. Are my expectations high? Absolutely because I was promised this by CR and CIG am I saying they have failed? Absolutely not as I have said previous forums I am proud and give major props to CIG for what they have done this year, this year has been an absolutely success for SC and the people who work on it and I don't think its fair to slam those people over a city in its alpha, that doesn't mean I didn't expect more I did but it by no means mean the people suck who worked on it or CIG failed my expectations are always set high that is just me.

Anyways this has become more of a pissing contest than constructive criticism and I apologize for feeding to it!!


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
So since most people believe I am being unrealistic, I have a simple question, are you happy with the city of Loreville having less playable area than either Levski or Grim Hex?
For the stage of development, for it's apparent role in game, and for what I expected Lorville is doing pretty good. I have a few issues with design objectives... My first thought was, "A subway? On train rails? Seriously?" but it seems to serve its purpose. It just wasn't exactly imaginative, nor does it take advantage of technology we currently have today. Don't even get me started on the wisdom of giving NPC's loaded weapons, then allow the NPC's with weapons to spawn so they start griefing each other. It's comical a little, but also annoying when they have an NPC vs NPC battle on the route to the landing pads, and you have to pass through it without getting shot. Just some examples, but I get that this is CIG working out some design objectives and game metrics.

The entire remainder of what I was saying in here was virtually the exact thing that @Phil is saying. Different words but same message. I'm inclined to accept a 3 year estimate, I made a 4 year estimate myself when I saw the roadmap and their close rate. But it's not fair to CIG to compare this with expectations that it's a finished game now. It isn't, and I don't believe CIG ever said it was.
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Vice Admiral
Dec 22, 2018
RSI Handle
The main reason I was disappointed in Lorville is because of my computer. I need to update it and right now the trains arrive invisible so I cant get on them. I have to play with graphics settings every time to eventually get on one. I was stuck in Lorville for a few days sadly.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Question back at you to be able to answer your question fully:

Of GrimHex, Levski and Lorville, which is fully finished?

There's a huge pair of hangar doors in the side of GrimHex which don't open, and there are loads of room doors in Levski that don't open. Lorville has loads of doors that don't open and only in the last patch release got a Central business district suggesting it is still very much a work in progress that is still being added to - the Charmans Club is only one of tens and tens of doors that are there with somthing to be behind them but don't open. That door will open one day, like the Aerospace Expo doors did. For a while. They don't go anywhere anymore too.

Even Olisar isn't finished, you can't walk from one spar to the other, you have to EVA, and the Rest Stops have a set of stairs in going to a second level that doesn't exist. Just ends in a wall.

Of the three you've mentioned it stands to reason Levski and GrimHex are more fully fleshed out - they've been around and have been worked on for longer.. but they are not finished...

I hate to break it to you like this, but you are comparing something they have not finished working on to other things they have not finished working on either. Nothings finished. Work in progress. Still in development. As I said originally: Alpha, yo.
I never said any were fully finished.
What I am saying is that you should get more as time goes on, not less. Both Levski and Grim Hex are more fully realized, and have more playable space and features than the newer Loreville.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I never said any were fully finished.
What I am saying is that you should get more as time goes on, not less. Both Levski and Grim Hex are more fully realized, and have more playable space and features than the newer Loreville.
You are getting more as time goes on. Remember when GrimHex first arrived? Or Levski? Even Area 18 in the early days. Remember when Olisar didn't have any shops? These places didn't just arrive feature complete out of the box, they have existed and expanded and grown and become these lively places full of character over time, and don't forget they are not finished. I expect this to be the same with Lorville, and the CBD is proof enough in my eyes that the evolving approach is being taken with the city too.

I appreciate you're disappointed based on your previous experience and what you believe you could acchieve in their place, and I definitely get you that you expect a "city" to cover more space than a "mine" or "abandoned asteroid base". I think I get where you are coming from.

I feel I have already covered your main points of contention with my previous posts in regard to photography at my workplace and the speed that Lorville was probbably built on Planet Hurston in a practical feet-on-the-ground sense to suggest reasons why all the train stations and habitation zones look the same, so i'm not going to repeat them as we'll start circling. As for progress, where you seem to see just one city built to a disappointing level I see a city, on a planet, surrounded by four moons, served by multiple rest-stops and the rest of the progress introduced by this patch. We got a heck of a lot besides just one simple landing zone and supporting areas. I feel one would have to take all of that progress into account when drawing a judgement of what one could do with the time they had to do it in.

You are disappoint. I am not. Yet. I am expecting moar built on what has been provided, juat as GrimHex and Levski did, as that is the historical precedence for the way this particular company develops it's areas. Remember they are not only working on Lorville, it may be the first but they are also working on ArcCorp which being a planet-spanning city may end up being one of if not the biggest, Lorville is just a minnow in comparison. Don't forget they are also working on s42 as well which is a whole other game.

I don't think i'm going to convince you not to be disspointed - who could without changing the game to be what you would like it to be? - But one last question: considering ArcCorp is also in the same system and vastly, vastly bigger: how much of Lorville needs to be playable if it turns out all the action is over on ArcCorp city? You stated originally it's bad level design... what if the entire system is the level and Lorville is a minor part of that?
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Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
So the ame is just about starships and pretty vistas, and not getting out of your ship.
No.. I just shared some nice pics of the Hawk in flight, totally of topic of cause : - p

I do not disagree with you on many things, more the way you laid it out and I know Lorville will grow a lot more so I'm not worried or do not care.
I am also well aware of the little setback they had to get OCS work right at first with the city, so it wasn't hard to figure out they simply left stuff out to keep the deadline.
That way we get some part of city to start exploring in rather than have non at all then they simply add stuff as they get fleshed out.

They simply give us what they need to be tested as the game being developed as we TEST(play) it, so having issues with any of how it is now is pretty much a waste of energi and time.
Since what every we see and learned today will have changed next patch.. etc.. etc.. etc.. not even the way the planet look will be the same in a couple month.
Some things get added then removed reworked then added again, this is all part of "alpha game" development cycle of game in this size.

Not to forget a game like this have never ever been done before ever, so comparing it to any other game is a bit on the edge of being silly even ridiculous.
Then software development and game development of game this magnitude have nothing in common with each other.
And to make this game they had to make a lot of their own software that didn't even exist, same with the game engine Lumberyard is totally rewritten to handle the concept of the game.
So there is nothing much to compare it with for it have never been done in the size like this before.

There in is why my reluctant to take unresearched criticism serious, even if it have some kind of a points but is not well rooted and carry no logic and can't be applied to the situation.

It's nothing personell against you or anyone having issues.
It simply come down to the fact if any one get irritated when using something that is being built and it can't be altered it's time to step back and look at it from another angle.
Banging the head against the wall never works, just add to the frustration and if there is no other angle at the time, well then it's time to go do something else and come back later.

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