Mother of God. Is it happening?


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Can't be basic Concierge though. Not good enough. Space Whales must be reserved for Legatus level members as they're the richest and fattest of us all!
I respectively disagree. Instead, I'd be fine with the size & power of the Space Whales that Concierge members get be reflective on their Concierge Tier level.

If you're a Legatus u actually get 2 F8s. One at 10k then a gold themed one at 25k
I think they changed that to 10k and 15k. IIRC, the 600i executive edition is the new 25, reward and they numbed the F8C executive edition down to 15k.
I think this is correct.
I confirm that currently the initial F8 is awarded at $10k with the "Executive" version awarded at $25K.
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