Official Stance on Evocati Posts


Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
They could have features in the PTU which are created and become redundant long before we even get to play them in the alpha - imagine if we got the first alpha build at 2.5, we would never have known the Holotable existed as it was made redundant by the new hangar and the Mobiglass...
This is actualy one of the bigger reasons why Evocati is under NDA, so the community can't moan about a feature that may be published to evocati but will never see the ptu or even the live server, as it turns out to be trash.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Most people do not really want to see the down and dirty builds. No matter how people complain about not being in the "alpha" alpha, they are usually the same ones who complain and moan (different from reporting) about crashes, bugs, jitters, and things not generally working. I've seen this in many of the other "alphas" I've been in. Landmark, Gal Civ III, etc. Those where you really got to see the alpha content where things were not feature complete. People said they wanted to experience the "Alpha", not realizing it's not even a Beta quality where things are feature complete, but completely unbalanced.

If you REALLY want to be part of the Evocati team, then prove you belong there. The Evocati are people who play horrible builds, with constantly changing features/tweaks (think about how you felt when they changed the SCM speeds think about them changing some of them every build - ie, every day). Play...a lot. More importantly, write a lot of bug reports. Go through the issue council posts and work to confirm a lot of the bugs that have been reported. Post pictures and video to show what happened. Take detailed notes (and I mean EXTREMELY detailed notes) about what you did to find the bug. Don't just report a bug, test it in multiple scenarios and see when it shows up and where. Does it only happen in certain circumstances, or is it always there? Is it there and clears up when you do something else? Does that always fix it, or only sometimes. When, why, where?

If all you want is just to have early access to something because you feel you are entitled to us all a favor and wait for the additional waves or just test on the "live" server. Most people who feel that way only get frustrated and don't add real value, while taking slots from those that might really contribute. If you are serious about testing, then don't wait to be invited to the Evocati. Do the same work they do and eventually, you will probably be recognized for doing that type of work and get invited to officially join them. Like many jobs and martial arts, you won't get promoted until you have shown that you are already at that level of (work, skill, etc). Show them your dedication. What you put into testing now will show them how serious you are about it when they consider new Evocati later.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Play...a lot. More importantly, write a lot of bug reports. Go through the issue council posts and work to confirm a lot of the bugs that have been reported. Post pictures and video to show what happened. Take detailed notes (and I mean EXTREMELY detailed notes) about what you did to find the bug. Don't just report a bug, test it in multiple scenarios and see when it shows up and where. Does it only happen in certain circumstances, or is it always there? Is it there and clears up when you do something else? Does that always fix it, or only sometimes. When, why, where?
I just wanted to answer "no" and then "no". But then you are going over to point out the more important things, to which I fully agree: the quality of the reports, making screenshots and vids, understand and reproduce reported bugs, comment on them, giving detailed hints and descriptions. And, finally: having the then the luck - or perhaps recommendation - to be chosen as potential pre-alpha-tester. Finally you can decide whether to sign the NDA or not. But if you do, you therewith have the responsibility to test - and not complain - based upon dedicated tasks. You then have to do, which finally hasn't much to do with "gaming" but more with a side job; except of any payment or else ;) /0.02$


Vice Admiral
Jan 4, 2017
RSI Handle
Healthy Avocado Chicken Salad

2 c shredded chicken - we've grilled and/or poached our own for this with various southwestern spices on the grill, but we've also used leftover smoked rotisserie too and anything works

1 avocado - in small chunks

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper

2 tsp lime juice

1 tsp fresh cilantro

1/4 c mayo

1/4 c plain Greek yogurt

Mix, cover, and refrigerate.

You can just eat it or make in into wraps or we put our kid's into a pita pocket with some spinach. But it's quick and easy and tasty.
I'm taking this. It's mine now.


Vice Admiral
Jan 4, 2017
RSI Handle

4 ripe, Fresh California Avocados, seeded and peeled
3 limes, juice only
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
1 medium white onion, chopped fine
1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
1/2 tsp. salt
2 cloves fresh garlic, minced
1/8 tsp. cumin
1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper
As needed Pinch sugar
1 serrano chile, chopped fine
1 bunch cilantro, chopped

  1. Place avocados in a bowl and mash with a fork.
  2. Immediately mix in remaining ingredients; serve immediately.

Serve with fresh tortilla chips.
Try it without smashing the avocados into a pulp. Chop them into chunks instead.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
As more and more Evocati information/leaks come out, the TEST Staff would like to remind everyone that this material is NDA bound and therefore not appropriate to post on the forums.

It may still exist on other sites, but out of respect for CIG's intentions we will no longer allow posting of such on the TEST forums.

<3 TEST Staff
Here here!


Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
As more and more Evocati information/leaks come out, the TEST Staff would like to remind everyone that this material is NDA bound and therefore not appropriate to post on the forums.

It may still exist on other sites, but out of respect for CIG's intentions we will no longer allow posting of such on the TEST forums.

<3 TEST Staff
OOooooh, I gotcha. Wink wink, nudge nudge. Say no more.



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
It's the first wave of non-CIG testers.
They are specially invited to be the first wave of testers based on their work reporting bugs to CIG using the Issue Council. Also referred to as the "Avocados".


Sep 10, 2017
RSI Handle
It's said that they can bend spoons with their minds, and move beer with a single thought.

This guy is probably Evocati:

This guy is DEFINITELY Evocati:

Probably not this guy though:

You learn to be able to spot them.
This makes BlackSunder EVOCATI
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