Oh no! We've been found out!


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Perhaps CIG can make a ship for these people who are so terrified of combat that will pacify their overwhelming anxieties? I'm thinking that it should be a Freelancer sized ship with absolutely no weapons or means for them to attack anybody else (since they are so afraid that they will be attacked), have shields that can't be dropped or penetrated (so they can be "perfectly fine in their safe space"), no quantum or jump drive, only small thrusters for their medium sized ship, have absolutely no cargo space for storage, no bed to log out in, no utilities so that they can only travel around, but can't perform any tasks with their ship & most importantly, be shaped like a giant, flashing, rainbow colored pacifier so that everybody will be able to easily identify those who feel the need to have that as their means of transportation.

This being said, while they would be able to slowly move around the PU in their private "safe space" unharmed as long as they are within their vehicle, they will need to frequently exit said vehicle to perform tasks, eat, save their progress & replenish their air supply. During which time it's duck hunting season & they've been quacking up a storm.

You good sir should pitch this to CIG, for its brilliant.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I still am very baffled by some people's reluctance to grasp the size of the game/universe that most pirate/criminals they will encounter in the game will be NPC not human player. For the sheer size of the universe make it quiet possible to stay away almost indefinitely from PVP in the game if that is their goal to avoid PVP as much ass possible it's not gonna be that hard really, so why the heck they are whining about it is beyond me.

:beers: :beer:


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
The funny part to me is they seem to state they want to play as a pirate in pirate space attacking non-pirate NPCs, but don't want to get attacked by bounty hunters, militias, or other pirates.
Have they not been paying attention to ANY planned content updates?


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
As a carebear of the highest order (you know crap in combat)! Is there a place I can go to complain of all the vicious (is that mean enough) rascals (feel the burn) at Test when I am attacked by you meanies!

Rather than enjoying himself (laughing at my complaints) I think Montoya has taken on the responsibility of keeping you all in line! (for beers!) why else be leader of us!

Lets hope there are spaces for all of us to play in the verse! I mean he is complaining now but when he really sees how crap I am will he not give in to temptation?


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
I hate pirates and piracy and I consider players attacking players in any non-consensual way to be griefing. That being said, you have to draw the line somewhere and for me, that is TEST Squadron. Any TESTies have my full support in a REMF manner no matter what their activiites. Anyone doing care beer activities can get me a lot closer to the front lines and medical services are as free as possible to all TESTies, especially the dirtbag, scum sucking pirate-types who are going to need a lot of patching up. After all, blood is thicker than water, and TEST beer thicker still.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
The funny part to me is they seem to state they want to play as a pirate in pirate space attacking non-pirate NPCs, but don't want to get attacked by bounty hunters, militias, or other pirates.
Have they not been paying attention to ANY planned content updates?
Wait, there's actually planned content updates? Good times. I was just here for the LoLs, the bad ass ships, the spacial views & the party to come. Now I know I'm in the right place. LoL If only I'd known about this game back in 1999 when I managed to meet Chuck Norris in person accidentally. How bad ass would it be to have him be the guy handing out the bounty hunting warrants for those that flagrantly break the laws?


Space Marshal
May 22, 2014
RSI Handle
We contribute to a greater economy. We steal from ourselves to give back to ourselves, thus padding our CV's in a safe and friendly environment.

There are only three groups on the server anyways.

- Those who are Testies,
- Those who are future Testies but just don't know it yet and
- those who are Testes that no one no matter how drunk will touch or recruit.


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
I hate pirates and piracy and I consider players attacking players in any non-consensual way to be griefing. That being said, you have to draw the line somewhere and for me, that is TEST Squadron. Any TESTies have my full support in a REMF manner no matter what their activiites. Anyone doing care beer activities can get me a lot closer to the front lines and medical services are as free as possible to all TESTies, especially the dirtbag, scum sucking pirate-types who are going to need a lot of patching up. After all, blood is thicker than water, and TEST beer thicker still.
I plan on playing as a pirate but mostly smuggling and stealing from NPCs via missions and player requests, need a load of stolen booze transported? I'm on it.
Are you a pirate needing patched up after attacking and losing? I'm on it.
Need carried out to the cab after a heavy session? Yeah well so do I.
I'm not sure if I'll be the type of pirate to attack players and steal from them but time will tell, I'll definitely try it to see how it goes.

I just want my trio of Cutlasses now now now!!
Oct 28, 2017
RSI Handle
I invested in Combat and Racing. I am going to enjoy the thrill of racing and perhaps not come in last every time. I also plan to engage in combat, however, my mindset is defense. Sure there will be npc and PC pirates out there, but there will be escorts and patrols. I have no problem with taking the risks. I am going to squad up and make sure some care bear gets to where they need to go. If some fool decides to threaten my payday they should be ready for the response. If that response is to first defend the shipment and then track them down... well I will do so. That is not pirating, that is just preventing them from doing it again.

If I get paid doing boring escort missions so I can turn around and do some exciting racing, I will not mind.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I am going to enjoy the thrill of racing and perhaps not come in last every time
Nothing wrong with coming in last especially if its a fun challenging competition or you're three sheets to the wind.

fool decides to threaten my payday
How about unless its another testie and you have a prior arrangement to forget to load your guns? This does raise a question about how bounty hunters and pirates co exist as fellow brethren.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
How about unless its another testie and you have a prior arrangement to forget to load your guns? This does raise a question about how bounty hunters and pirates co exist as fellow brethren.
I'd expect it to be something like - the pirates don't tell the hunters where they are and the hunters don't tell the pirates where they are looking. Anything else is fair game as in TEST we all know it's just a game.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
don't turn your mates in to the law

don't shoot your mates
Well, don't turn in your mates unless they are looking for a way to get their bounty cleared & ask you to assist. At which point you offer them the bounty reward to reduce the cost & keep them from additional costs from others attacking them.

You know this will still happen from time to time. Some mate buys new armor and the other goes "Hold my beer". Just glad we have a number of state of the art medical facilities.
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