Original LTI Ships and Ground Vehicles for TESTies


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Who banned and unbanned is not something I am able to know. We had a conversation, it ended, I was immediately banned by the bot. It's not like I could discuss anything, he had me blocked! I did what I could and reached out to the TEST mods, who were mostly asleep (which is fine).

You'd think if it was actually a mistake, he would have messaged me to apologize. That did not happen.
Staff can't ban on discord. Only mods can do that iirc.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Ahhh? An uninitiated walks willingly amongst us? Hmmmm, what a wonderful opportunity to introduce them to the JOY of TEST!

I am not a member of TEST
So aware of ones ignorance! Refreshing to meet a subject so ripe and I trust willingly receptive for... introduction... It pains me to see a soul striding in shadow, you only need to take a half-step sideways to emerge into the GLORIOUS light of TEST!

Citizen Theota... Theotho... Theothic... Citizen Theo, no one is perfect - but you can be!

Join TEST now for the following benefits:

- You become 35% more attractive to the gender/inanimate object of your choice every Wednesday.

- Interaction with real humans online increases three fold.

- Chances of intoxication elevate expectationally.

- If you don't drink the chances of being a designated driver elevate expectationally. If you enjoy driving this is a good thing. I enjoy driving.

- Exclaiming the phrase "For the GLORY of TEST" joyously in public embarrasses others within earshot - take control of public embarrassment today by being the generator if it, not the recipient!

- Achieve perfection with one simple application (Application subject to acceptance by The Glorious Leader, perfection only applied upon acceptance and may be revoked at any time)
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  • Glorious
Reactions: DirectorGunner


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
No one is challenging prices. I'm challenging his conduct. The man acted in poor judgement to ban me from the Discord

Is this guy serious? MY CONDUCT? I ended the conversation by telling him to f off (for playing dumb semantic games and arguing and not stopping as I asked, more than once kindly.) and then I blocked him. That should have been the end of it. Then he takes parts of the PRIVATE conversation (not everything, he picked and choose out of the conversation what he wanted to share) and blasts it all across Discords and Reddit because he assumed I banned him when I didn't. He interfered with my post, and what looks like his alt, or at least a friend of his also interfered. Instead of just letting go and moving on, now he's coming onto our forum and my thread for TESTies (not him), still being obstinate and obnoxious and just pure obsessive (all could be acceptable for a TESTie if it were not malicious, but what he did in return and continued to do was malicious). A DECENT human being, the moment upon seeing I didn't intend for him to be banned, would have apologized for that crusading and deleted all the crusading crap he posted, and not continuing to instigate and escalate. A REAL apology would mean doing just that and not arguing with my ORG mates after coming in to post an "apology".

You know, a mod from Xplore, who I allowed on my business FB where I have celebrities I've worked with, he posted inappropriate things on my wall, I asked him not to do that (kindly) and deleted the posts. He then had the audacity to argue with me after I reminded him of the situation (required professionalism) and then the nut job banned me from the Xplore discord. I vented here with my fellow TESTies, and moved on. Xplore was a Zombie Org by that point anyway., not a big deal. His loss. People like that, don't make good leaders. Good leadership is REQUIRED to keep something as fragile as a video game player group together even if the game in question keeps player interest. TEST has stayed around as long as it has not because of it's size, it's because of it's leadership and ability to adapt to change. Where ever that change is (including in leadership). Someone with a Legatus fleet (assuming, for all I know this Theotokos guy could just be gray market and not have more than a few personal ships) is likely someone who would want a lot of TESTies to crew their ships. This means automatic leadership responsibilities. It is this Org's interest to protect itself from potentially bad leaders.. and not the good bad... the bad bad.. as in violating rule #1... DON'T BE A DOUCHE BAG. After everything I've seen this Theotokos guy do after the fact, the TEST mods were right to ban him. I was too lenient and I will learn from this mistake, going forward.

P.S. For contrasting clarity, I've had plenty of disagreements with other Legatus backers, NONE... and I mean NO ONE ELSE in that group, has gotten to the point where I was compelled to tell them to f off and block them. Even the ones that want to buy up my stuff to resell (which I vehemently dislike), at least don't give attitudes or instigate arguments when I don't do what they want. For the Legatus backers that DM'd me in support after what happened in this scenario, thank you, you know who you are, and I appreciate you. And also, Naff, Brict, Makute, Drowez, Vah, thank you very much for your support! it meant a lot to me reading your replies, thank you.
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Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
So to clear things up, our staff do not ban people... that is not their purview. A ban was issued by a Moderator that saw something they did not like happen to one of our members nor felt belonged in our community. Later after they contacted one of our moderators I said to unban them, which after seeing how they behave I would not do so now. Especially being our first rule; Don't be a dick. A simple yet important rule.



Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Hi guys, sorry, Ive been away on vacation and I see there was some excitement.

Im just catching up on all this, but let me just give my 2c here.

Director Gunner has been a big part of Star Citizen in every way possible, from cosplay at major events, Bar Citizens, Citizencons, he does them all, and always a complete joy to be around.



He is not some anonymous person hiding behind a keyboard trying to profit from being a professional grey market seller.

Sometimes deals fall through, tempers flair, that is fine. Maybe I am getting old, but there was a time when grey market sellers were supportive of each other, so its sad to see r/m0shit go onto reddit and try throw Director Gunner under the bus. There are a lot more people deserving of that, and Gunner is not one of them.

I think everything has been resolved at this point, so nothing much to do, but when I see this kind of stuff:


What a dick move.

Should I make a video about the dangers of the grey market all while showing r/m0shit's store as an example?

I am not saying that reddit user m0shit from the r/starcitizen_trades subreddit is unreliable, he may or may not be, but I would suggest avoiding r/m0shit for any Star Citizen ships.



Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Should I make a video about the dangers of the grey market all while showing r/m0shit's store as an example?
Doing a video about the risks of the grey market would be a good idea, but it should probably extend beyond this incident with r/m0shit as there are 2 (or 3, depending on how you view them) different areas of the grey market, whch each have their own potential risks, that each may be applicable to different people...

The first, which would apply to most people, would be the risks of buying on the grey market (For example, seller could log ticket with CIG and have item returned to their hangar - If the seller wan't the original owner, this risk is compounded by the number of people who have the ability to do this: Seller A sold to Seller B who sold to Buyer, both serrler A and B have the ability to do a "recall" of the item.).
The second, which could be either 1 or 2 areas, would relate to selling, but would be less applicable to most users:
Selling to a player (Risks such as them doing a "refund" after receiving the item, claiming that they didn't receive what they expected, etc.)
Selling to a reseller (Risks including those above, as well as those which appear to have been illustrated in the interactions between DirectorGunner and r/m0shit).

Giving people as much information about the risks (as well as the "benefits", such as the potential ability to acquire ships\items which CIG no longer sell - whether temporarily due to what they choose to list in store, or permanently due to their having been part of a "time limited" (concept, for example) sale) is something that would appear to be useful to players both inside and outside the Org.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
That would be a good idea. There are some real sharks out there, seems that guy is one of them.
I'd probably suggest that the video be a more "generic" one, rather than targetting a specific person (however much people may feel they do/don't deserve it), as it would make it more accessible to a range of people, as well as ensuring it doesn't encourage anyone's sense of victimhood\come across as a hit-piece on them... Mentioning their name, etc. in passing\when describing what occurred as an example should be OK, but making an entire video about just this one interaction\failed trade deal and brinnging their name up repeatedly would possibly be taking it a bit far.
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Space Marshal
Jun 2, 2016
RSI Handle
I'd probably suggest that the video be a more "generic" one, rather than targetting a specific person (however much people may feel they do/don't deserve it), as it would make it more accessible to a range of people, as well as ensuring it doesn't encourage anyone's sense of victimhood\come across as a hit-piece on them... Mentioning their name, etc. in passing\when describing what occurred as an example should be OK, but making an entire video about just this one interaction\failed trade deal and brinnging their name up repeatedly would possibly be taking it a bit far.
I agree with @Brictoria here. A video about the risks of the grey market would be useful for a lot of people. One bashing a specific individual, not so much.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I agree with @Brictoria here. A video about the risks of the grey market would be useful for a lot of people. One bashing a specific individual, not so much.
The Glorious Leader said "Please" ;-)

Although I appreciate your comment was not incendiary it keeps the embers glowing. Remember this forum even in all its glory is an public space where all comments can be openly seen, screenshot and shared out of context away from here where they would otherwise be balanced...

Indeed a certain toxic presence in SC's history visited these halcyon fora, stirred up aggro and then used the resulting comments of displeasure to claim as evidence the community was toxic, where the comments were in fact intentionally aggrieved for malicious means by a toxic actor.

if anyone has a spare few bucks why not buy one of DG's fine offerings and get this thread back on track?
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Doh! It seems my browser didn't update thus I wasn't aware of the Señor @Montoya post. My apologies.
No need for apologies, my apologies in return if I came over a little strong :drunk:
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