This is our team's (Arts & Crafts) entry, "Dumper's Depot", into the Star Citizen CitizenCon 2951 Video Contest. The video had to be no longer than 45 seconds and had to be based within the Star Citizen universe. The in-fiction video may promote your player organization, an NPC group, an in-game product, your community-driven event, or whatever else you can think of that would be a fun in-fiction addition to the CitizenCon 2951 show.
Footage in our video was recorded in-game by us at 3840x2160 (16:9). All sound effects are either directly from the game or part of our original score and sound design. Our concept is a legitimate commercial for Dumper's Depot; an existing in-game store that deals in buying and selling parts or scrap. Our script was based on an official lore post from CIG:
We added a lot of little details and nods to things. We even worked a TEST Squadron Repair Bears logo in

Arts&Crafts is Utho Riley, DamnShame & Hasgaha
And a SPECIAL thanks:
Monk: in-game actor/extra
Captain Richard: Voice Acting