Pimped your spaceship? Lets share information!

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
IIUC on the chart I posted the other day, the S3 sized GATS Ballistic Gatling "Mantis GT-220" has by far the highest DPS of any weapon. Trouble is it creates so much heat it is done shooting in 3.3 seconds. So it needs to be used like the GAU-8 Avenger cannon in the nose of the Warthog--just squeeze for a fraction of a second when your target is lined up and blanket an area with death. It appears it could be the super secondary weapon of choice if you want to put 6,000 DPS on the wings of your SuperHornet. That leaves all your power for your primaries since Gats don't need much power. It looks like a good combination to me, but you need to carry lots of ammo. The stock box carries 750 rounds, and at 900RPM, you are only looking at about 50 seconds before you're out of ammo. That is however enough duration for combat if you're only squeezing off tiny bits of a second at a time.

Maybe this is old info, but the notion of flying 4 such guns and laying down 18,000 points damage in 3 seconds on a Vandal Corvette just sounds way fun. I'm wondering who has flown this. You can find this info here below. If it's not current please let me know.



Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So what did you think? Seems to me the slow speed means it's not much good at medium ranges, but for large, slow targets like cap ships and for blanketing an area at close range, the Mantis might be a winner. With 5k range a SH could waste a Carrack by itself ,or a few SH's could kill an Idris, unless it had fighter screen to protect it. It looks like flying cap ships in combat is going to be dicey stuff.
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Space Marshal
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Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
So what did you think? Seems to me the slow speed means it's not much good at medium ranges, but for large, slow targets like cap ships and for blanketing an area at close range, the Mantis might be a winner. With 5k range a SH could waste a Carrack by itself ,or a few SH's could kill an Idris, unless it had fighter screen to protect it. It looks like flying cap ships in combat is going to be dicey stuff.
It is only effective at close range, it are allot light rounds, so for a cap ship the gun would get overheated way too fast. It would be good against a light, fast moving target, no time to get a good aim? just throw allot of rounds in its path and watch how the nimble fighter can handle that.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Yes, I agree it overheats quickly. Just 3.3s and then it's cooling down for almost 40 seconds. That is however, enough to dump about 25,000 points damage per minute on a target at long range, if all you hit is that target--something like a large cap ship. If you are circling at 5k range for 40 seconds and then dump 20,000 points of harm, and circle again, this would seem an effective strategy that would require fighters to protect caps. That is IF it is possible to put put most of that ordnance on target at 5k range.

Another way to look at this is if you are circling a 15 second loop at 5k distance from a cap ship, and each circle has you lined up and firing for just 1second, you can dump 6k harm on target in that second. That places you at risk for a very short period of time, assuming the cap ship has a way to shoot back at all.

I am liking the Vanduul killer plot line for the Descendents of Orion, and if a SH can kill a Vandal Corvette, I want to do it!


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
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OK I tested the Vanguard :( (my bucket list just got longer)
She is sluggish!!!! Has enough speed, but when turning into a target you must really control your turn not to overshoot. If you are in an asteroid field, get out. It takes allot of power to navigate her trough the asteroid field, wasted killing time.
Because she is so sluggish and large, groups of enemies can minimize your shield. Good shield management is a must, otherwise they will punch a hole in it and finish you off.
The 4 guns in the nose punch hard, but because they are so tight formatted, you won't have spreaded fire, pure concentrated power, you must zoom / aim very good!!! If your aim is right, then you will kill fast. The Apocalypse Ballistic Gatling does a good job at close range!!!! Surprisingly the pips of the gatling and the Behring MVSA laser cannons aren't that far away from each other, but still, gatling at close range. The Behrings cant be replaced. A CF117 repeater would increase the hit ratio, but the quad MVSA does a good job. Yes, the turret isn't linked, you will need a gunner.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I am thinking of a modified Sentinel as a dual function explorer/Wild Weasel. The electronics swap out I can't really see yet. There isn't enough detail about EM Warfare. I can think about the weapons though so referring to this I am still wondering:


First, I love the specs on the S5 MXOX Laser Gatling. You cannot shoot constantly, but you can shoot a long time before it will overheat. Looks like long enough. It has good range and most importantly for a primary, the shots fly FAST so you have a much enhanced probability to hit, especially when on the swivel. Even on a heavy sluggish ship this ought to hit often and HARD, and it never runs out of ammo. Look like the best primary one could hope for, sitting right on the nose. I would love to get feedback how this flies.

For the four S2 secondaries, I think there are two solutions that make the most sense. For deep recon and exploration missions where you can't restock ammo the Nasty-as-Hell Blade Plasma Cannon just looks like it could melt small moons. 4X on the nose is 800 points/hit and 3X hits per second. Anything you hit with this is going to squeal in pain or just blow up, and I think that is cool. It shoots very slow however, and does not have good range, so it is a hammer for those who love to position themselves to hammer.

The other solution for the 4X S2 on the nose could be the Sledge II's. That is also big pain, and fly fast to target, but most importantly it is the longest range weapon on the chart, so unless you're attacking something that isn't on the chart, it gives you the nice option of sitting back and hammering the snot out of targets lit by other team members. It's hard to guess what targeting at 7km is like. Can you even see the bigger ships at that range? If you can see, zoom and hit something the size of a Starfarer, this might be the ultimate secondary weapon for killing cap ships. Most really big ships have bigger turrets and no one wants to put even a pair of S2's on an S5 or S6 turret, so the odds of always outranging cap class opponents is excellent. I would also love to hear how these fly.

Anyone who can fill me in on what I'm missing, I'd be most grateful. I have no ida what to do with the turret and would take it off if I could fit more EM gear, etc. I doubt it will hit much since you want to evade as you fly, which makes the turret pretty useless. But who ever had too many guns? If you could fit another fixed S2 I'm all for that if the reactors can power that much. This is not a dogfighter, so I would not want to deliberately take it against carrier-based, short-range fighters. Could use the space for Sledge II ammo.
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Dec 17, 2015
RSI Handle
yes i am thinking on putting red skull graphics on the winglet of my Aurora LN ... i will also add external loud speaker to play the theme song of apocalypse now when i go into combat .
tell me do you guys think a chromed Landing gear be too much ? (what ?? the post said this was the place to pimp our space ships)

ok seriously i replaced the m3a with m4a's changed the dominator2 for Rattlers (only bad part about the rattlers is in electronic acess sometimes i get kicked for friendly fire sometimes rattlers will choose a random target after the initial kill)


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
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OK, let this get done. I heard allot of talk about the Cutlas being worthless, she is not the fighter she had to be, the Buccaneer is what the Cutlass had to be, blablablabla
Today I tried the Black. she has 2 S3 fixed mounts and 1 S3 gimbal mount. I put 3 CF227 on the mounts, 2 S2 pylon mounts, I put 2 triple platforms on her.
I love to fly with my light manoeuvrable fighters, the Delta, Gladius, Titan, the Gladiator is sluggish but also a very fun fighter. The Sabre and Super Hornet are a piece of a cake, no fun flying with them, they are for real business. The Warden will be added to my collection, she is a sluggish heavy fighter with allot fire power.
First Cutlas hit the self destruct button :(, second Cutlas caught the wrong missile at the 15th wave, third Cutlas killed them all :cool:.
My companions where another Cutlas and a Gladius. The Gladius was last, the other cutlas was a TESTie :eek::eek::eek:, ImSecretlyPro :cool:. They gave me enough slack to finish them all off!!!
The Cutlas flies for her size good. Don't fire up the strafe or boost while zoomed in and targeting, they will literally boost you, destroying your aim, if you're prepared for that, kill em all. I wouldn't try her against a seasoned or veteran fighter, but the rest better takes care!!!!
I'm really very curious about the Buc, if she must become what the Cut should be..... what the hell should the Cut be, right now she does fine for her size!!!!!
I really enjoyed flying the Cutlass Black :D
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May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
As far as I am concerned the Warden version of the Vanguard is lost in the crowd with no real suitable purpose. Like Marc said, its bigger and less maneuverable than its true fighter counterparts, which make it a poor choice as far as fighters go. I'd rather strap my ass in a SuperHornet any day if that is the role Im after. The possitive selling point for this is its long distance abilities where the standard fighters fall over. Its really the other variants where this ship shines, Sentinel/Harbinger, need I say more? I'd rather a Harbinger over a Retaliator any day of the week, sure has less torpedoes but it still far more multipurpose and better equiped for ships of all sizes with a faction of the crew requirements. Groups of Vanguards of all variants is where the money is and that is where they will shine on a long distance haul.


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2015
RSI Handle
Running a Superhornet here - kept the standard repeaters on the chin and turret, swapped out the wing lasers for tarantulas on gimbals - usually killing AI on the first pass, however I fly a little too kamikaze to really gague how effective it is against other pilots :P

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I am thinking of a modified Sentinel as a dual function explorer/Wild Weasel. The electronics swap out I can't really see yet. There isn't enough detail about EM Warfare.
I'd be extremely interested in this. Switching out the EM Warfare equipment for exploration equipment would be amazing. It's overall bigger than the Freelancer, so she probably wouldn't fit through small jump holes, but you'd have a long range ship that's more than capable of defending itself.


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Just a quick note...
my cheap little Beta... so under appreciated.
I put 4 x m3a (also vastly underappreciated) on my little minnie winnie and ran the ICC mission chain.
Was surprisingly effective and more than a little fun.
(Biggest problem is getting out... she's a jealous biwitch and doesn't like you to leave.)

If you have a Beta, go all cannon on it and give her a spin.
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