Piracy Piracy Division/Squadron Organization Brainstorm


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I gotta be honest here, I'm a bit off put at no one (at least as far as I've seen) having their input on the forums gathered over who's in charge of this division as a whole.

This is absolutely nothing personal against anyone, you know I love you Krystal/Frisbee we cool. This also isn't me being salty that I wasn't picked because god knows I would never sign myself up for it.

But it's a bit unnerving how this basically came out of nowhere. This isn't like Black Sunder theorycrafting 500000 words a day and getting a division because he is crazy. I've never seen anyone really post about piracy beyond me starting the big thread about it....which to be frank neither of you guys were super active on compared to most of the people who frequented the thread. Which is no biggie inofitself, but you can see how it's a bit odd for this to come out of the blue with no input gathered from the people who have professed an interest in it.

This just seems really out of left field and again, I must stress this is nothing personal in any way shape or form, but I can't help but feel that this was kinda pushed over everyones head without any say from the rank and file members.


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
I honestly just found out a few days ago that TEST had divisions, so I went looking for something. I found 2 threads that looked recently active and so I started posting. Honestly, I thought I was still in the other thread. If I did something wrong, then let me know. I may have signed up for TEST 6 months ago, but I really wan't on these forums till about a week ago. I don't know who is who unless I've seen them on the RSI forums. I'm just trying to talk about piracy and share ideas.

I want to pirate the verse with some fine people and I feel the only way I'll do that is by talking with people.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
But it's a bit unnerving how this basically came out of nowhere. This isn't like Black Sunder theorycrafting 500000 words a day and getting a division because he is crazy.
I'm......I'm not THAT crazy.
I'm insane and you'd do well to know the difference. *looks around several times*

Also RR is looking forward to working with you guys and giving you any info we come across in regards to other orgs......procuring....our rightful resources. We'll bring the Reclaimers to clean up after you don't you worry. No traces.


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm just glad i found an org that allows working with pirates, making illegal drugs, smuggling, black markets, drinking and flying.
I'm actually pretty stoked that someone wants to do this. It's just going to add to my list of things that I'll want to steal. Guns and components are easy, but other things like hydrogen peroxide, sodium chloride, and potassium nitrate or other materials will be more fun. It's like a scavenger hunt.

Everyone knows that knows that pirates like to steal weapons and stuff, but then they'll see me sneaking around with a cargo bay full of table salt. Police will be like, "There goes SteveTank, the table salt bandit." Little did they know that we're pulling the sodium and chloride apart from the salt to make sodium powered explosives and chlorine gas grenades! Muhahahahahaha!

Just something additional to do.

Krystal LeChuck

Meme Meister
Staff member
Jun 10, 2014
RSI Handle
I gotta be honest here, I'm a bit off put at no one (at least as far as I've seen) having their input on the forums gathered over who's in charge of this division as a whole.

This is absolutely nothing personal against anyone, you know I love you Krystal/Frisbee we cool. This also isn't me being salty that I wasn't picked because god knows I would never sign myself up for it.

But it's a bit unnerving how this basically came out of nowhere. This isn't like Black Sunder theorycrafting 500000 words a day and getting a division because he is crazy. I've never seen anyone really post about piracy beyond me starting the big thread about it....which to be frank neither of you guys were super active on compared to most of the people who frequented the thread. Which is no biggie inofitself, but you can see how it's a bit odd for this to come out of the blue with no input gathered from the people who have professed an interest in it.

This just seems really out of left field and again, I must stress this is nothing personal in any way shape or form, but I can't help but feel that this was kinda pushed over everyones head without any say from the rank and file members.
We managed to steal a whole division of a 10k+ organisation under your nose without anyone knowing about it. I think we are qualified...

Joking aside, this division has been discussed and decided literally years ago. Even before your mega-thread actually. What we have been waiting for is actual piracy mechanics to come online. You should have known that theorycrafting is neither mine or Frisbee's cup of tea, so you shouldn't be too hopeful that there will be much active participation in all those threads.

With that said, we have been watching members that have been actively involved and expressed in the aspect, and will be sending out PMs and invites soon on members to form a command body for the division.

As for the name it is a placeholder for now and is subject to change. I know TEST PALS has been a favorite of many (including me) and was not used simply for the reason that this is a Division, not a squadron. If someone wants to create TEST PALS under this Division, they are welcome to do so.


Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Damn! They always told me size don't matter, and I even almost believed them, but reading some of this thread...gave me a whole new concept of dimension.

That being put out of the way, I can see this is a true pirate "organization", as power struggles seem to arise even before there's anythin' worth stealin' or killin'. This reminds me of a scene in the last Riddick movie, when he cuts the belly of one of'em monsters and spills its guts all over the floor. Lackin' the ability to pursue him, the monster decides to feed on its own guts.

Minute 3:30.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtiDi0N7jRc

Perhaps it'd do ya'all some good to inform yourselves about Nassau's history. Blackbeard was actually elected, and that only happened AFTER he proved himself to be one of the smartest pirates out there.
Last edited:


Dec 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Damn! They always told me size don't matter, and I even almost believed them, but reading some of this thread...gave me a whole new concept of dimension.

That being put out of the way, I can see this is a true pirate "organization", as power struggles seem to arise even before there's anythin' worth stealin' or killin'. This reminds me of a scene in the last Riddick movie, when he cuts the belly of one of'em monsters and spills its guts all over the floor. Lackin' the ability to pursue him, the monster decides to feed on its own guts.

Minute 3:30
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtiDi0N7jRc

Perhaps it'd do ya'all some good to inform yourselves about Nassau's history. Blackbeard was actually elected, and that only happened AFTER he proved himself to be one of the smartest pirates out there.
Nice, someone that knows about pirate history. Pirate structure was actually quite well organised even to the point of pirates getting a wage for disability such as getting a higher cut no pun intended for losing a limb in combat. As well as everyone abiding by a set pirate code of laws anyone that disrespected a command was dealt with harsh punishment mostly death. Disobedience was NOT tolerated.


Dec 31, 2014
RSI Handle
With that said, we have been watching members that have been actively involved and expressed in the aspect, and will be sending out PMs and invites soon on members to form a command body for the division.

As for the name it is a placeholder for now and is subject to change. I know TEST PALS has been a favorite of many (including me) and was not used simply for the reason that this is a Division, not a squadron. If someone wants to create TEST PALS under this Division, they are welcome to do so.
Then I think the question I have to ask is what exactly is the role the division plans on playing in this groups day to day. I also get not everyone is a theory crafter, but I always appreciate getting some insight from those who plan on being at the top. So, I can understand a bit of why squeaker is put off. Sorry to call you out Krystal, I have seen your other posts in this thread, but with what you know of the game now, can you shortly sum up how you and Frisbee plan on running this division?


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Just tell me who I can't rob and I'll figure it out from there. If we have some fences. give me their numbers. If we don't have a fence, the I'll take that role. I don't need to be attacking all the time, I just need to know what we're doing with the products. Are we recycling to other TESTies, stockpiling a war fund, or turning it over for more credits.

I just need a list of people to send reports to to show progress. I can keep them basic or I can give you the whole business meeting version and present it before the board of directors if you want. Pie charts, estimated production values, quotas, whatever. Not necessarily someone who's in charge of my actions but someone who's could use this piracy data. You know? Like if I'm bringing in tons and tons of Rattler 2 missiles, maybe I should be selling them to Dave McBackstabbin instead of NPC Jim. I wouldn't know that Dave needed those but someone who's looking after all of our data could know and inform me so that I'm taking my goods to the best person. Maybe Dave needs them because they are going out on Thursday to acquire an IDRIS from a donating org and they won't know that me need their IDRIS unless we signal them with enough Rattler 2 missiles.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Man, I for one cannot wait to see what mechanics they put in place for piracy. If they'll have legalish privateering work in the form of marks or contacts, etc. The privateering thread has some great ideas, and I'm excited to see how they all play out. Stealing ships with @Shadow Reaper will probably be one of the most difficult and rewarding things in this game.
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