Piracy Piracy Division/Squadron Organization Brainstorm

Aug 12, 2017
RSI Handle
As I've said in many threads, I don't mind working a turret or engineering on someone else's ship. We'll make plans and do awesome things when the time comes :slight_smile: For now we just have to collect ships :smile:
Yeah. I'd like to get good at all the jobs on the Crucible / Reclaimer and you can't do that from the pilot seat so happy to crew anything really :-)


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah. I'd like to get good at all the jobs on the Crucible / Reclaimer and you can't do that from the pilot seat so happy to crew anything really :slight_smile:
Great. Then you'll have to join me when we have the Reclaimer buffet and eat my Idris. We need our Reclaimers to taste blood and crave more :)
Aug 12, 2017
RSI Handle
Great. Then you'll have to join me when we have the Reclaimer buffet and eat my Idris. We need our Reclaimers to taste blood and crave more :slight_smile:
HAHAHA I'm there......I'm pretty sure I'll fly a knox into the grinder before death means much..... For science...
Aug 12, 2017
RSI Handle
We'll probably have races to repair a Hornet too.
I reckon Hornets and Gladius' will be our main task at the start (probably both fixing and tearing apart). An endless stream of people mumbling "well there wasn't one of THOSE in pirate swarm" as the Idris cruises slowly into the distance.


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
I reckon Hornets and Gladius' will be our main task at the start (probably both fixing and tearing apart). An endless stream of people mumbling "well there wasn't one of THOSE in pirate swarm" as the Idris cruises slowly into the distance.
I want to see if we can fit 16 Auroras in the Idris and 3 in each Crucible to have an instant Aurora Borealis attack!

Marcel Busse

Space Marshal
Sep 18, 2016
RSI Handle
please apply to theese rules, or i cant get into a german affiliate coorp and have to leave TEST piracy.

- we dont grieve
- we dont attack ships just in order to destroy them or destroy them and salvage rather damage them.
- crime stat downhacking will be only supported to level 2 or any equivalent later
- if you have a longer time crimestat or public enemy, youll have to hack it down yourself, in order to partipicate fleet actions
- ship boarding: is still to discussed with my former coorp
- test coorp ship attacking : omitted
- DSC ship attacking : omitted (deutsche space cargo)

Marcel Busse

Space Marshal
Sep 18, 2016
RSI Handle
ok scrap that, im now also member of our 404 squad, can we define some rules for sensitive players which cannot have crime stat?

ok, this sounds crazy, a pirate without crimestat, but if i need to make a covert ops mission, or stay together with merchants and spy them out etc.

it must be kept very secret what im doing...
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Marcel Busse

Space Marshal
Sep 18, 2016
RSI Handle
its only important that i get no crimestat.

boarding actions, shooting ships down is what i cannot do, and every pirate should warn the trader to release the cargo, or we will be all public enemies in a short time.

this is what raiders do, not pirates.
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Hard to make rules for things we dont know yet.
hard impossible to make rules all 14,000 members can agree on

harder still to enforce them

you can spend your time enforcing the rules, or playing the game - which would you rather do?
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
So fellows, I made this an offshoot of the "main" pirate thread so we could debate/brainstorm about the organization and layout of the (still to be officially named) Pirate Division.

Some prefaces:

1) We don't have a leader right now as far as I know.
2) This isn't an official "LETS DECIDE THIS RIGHT NOW!" thread, just theorycrafting.
3) I'm not in charge of anything in any official capacity beyond shitposting a lot.
4) Piracy does not mean griefing players, additionally any and ALL TEST members are completely off limits.

With that said I want to propose a break from a traditional organization structure into something more....anarchist. Very little emphasis on a centralized command structure, much more power in the hands of semi-independent squadron captains.

Example: my hypothetical squadron is pretty laid back and we specialize in relatively bloodless snatch n' grabs where we give people the option of ransom or surrender. Someone else's squad might be much more serious and decide to take no prisoners. You, as an "independent contractor" decide which squadron is more to your liking and go hang with them. If you wanna change your mind and jump ship then that's always an option as long as you follow your new squadrons rules.

I think this would be a much simpler layout, especially since we will probably have tons of pirate squads spread out all over the place. I shouldn't need to ask permission from Momma WhoeverTheHellsInCharge to go attack some poor Hull-A drifting through my space. If it's not TEST or TEST-aligned, then it's fair game IMO.

This also lets some squadrons feel free to specialize if they so wish. A squad could focus on disabling and boarding ships for the prospect of reselling them on the black market, while another specializes in large scale convoy hits. Both are free, and encouraged, to team up and take advantage of the others strengths and to cover each's weaknesses.

We would need some people in charge naturally, like a Diplomatic representative to TEST leadership who could speak for all of us at important meetings, and be someone for outsiders to reach out to if need be. Also might need some people like neutral arbitrators in case we have disputes over who got to X convoy first, etc etc.

But then again I could be completely wrong, IDK. As always your thoughts and feedback are appreciated.

On a side note: once the game is more feature complete we might need to get with the Escort people and talk about independent escorts on non-TEST cargo vessels. I'm not going to call off a whole raid because some random Hull C hired 1 TEST Escort. But I don't want to either have to disable or destroy a TEST pilot, or make him just give up and possibly tarnish the rep of the Escort/Combat division as a whole. IDK, its a tricky question.
I have a few suggestions pertaining to the leadership issues of the Piracy portion of our community.
1. In the spirit of classic piracy, the various squadrons should choose their own leaders through democratic means.
2. Each of these pirate leaders should be afforded a position within a council of commanders.
3. This council of commanders should in turn elect leadership themselves who will work in assisting in organizing the various squads in such a manner that toes are not stepped on to prevent internal conflicts. They would also act as representatives of the council & in turn those under their leadership in arbitrating issues between the piracy branch of our wonderful TEST Squadron with the other leaders of TEST.
4. If I'm not mistaken, I believe that CIG has stated that a stolen ship becomes the temporary property of the person controlling it. Once those on-board have departed it or logged off for more than 5 min the ship will de-spawn. As such, I recommend that stolen ships be handled like laundered money so to speak. Once taken, it should be crashed / wrecked, then have as much of those ships salvaged which can then be sold as scrap potentially cleanly. Think chop shop on steroids.

As for not harming fellow TEST members who might happen to be hired as escorts on various random PUG runs, I suggest that once the raid is over & the profit tallied up (after financial costs, expenses & losses of the members of the raid) from the various sales, that those fellow members of TEST be paid out of the profits to compensate for their actual losses to be made whole before the rest of the profit is then distributed to those members of the raid. Thus, the TEST member can be free to perform his task which they were hired for without loss of reputation tarnishment & the TEST raiders can also be free to act as though there are none of their fellow TESTies working within their targets.

I welcome the thoughts & opinions of those why read this to be stated freely & openly.
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Marcel Busse

Space Marshal
Sep 18, 2016
RSI Handle
there is just the limitation, afaik with the crimestat, according to negative npc reactions for merchants etc.

some say, crimestat will be always downhackable, others say you have to choose your side in being pirate or not.

because of this, i hold back now saying to other coorps, im a pirate, cause most think first those are all griefers.

also when im in crusader, atm, that i get no crimestat. all those dramas according players like virtual ace and so on made me a bit uncertain where to go and what to say.

maybe if we know more about how crime will finally work ingame we dont need to hold back with that anymore.
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Marcel Busse

Space Marshal
Sep 18, 2016
RSI Handle
i have made bad experience in coorps with a tree organisation form. wasnt test standing for new form of leadership?

all 500+ german coorps, it is said, will break apart in a medium amount of time, cause of this.

this organisation form leads to splitting up the test player base, and harassing other members.

its always bad if a so called leader has a problem with you, or for example, better there is an ashole which knows your lead personally...... all happened before, beware!
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Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
ok scrap that, im now also member of our 404 squad, can we define some rules for sensitive players which cannot have crime stat?

ok, this sounds crazy, a pirate without crimestat, but if i need to make a covert ops mission, or stay together with merchants and spy them out etc.

it must be kept very secret what im doing...
Posting this should be against the rules. We don't talk about 404 :P
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Posting this should be against the rules. We don't talk about 404 :P
404 is for roleplayers

a public covert ops group is a contradiction in terms

especially in an org with no requirements for membership
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