With 19k+ TESTies, just zerg rush 'em. Alone we are but drops of water, but together we form a MIGHTY torrent!
So it's finding something most players have been able to do and potentially prove without making it Drill Sargent Simulator (unless some players in test want to play like that as I say Harrys ride Harrys rules yo). Accreditation sort of goes against the grain of TEST "your game your play" spirit in that the number of people wanting to join the digital version of the "No Homers Club" may be a bit small (
), however I have a thought:
The one thing almost all of us will be doing in regard to SC is playing s42. We've backed the BDSSE why would we not play the single player mode?
Harry wants people who have been though some expiriance, and what is s42 if not a standardized expiriance of life in the 'Verse? It may not be able to pinpoint a sharp-shooter but being able to recruit a crew who have completed s42 on Hard mode is going to result in a "better" more survivable crew than a crew who have only passed it on "Easy" mode or not completed single player at all...
If there is a requirement for accreditation for some captains, I'd think that would be a way to do it without getting our spreadsheets out and hazing people by pushing them down a hill on microtech in the Locker From Another Universe.. It is using something we will all be playing anyway, and encourages those who are into pew pew to go further than Easy mode and get some replayability out of it.
I think that's as close to win-win as Harry is going to get while having a standardized set of grading criteria...? Plus you'd be able to prove it with Spectrum badges which you know they'll hand out for being able to complete s42 on a given setting.
Playing s42 could be TESTs version of National Service. You don't play s42 you are a Cadet. You play but don't complete you are a Lieutenant. You pass Easy you are a Captain. You pass Medium you are a Major. You pass Hard you are a Brigadier... That also lets players coming to Harrys ship know what they are getting in to. He wants a crew of Majors but is a Lieutenant? Don't let the door hit you on your way out Harry, unless you have the UEC to make it worth my time on your tub you miserable little maggot?!
Seems like the logical way forward for competency and standardization... any specialist requirements can either be then tested for, or there might be sharp-shooter badges to earn in s42 which can then be used to prove a level of competence in a certain skill for the PU?
That is, if Harry wants that to be the entry requirement to his ship. The entry requirement to mine will be a six-pack and foot long hot-dog sacrifice to Montoya
Looking at the example of Lieutenant Harry and the Org which is TEST, I think it would depend on what criteria Harry puts on entry to his ship. It's Harrys ride and Harrys rules, what plays on his stereo is his choice.So look, Harry buys a Polaris. He needs an EM warfare/scan guy, a navigator, a couple engineers, half dozen turret gunners, a really sharpshooting gunner for the chin mount and missile launchers, and a Master Sargent to lead a couple other PCs each leading small teams of marines. About a dozen guys, presuming the marines are NPCs. The captain of that ship knows he's not going to get the same dozen guys every time he has available, so he'll be drawing from some sort of lists of who can do those jobs. If he can't organize that kind of small group regularly, he won't be playing his game regularly. He'll throw up his hands and go solo mining. This problem grows exponentially with growth in ship/crew size.
So it's finding something most players have been able to do and potentially prove without making it Drill Sargent Simulator (unless some players in test want to play like that as I say Harrys ride Harrys rules yo). Accreditation sort of goes against the grain of TEST "your game your play" spirit in that the number of people wanting to join the digital version of the "No Homers Club" may be a bit small (

The one thing almost all of us will be doing in regard to SC is playing s42. We've backed the BDSSE why would we not play the single player mode?
Harry wants people who have been though some expiriance, and what is s42 if not a standardized expiriance of life in the 'Verse? It may not be able to pinpoint a sharp-shooter but being able to recruit a crew who have completed s42 on Hard mode is going to result in a "better" more survivable crew than a crew who have only passed it on "Easy" mode or not completed single player at all...
If there is a requirement for accreditation for some captains, I'd think that would be a way to do it without getting our spreadsheets out and hazing people by pushing them down a hill on microtech in the Locker From Another Universe.. It is using something we will all be playing anyway, and encourages those who are into pew pew to go further than Easy mode and get some replayability out of it.
I think that's as close to win-win as Harry is going to get while having a standardized set of grading criteria...? Plus you'd be able to prove it with Spectrum badges which you know they'll hand out for being able to complete s42 on a given setting.
Playing s42 could be TESTs version of National Service. You don't play s42 you are a Cadet. You play but don't complete you are a Lieutenant. You pass Easy you are a Captain. You pass Medium you are a Major. You pass Hard you are a Brigadier... That also lets players coming to Harrys ship know what they are getting in to. He wants a crew of Majors but is a Lieutenant? Don't let the door hit you on your way out Harry, unless you have the UEC to make it worth my time on your tub you miserable little maggot?!
Seems like the logical way forward for competency and standardization... any specialist requirements can either be then tested for, or there might be sharp-shooter badges to earn in s42 which can then be used to prove a level of competence in a certain skill for the PU?
That is, if Harry wants that to be the entry requirement to his ship. The entry requirement to mine will be a six-pack and foot long hot-dog sacrifice to Montoya

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