RSI Polaris


Space Marshal
May 22, 2014
RSI Handle
Then why not call the carrack (a former military ship) at least a former corvette? If not a actual corvette.

Its not important in any way wether they call it one or not, and likly im one of the verry few that it bugs. Just my opinion on it.
Corvette does not refer to its size but rather its functionality. It is the smallest military warship with armaments in the low to medium range, designed for maneuverability to take out fighters and other smaller to maybe similar sized ships. Its not designed to punch above its weight class so unlike a tali its not going to take down a frigate unless its in numbers i.e. 3-4 together. It functions mainly as an escort and would be the ideal go to ship to watch over miners and other non combatant members.

The carrack even in the military was more of a exploration and resource scout. It would scout points of significance and report back. The only problem with the functionality of a carrack is that its radar does not indicate a long range ship sensor. If it had this function, it would have been labelled with a command and control option like the hornet tracker, 890J, constellation phoenix etc. Point is it was not a warship even if it was in the military.
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
Corvette does not refer to its size but rather its functionality. It is the smallest military warship with armaments in the low to medium range, designed for maneuverability to take out fighters and other smaller to maybe similar sized ships. Its not designed to punch above its weight class so unlike a tali its not going to take down a frigate unless its in numbers i.e. 3-4 together. It functions mainly as an escort and would be the ideal go to ship to watch over miners and other non combatant members.

The carrack even in the military was more of a exploration and resource scout. It would scout points of significance and report back. The only problem with the functionality of a carrack is that its radar does not indicate a long range ship sensor. If it had this function, it would have been labelled with a command and control option like the hornet tracker, 890J, constellation phoenix etc. Point is it was not a warship even if it was in the military.
This guy gets it. Size does not determine classification but rather role and size to a degree. The polaris is whats going to keep fighters and bombers away.

The carrack is a active (and not retiring like the gladius) military ship, it is like the h1 to the original hmwwv. They are exactly the same except the gunner turret (well even some h1 had the turret). The main difference was the crypto equipment could not be purchased to be replaced.

The carrack were meant to either find new paths or hunt down enemies in wormhole space. Although it not a frontline fight i imagine it can do C3 capabilities in wormholes space.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Corvettes are historically best at running down smaller ships. The last thing you want is not use the speed they're famous for and get caught up in a slug-match with a larger vessel. All of the larger ships have "anti-ship" weapons intended to do massive damage to relatively stationary targets, such as big cap ships. One hit from these "spinal mount" weapons would likely destroy a true Corvette, so if you are sure you want to be involved on a Corvette in fleet actions, best is probably to join not the picket, which is normally made of Frigates, but the group riding the periphery, looking to eliminate scouts and incoming fighter wings. It is because Corvettes are too small to take hits from capital ships, that they normally do not form the picket and are not normally considered "capital ships". They are much faster than true cap ships.

It is the non-fleet engagements that Corvettes can take on that interest me the most--interdiction and such. In any case, Corvettes do generally look to focus on ships smaller than themselves except when they are filling the pirate and privateering roles, and are used as boarding craft. Almost all the most famous piracy (16th and 17th century Spanish Main and Barbary piracy) was done with ships the size of Corvettes that were over-crewed so they could board larger ships and take them intact.


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
In a lot of the sci-fi lore i know, corvettes tend to be relatively fast, less-armored with a lot of small weaponry rather than few big guns, making them more of a "fight off swarms of enemy fighters" ship than a "help big ships fight big ships" ship. In fleet ops I see them as guarding the flanks and afts of the biggest ships against fighter and bomber attacks, using their speed and manouverability to dance around getting locked by the more powerful STS and spinal guns.

I know it bears the name "frigate" but to those an into star wars as me, Im thinking the lancer class frigate, specifically designed to keep X and Y wings off capital ships (designed after snubfighters were able to destroy the death star)

In non-fleet ops I see the corvette as a smaller convoy escort. This is the role real corvettes filled were in WWII, acting as fleethund, while the bigger ships stay with the convoy the corvettes would chase out towards the attacking subs and try to depth charge them. In SC lore im seeing the corvettes escorting small convoys, *or* in big convoys guarded by an Idris or two, you have 2 or 3 corvettes to chase out towards the attacking ships, forcing the attackers to deal with the corvettes rather than attack the convoy.

I also forsee them fulfilling a capital ship and station boarding role.

TLDR Pew pew pew, dakka dakka pew dakka pchew pchew pchew


Grand Admiral
Jul 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Where did Ben say this? I want to know! :) I'm really hoping that this ends up being true. Not saying what you put was false @Snakey . It's just that things have a habit of getting more expensive and bigger. ;)
I don't know exactly where but I heard it from some one in genral who said it was said in an episode of atv or bensday

But low key they're gonna ramp up the price probs


Space Marshal
Nov 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Trolls! All of you! @Snakey @Sam K Macer ;) I completely forgot about that episode of Redacted. I watched it and was like, "wtfosaurus..... bold move Cotton. Bold move." :) Seriously, though I hope it is $500 or less. I personally doubt it though. I'm guessing like $600-$750 personally. But thanks for the link.
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